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Layout is starting to come together slowly. Hooked up my first ever switch (RH No.5) this morning. Really good day! The switch crisply "snaps" to the switch track when I press the control button but it is a lot more anemic when shifting to the straight leg when I hit the button. Tried it on different hard flat surfaces to be sure. In fact, most of the times when switching to the straight leg, even the brown plastic manual shift tab only moves about 3/4 of the way. A couple times it moved only halfway and I hit the button again to make it go farther over. Is this a simple adjustment per the directions that come with it? Or will tightening it make it snap too hard on the switch leg that already snaps over very crisply? Thanks.
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Greg - you're right. There are three wires from switch to control unit. Then 2 from control unit to power source. This is correctly hooked up. But I have the two wires from control unit connected to the power ports that you would use to power a loop of track. Full disclosure - I'm reading a lot and can usually follow instructions, but I'm far from an electronics expert.
Well, it might be overkill, but I purposely created a homasote island (just for the switch and machine) that I glued to the plywood because of all the helpful threads on this forum about how these switches need to be perfectly flat with no flex. I press the button for a second. I too have a Z4K. I will do what you've recommended and hook it up to the 14v acc port. But realistically, if it snaps crisply to one side and is anemically switching to other side, I can't see that this is a power issue. It seems to me more like a calibration issue. But then this is my first switch machine so what do I know ...

Try switching the two outside leads on the switch machine to see if the inverse happens. If it works the opposite of what you have you will know it is not the switch machine or the turnout, but likely a connection or the control button. Also look for any binding in the turnout itself  if it works the same when the leads are switched. I use the # 57 controllers with a  non-derail board on the Atlas turnouts, once installed they are mostly trouble free. Fred

I have had my best luck with the Atlas machines connecting them to a 22 to 24 volt supply.  Holding the button down for 1 second will lead to coil failures.  Your hope is that the switch motor SNAPS very quickly.  I also never put any screws in the switch itself as the points seems to move better if there is no flex anywhere in the switch.  These machines are very easy to destroy by pushing the button 3 or 4 times quickly. once the machine is stuck, it would be better to switch it back the other direction and then back to the direction you want.  The coils magnetic force is stronger on the plunger at the begining of the throw than at the middle or end of the stroke.


When I was only using 14  or so volts, I burned out six or eight machines.  Since I started using 22 volts, I have not burned one out.


By the way, this advice was given to me by an engineer at Atlas.


Good luck and happy railroading,


Don has it correct.  By under powering the switch motor, one has a tendency to push the button several times to get the switch to throw all the way....and this will cause over heating.  Best to power it per Don's advice and push the button once.  While I don't power any of my switches right now ( I like to walk around with the train and interact with it when switching needs to be done) I have had similar problems and found that what Don mentions in his post above is in fact what makes the Atlas motors work correctly.



Thanks for the advice. Will try implementing the general consensus advice. Wanted to point out that somewhere along the line this thread took a detour. My point was that the Atlas switch fires crisply to one side and not to the other - not that getting it work requires me to push button several times. I too have it connected to the atlas #57 controller and the CW80 was turned all the way up to where you would use it to power a train (like 18-19 v). Thanks again.

A couple of small tweaks that may help. 

(1.) Loosen the mounting screws that attach the switch motor to the switch.

(2.) The spring loaded non-derail feature can be adjusted by moving the very small pin and stretching the spring tighter.  Sometimes this corrects errant throw.   Use caution not to power the Atlas, or other momentary switch motors, for more than momentary power throw, they can be easily destroyed.


Stuck button results.



Originally Posted by DGJONES:
Originally Posted by PJB:. A couple times it moved only halfway and I hit the button again to make it go farther over.

MJB:  Sorry if I miss interpreted that you were only pushing the button one time when  I responded.


Happy railroading,



Don - no problem.  I can see how my post could have been confusing.  Taken out of context, I can see how a detail about my hitting the button and then hitting it again (to see if it made a difference in shifting the rail all the way over) could be confusing.  To reiterate - the reason for my post was because the switch is snapping crisply to one side and anemically, or not completely, to the other.  


As an update - I didn't yet get a chance to try any of the helpful advice posted here. But I should point out that I think it really is a calibration issue with this particular switch.  As I had mentioned above, loosening screws, roadbed flex, etc. are non-issues for my problem as I tested the switch - by itself right out of the box - on several hard flat surfaces.  Wasn’t screwed down or attached to anything else.  And, I also pulled another new RH No.5 switch from its box last night and did the exact same things - and it works just fine.  So basically, back to my initial query – if it’s snapping crisply to one side and not so much to the other, if I take the machine apart and tighten things up, is the a good idea?  I mean, it would probably “fix” the problem, but wouldn’t it also make the thing snap too hard to the side that works just fine now?  


I plan to call Atlas too.  Last thing I want to do is monkey around with a brand new switch and then find out I’ve voided any warranty.   





Originally Posted by Dale H:

throw with capacitor discharge ,it eliminates the possibility of a meltdown.


Dale H

As a total non-electrical person, the only "capacitor" I know of is the Flux Capacitor in the time-traveling Delorean.  I'll Google this later. 


As an update - I spoke with Atlas.  Very pleasant people.  I'm posting this in case it helps anyone else:


After asking a few questions about how smooth it operates manually and the surface conditions, Atlas said it could be : (a) the No. #57 unit that's firing the switch being faulty; (b) the switch simply needing to break-in (given manually operating it is just as smooth in both directions) - so try firing it for a few days and see if the problem remains; or (c) there is a problem with the machine itself.

Between all the helpful advice here and Atlas input, I have a better handle on possible issues and plan to report back on how things progress - thank you once again for all the help.



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