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Group, I didn't realize how big the Atlas roundhouse really is !
I would like to shorten the length by 7.5 inches.
It will still house my engines. I figured out I can't cut any thing
Off the front it won't line up with the Atlas turntable so
I have to shorten from the back of the building.
Has anyone modified or kitbashed this building?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you

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you might and want to try to sawcut (carefully) the long side pieces with a large powered mitre saw or shorten the sides by hand with a fine toothed saw. Score the point where you want to make your cut with a sharp razor knife following a metal straight edge/guide....then cut it by hand...Study how its going to tie into the back wall first and then decide where to make the cut.


Nick B


Thanks so much. Your advice is a big help.

Scoring first, thanks that will help make the cuts,

easier. I have several sharp razor saws and will hand

cut. The scoring will ensure a good cut.


I will double check how it will line up in the

back. Thanks again.


I will probably move ahead on this project next week.


Thanks, Nick.



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