Originally Posted by Al Galli:
I am going to need a nice bridge for my new layout. In fact it will be a focal point. From pictures I really like the Atlas Pratt Truss bridge but at 40 inches it is much too long. I need no more than 24 inches. Can the bridge be easily shortened or can I build what I need from the Atlas extension kit.
Suggestions for other bridges welcome but they cannot extend too far below the bridge deck since I could have clearance problems
I have not shortened, but I just looked at my double track one, and I suspect the single track version is assembled similarly.
In looking at the truss design, you could remove a 13" portion - essentially two of the full squares (I'm sure these have a technical name). The end truss (triangular part) could be attached to this remaining section. The deck would need a similar cut. It is made of plastic, with Atlas rails, and two steel supports running lengthwise under each set of rails for strength and support. These could be cut with a hacksaw or a Dremel. This would get you to a length of 27". Any shorter and the geometry of the trusses will get tricky. However, the trusses are cosmetic only and not structural. (mine has been up a year and I've not yet assembled the trusses).
Like I stated, I have not done this. However, if I needed it shorter, I would not be reluctant to tear into it (and I'm no master model railroader <g>