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   Been trying to wire about 9 Atlas switches and been having a problem with some of them.  Have them going through AUI and also have the throw switches on control board.  Some of the switches "stick" and wont throw but get a "Hum" sound.  Took some apart and they worked fine when manual lever is used, I put the cover back on and they work maybe one time and then wont throw seems the "spring" and lever get off track ( I also adjusted the spring tension but no avail) .  One switch worked good and then stopped.  I find these Atlas switches very temperamental and not made to well.  Now some on the forum like the Atlas and others like the Ross, this is not my debate, although I should have went with Ross.  It's late in the game now for me to switch out and not very $ cost effective to buy or change track or new switches,  so what remedies  are available to be.  Do I need a better control switch for control board ? Are the under board switch machines better.  I followed the wiring from the DCS book and I know the wiring is done right since about 4 of the switches work fine.  I don't know if the switch not working burned out since it did not throw.  This really drives my patients  trying to figure it out and why some are sticking .  Are there better ways to hook the switches ?  I could go on but I am taking a break from my layout to relax from the frustration at hand.  Inputs will be well appreciated.   Thank You all.

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Having the same problem, wired thru MTH AIU.  My switches set on foam trackbed, placed screws in both ends of switch machine. Sometimes adjusting screws up/down helps, mostly not.  Haven taken cover off switch machine, removed plastic part that toffgels switch from switch plunger, switch plunger moves bac and forth fine.   I too would like a fix. I put some light graphite where plastic parts slide, helped some.

I have couple switches using Tortoise switch machines under table, NO problems. My problem, most of my switches are placed where I can not use under table switch machines.

I would also be interested if anyone has idea(s) on fix  ???


In troubleshooting, first be sure the turnout moves manually without any resistance.  Compare it to your working turnouts.  If there is resistance it may not have been assembled properly.  It is a real pain to hold the spring and small plastic pieces in place while snapping on the cover.  For testing under power, it may be better to wire to the Atlas manual switch controller to eliminate one variable (the aiu).  Be careful not to power the switch motor for more than a couple seconds or risk burning out the motors. I would not use the Atlas switch controller other than testing, because they are known to "stick". (This is the most common criticism of the switch motors, but it is an avoidable problem).  If you bought these second hand, it is possible that someone else already burned out the motor.  I have a bunch of working used atlas switch motors for sale cheap if you need replacements.


Bob, Craig,   the turnouts move fine if I manually move the lever on the switch it moves freely,  When using the control switch it works on 4 of my switches but three others stick and hum and wont throw.  I purchased these brand new from a retailer maybe NOS I also had problems with some of the rails coming undone I posted that some time ago.  What are tortoise switch machines ?  are they expensive ?  

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