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Has anyone ever changed the factory lighting on these over to directional lighting???  I have already installed a ERR mini commander  to control the electric couplers.  There are circuit boards for the front and rear lights. And white wires coming out of them going to off/on switches under the cabs.  So at present you can configure your lighting manually, Which in itself is a real pain.  Any tips or hints,  I called and left message with BILL AT Atlas but no return calls yet...






Original Post

If the on/off switches then connect to track power, you may be able to simply take the wire from the board and connect it to the directional outputs of the ERR board.  The MC-EX has the capability of several hundred milliamps of current for the lights.  It would be useful to have some close-up shots of the lighting board to see if they're polarity sensitive as I believe they use LED's in the Atlas product.

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