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All rollers on the WBB engines that I have measure 1 inch from the hinge to the roller center. Are there any WBB rollers that are 0.5 inches from hinge to center that are interchangeable?


I just got one of the new WBB RS3 engines and really like it EXCEPT for some reason WBB changed the pickup roller spacing to 8.5 inches vs. the 7.5 inches on all of my other WBB engines. That extra inch ends up putting both rollers in just the wrong place on three locations on my layout where the 7.5 inch spacing has been bullet proof. 0.5 inch rollers if available would solve that.



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Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Another option is one or two of the dual roller assemblies.  If you can make them fit, you get more contact points to improve the track connectivity.


Had not thought of that John. Would work great if I can figure it out. There is more than enough room in the truck but the wire feed thru is in the wrong place.

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