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I am going to need a nice bridge for my new layout.  In fact it will be a focal point.  From pictures I really like the Atlas Pratt Truss bridge but at 40 inches it is much too long.  I need no more than 24 inches.  Can the bridge be easily shortened or can I build what I need from the Atlas extension kit.

Suggestions for other bridges welcome but they cannot extend too far below the bridge deck since I could have clearance problems




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Originally Posted by Al Galli:

I am going to need a nice bridge for my new layout.  In fact it will be a focal point.  From pictures I really like the Atlas Pratt Truss bridge but at 40 inches it is much too long.  I need no more than 24 inches.  Can the bridge be easily shortened or can I build what I need from the Atlas extension kit.

Suggestions for other bridges welcome but they cannot extend too far below the bridge deck since I could have clearance problems





I have not shortened, but I just looked at my double track one, and I suspect the single track version is assembled similarly.


In looking at the truss design, you could remove a 13" portion - essentially two of the full squares (I'm sure these have a technical name).  The end truss (triangular part) could be attached to this remaining section.  The deck would need a similar cut.  It is made of plastic, with Atlas rails, and two steel supports running lengthwise under each set of rails for strength and support.  These could be cut with a hacksaw or a Dremel.  This would get you to a length of 27".  Any shorter and the geometry of the trusses will get tricky.  However, the trusses are cosmetic only and not structural. (mine has been up a year and I've not yet assembled the trusses).


Like I stated, I have not done this.  However, if I needed it shorter, I would not be reluctant to tear into it (and I'm no master model railroader <g>.


From the construction of the bridge, it looks like you could cut out a section, but you have to measure the trusses so they'll be positioned properly. Also, there are steel stringers that go inside the under girders which will also have to be shortened. I'm going to the club tomorrow and I can take a couple of measurements off one of the bridges on the layout.

I considered going that route and then settled on a Warren Truss from Silk City Bridgeworks built to size, 24". The cost for a double-track version is about the same as a new Atlas bridge. I don't know how prices compare between a single or with used bridges, however. With Silk City I think I am getting an equally beautiful bridge without the hassle and risk of permanent damage. Look at Silk City's Facebook page if you want ideas or to see their work.

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