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I am interested in a set of D&H shark engines for my collection. I run and collect mostly "scale" sized equipment. I know that Lionel, MTH, and Weaver brass sharknose engines are more detailed (and cost more). However, assuming that they are dimensionally scale I am willing to go with a set of WBB sharks. Can anyone comment on whether they are scale size or not? Thanks.

Apologies if this belongs in the "Three Rail Scale Forum"

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The Williams shark bodies are scale length, width and height.  Versus the prototype, the Williams windshields are too vertical and the wheelbase of the trucks is too short.  Weaver, MTH (used the Weaver tooling) and Lionel all got the windshield slope correct.  Weaver and Lionel trucks are the correct length (Weaver's is so slightly short that it is really hard to see) whereas MTH used shorty trucks like the Williams.  It also looks like the top of the Williams nose might be too flat, but I haven't measured it.

For the price, the Williams sharks pass the "layout test" of looking like a shark when rolling by with a train or when seen from a few feet away.

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