Does anyone here know if the arduino microprocessor can be programmed to do a series of things, one after the other? Ex: do a then b, then c, etc? I'm thinking of building a automated hopper car un-loader.
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Of course they can! It can even check inputs and go the the next step based on external trigger criteria. If you can write down a series of steps, you can program it to follow them.
If you fire up the google machine there are many (as in many x many x many) sketches (Arduino code) out there which may come close to what you are looking for. The code is simple enough to program but I find that I learn best by example, so having something that is pretty close that I can modify is often a good route to take.
I have used an Arduino to sense a train entering an isolated rail section, stop the train by toggling power through a relay, reversing the direction of the E-unit with two more toggles, wait 20 seconds in idle, and then toggle power once more to proceed in the forward direction. Then I changed it to count the number of times it passed through the isolated section and stop only after so many passes. All sequential operations reacting to an external event.
You should have no trouble using one to unload hopper cars. Just be sure to use a proper funnel.