I know you guys have some fabulous looking automobiles and trucks on your layout I would love to see them I would like for you guys to share what vehicles you’re working on or any updates future releases of automobiles and trucks you hear of. I’ll get it started and here’s mine finished the one a couple weeks ago
Replies sorted oldest to newest
very nice! I like the REA trucks who makes the building there sitting at?
I recently got a Matchbox '40 Ford pickup that had long avoided my clutches. If Matchbox had made a '40 Chevy pickup, or any Chevy pickup back to 1930, l would be hunting them...they did make a 1941, which l bet is common on steam/diesel transmission layouts. I mentioned elsewhere on here that Brooklin has offered a '34 Chevy. I hope they do a series of Chevies, like their Buick series, which have shown up discounted. I need to post a photo of pickups, which include some bashed ones, such as Hallmark, but right scale. (uh, if you accept 1/43)
colorado hirailer posted:I recently got a Matchbox '40 Ford pickup that had long avoided my clutches. If Matchbox had made a '40 Chevy pickup, or any Chevy pickup back to 1930, l would be hunting them...they did make a 1941, which l bet is common on steam/diesel transmission layouts. I mentioned elsewhere on here that Brooklin has offered a '34 Chevy. I hope they do a series of Chevies, like their Buick series, which have shown up discounted. I need to post a photo of pickups, which include some bashed ones, such as Hallmark, but right scale. (uh, if you accept 1/43)
Yes!! By all means post those pic of your 1/43 scale vehicles. Have you tried neo or white box? Seems like there’s a explosion of 1/43 vehicles now, and thanks for posting
Mike CT posted:
Very nice
I live in the country on 5 acres and I told my self I had to put a farm scene somewhere on my layout . I see you used some Ertl buildings I have the same ones and they blend in nice. The service station looks awesome I guess one of my favorites is your Diamond T with the load of Christmas Trees. Thank you posting.
rattler21 posted:
very impressive!
never thought to use foam board you did a great job on it. I may have to try making a freight terminal like your if you don’t mine thanks for posting
These are some of the first vehicles I purchased during the early stages of construction of my 10'-by-5' layout.
Remember when AMT made 1/43 models? Here’s some Pete’s I was working on this summer these will be “shelf queens” when finished. I painted the New Ray cattle trailer white and hooked it to one of those Pete’s I’m working on and I also put a New Ray Iron Nose peterbilt on a AMT Peterbilt frame and gave it some upgrades enjoy the pics
Just want to say a big Thank You for posting your layouts pics with your cars and trucks on them. They are amazing! Keep them pics coming don’t be shy we’re in this to have fun and enjoy what we accomplish on our layout or what we build.
TrainsRMe posted:
The cars are nice but I'm more fascinated by the box which went through the Sverdlovsk District of the Russian Post Office!!!
Yep, got 'er on eBay a few years back, and that's where it came from!
jgtrh62 posted:lee drennen posted:
Remember when AMT made 1/43 models? Here’s some Pete’s I was working on this summer these will be “shelf queens” when finished. I painted the New Ray cattle trailer white and hooked it to one of those Pete’s I’m working on and I also put a New Ray Iron Nose peterbilt on a AMT Peterbilt frame and gave it some upgrades enjoy the pics
Very nice Lee!
Thanks John
PRRronbh posted:
Unfortunately everything is packed up now. But here are a few shots.
Wow. A fleet of Borden Divcos!
LOL! That "car" in the left front would fit in with my layout perfectly!
Willises? These are great looking models.
The only customizing that I've done to date is paint mirrors silver or paint backup and other lights that needed color. Oh, yeah, I took apart a police cruiser to see whether I could add LEDs and now I can't get it back together :-}. I guess that was a "modification" of sorts.
Just got a new PC and my data on things like the model year or variants are in a file on the old box. Here's the information that I had on hand.
At the Tomlinson Run Railroad, it's all about the food, so let's start there. [year? Grumman?] Charles Chips delivery van, 2002? Mercedes Ice Cream Van, and a 1953 Chevy Ice Cream Truck:
Then there are the non-perishable deliveries -- 1955 Chevy Step-side REA truck, [generic date] Grumman U.S. Postal Service delivery truck, and a 1965-2010 UPS delivery van, also Grumman or various:
The wreckers -- a 1953 Chevy Wrecker and a 1951 International Harvester Boom Truck:
General utility trucks -- 1956 Ford F-150, 1987 Dodge Ram, two (count 'em) 2002? Dodge Power Wagons (I think these were concept trucks), and a 2013 Ford F150-SVT Raptor with Super Crew cab:
Side shot of the same ...
Here is a rescue version of the 2013 Ford F-150 (on the left), and a "restored" 1955 Chevy Cameo pickup:
Google and Uber recently visited the Tomlinson Run Railroad and dropped off these self-driving/autonomous cars. Needless to say, the town folks are a bit concerned ... They are a 1938 Dirt Track racer (i.e., custom built), a 1940 Ford Standard Coupe, and a 1950 Nash Ambassador Hydromatic. Being self aware, I guess they could have introduced themselves:
Bringing the automomous autos up to the current era are these three -- also dropped off by McDonalds, Google, or Uber -- a 2002 996-Series Porsche 911 Carerra (1:48), a circa 2006 generic stock racer based on Ford GT40 and Charger components, and a 2017 CRS Sports Coupe:
Other automobiles, especially VWs and Fords, can be found on the carpet layout, but it's a bit too hot to unbox and photograph them at present.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
Some vehicles on my 12'-by-8' model railroad completed in 2004 and still running. The '40 Ford pickup and '41 Ford two-door sedan are 1:43. The GM bus by Corgi is 1:50.
Thanks to ALL you guys for the awesome pics! Can you believe we’re on page 2 thanks I never thought this topic would hold water thanks to you guys it has.
Tom Never seen a ferry boat on a layout great job!
Mel thanks for the pics on the layout I like those fords
Trumptrain I like that camper great looking 50s look
Tomlinson great looking chip truck I love customizing
Trainsrme love that Black and white photo
Nice, like watching the Wizard of Oz!! (without all the scary stuff! )
Mark. Great job on the then and now.Pay no attention to BobbyD behind the curtain. LOL
lee drennen posted:
Those LaFrance engines are special as my dad drove a similar engine as a volunteer firefighter. Both are made by Corgi - the unique thing about them is one was produced for a National Motor Mint series, the other was released by Corgi themselves but with the added detail of helmets on the hose bed racks, and both are lettered as engine 1 and engine 2. I’ve yet to seethe Corgi original issue anywhere else.
Blueline4c4: WOW you have all my favorites Champs of the road ( K-Mart trucks) Dehanes, Athearn, Corgi more B model Mack’s I’ve ever seen on one layout guess my favorite is the Union Ice Cabover Pete great job!
John: nice looking vintage Brewery I like that one truck Whitbread reminds me of a old Autocar
Boin106, The signs/bills you have posted on the sides of buildings certainly look good. John in Lansing, ILL
Boin106: very nice collection I like that Studebaker my dad had one just like it
Trainsrme: very nice like that vintage dirt track racer
Let's keep those great photos coming. I love toy and diecast cars. A big thanks to all who have posted likes to my shots. I'm having fun with it!
That looks really good, Lee. Nice setting outdoors, too.
TrainsRMe posted:That looks really good, Lee. Nice setting outdoors, too.
Thanks I love taking outdoor shots
Wow, TrainsRMe, what a great looking assemblage! (sp?). The top two rows in particular - great eras, great designs.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
TrainsRMe posted:
Ah the old foil trick I forgot about that they look good thanks for sharing
I try to work in a drive-in theater (digital photo frame w/vintage family photos) with some cars into my Christmas layout each year. Also, a lane or two of traffic here and there complements the Christmas scenery. I favor muscle cars of the late '60s and robust passenger cars of the '40s-'50s.
That's a real nice-looking Christmas layout, Garrett76. It displays the season's spirit very well.
I just want to thank all of you posting this week! Let’s keep it going thanks again.
Lee Drennen's pretty Revell KW, lit me up to work on a Revell White 3000. I had bought it already built and the cab was skewed with non aligning windshield posts. I took apart and reassembled,puttied the gaps and put glass in. Even painted what I think may be a White Gold Comet gasser gold. Shown fresh out of the garage, the trailer is a surplus Corgi that at least comparing tire sizes is the same scale or really really close.
NHVRYGray posted:Lee Drennen's pretty Revell KW, lit me up to work on a Revell White 3000. I had bought it already built and the cab was skewed with non aligning windshield posts. I took apart and reassembled,puttied the gaps and put glass in. Even painted what I think may be a White Gold Comet gasser gold. Shown fresh out of the garage, the trailer is a surplus Corgi that at least comparing tire sizes is the same scale or really really close.
Thank you for the complement That is a beautiful little rig. The engine was a White mustang gas burner. I’m glad you post this truck it’s always was a favorite of mine. There’s some thing about this Revell kit I really like.
Here’s one I’ve been working on. I’m putting in a 220 Cummins out of the Corgi Ford H and added Don Mills wheels and added twin fuel tanks from the Honest John and stretched the frame thought you would like to see it along with the others.
Different details makes a world of difference. Were those Don Mills Wheels on the Kenworth? You ever put glass in, the White windshield I put is is "OK" but nor great, the curvature and lack of attachment area makes for a real issue.
The color looks to b NYC? A Flexivan tractor?
1-A Dodge pickup picking up a load. I painted the truck and swapped wheels.
2-Exiting a Mini long enough to check the statue.
3-ATSF yard. All I did to this truck was to add the ATSF decal.
4-I don't think the frat boys are there to pick up worms. The red pickup and the yellow roadster were kits.
NHVRYGray posted:Different details makes a world of difference. Were those Don Mills Wheels on the Kenworth? You ever put glass in, the White windshield I put is is "OK" but nor great, the curvature and lack of attachment area makes for a real issue.
The color looks to b NYC? A Flexivan tractor?
The wheels on the KW were don mills. Sometimes I put glass in going to try it. The color is a old rustolem festive green I painted this truck back in 1995 and have tried to find this paint but it’s discontinued. It matches PC green pretty close.
TrainsRMe posted:
I like those hot rods did you build them?
1-'32 Ford coupe. I painted the fenders black, and the upholstery and wheels grey. The wheels had been chrome.
Model T Ford sedan.
Cord convertible.
2-Split-window VW.
A much later sedan. The mag-style wheels provided by Mattel were replaced with more appropriate ones.
TrainsRMe posted:
TrainsRMe, I like your custom painting on the Ford sedan and really like the Karmann-Ghia model. The later (as a hardtop with luggage rack) is on my 1:1 wish list (not gonna happen) and my 1:43 wish list (more likely).
Nicely posed photos, too!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
Tomlinson Run Railroad, thanks so much for your post. I mostly like to make my vehicles as near stock as possible.
A K-G hardtop with luggage rack? It sounds like you once had one like that - or maybe you like to travel. I always thought they were a cool car.
TrainsRMe posted:Tomlinson Run Railroad, thanks so much for your post. I mostly like to make my vehicles as near stock as possible.
>> Yes, that should be the model maker's job but they do sometimes take, er, license. =grin=
>> I find the more I enjoy the model cars that I got for my layout, the better care I take of my full-size. I bought polish to fix a rubbed spot in the finish on a model and now am touching up the 1:1. Seems backwards, I know!
A K-G hardtop with luggage rack? It sounds like you once had one like that - or maybe you like to travel. I always thought they were a cool car.
>> Neither. I happened to see a gorgeous green one drive by back in the early 1980s. As a long time VW owner, it really caught my eye. Alas, I only have a single car garage. :-)
>> Hopefully later this week I can photograph and post my 1:43 V-dubs. Your split-window is nice. Thanks for the inspiration.
What Kit is the White WC and trailer built from?
NHVRYGray posted:What Kit is the White WC and trailer built from?
The truck is a speccast I re built and the trailer is a old Berkshire Valley kit
Trainsrme: junkyard and your cabs look great! Thanks for posting
BK: I like those ford wagons Thanks for posting
Pete: those are some sharp looking LJ Mack’s and Diamond T 636 did you make the van and dump bodies? Thanks for sharing your trucks.
Guys keep those pics coming!!
Pete, those Starbucks trucks are Awesome. I have to get me some of those.
Here are two ubiquitous 34 Fords. The green one was turned into a tractor with a scratch built trailer, using a Lionel frame as the base. The other was a box van with the box removed and turned into a backwoods hauler.
Now a couple of Dollar General Chevys. I just finished the blue one. It starting as a really nice blue model. I just flattened and faded the blue with a little rust patina added and dirt of course. I replaced the stock bed, the one with the goofy package that hides the trucks friction pull back mechanism. The other I completely repainted/weathered, but replaced the stock bed with a wood one.
Now a Road Champs Ford, originally part of the "Texaco" series. I completely repainted it a rust color with a lot of mud and rust...
Mark Diff posted:Pete, those Starbucks trucks are Awesome. I have to get me some of those.
Here are two ubiquitous 34 Fords. The green one was turned into a tractor with a scratch built trailer, using a Lionel frame as the base. The other was a box van with the box removed and turned into a backwoods hauler.
Now a couple of Dollar General Chevys. I just finished the blue one. It starting as a really nice blue model. I just flattened and faded the blue with a little rust patina added and dirt of course. I replaced the stock bed, the one with the goofy package that hides the trucks friction pull back mechanism. The other I completely repainted/weathered, but replaced the stock bed with a wood one.
Now a Road Champs Ford, originally part of the "Texaco" series. I completely repainted it a rust color with a lot of mud and rust...
Mark those are some nice looking rigs and pickups I like those flat bed trailers
Thanks Lee, and thanks also for starting this thread. It's fun seeing what people have collected and how they have modified. Here's another shot - dreamy Fifties cruisers.
I believe the only one I modified is the beige Buick - painted the upholstery and maybe the folded top. The car is just a cheap flea market product, but I always liked it.
TrainsRMe posted:Thanks Lee, and thanks also for starting this thread. It's fun seeing what people have collected and how they have modified. Here's another shot - dreamy Fifties cruisers.
I believe the only one I modified is the beige Buick - painted the upholstery and maybe the folded top. The car is just a cheap flea market product, but I always liked it.
Your welcome I like the thread also and a BIG Thanks to all that has posted here
I like those cars the Buick look great maybe soon I can get some of my cars posted
Mathew, your layout looks really neat, well-organized and uncluttered. Yes - the newest model vehicles aren't common. Fifties (especially convertibles) - no problem.
TrainsRMe posted:I might be worth a look at Diecast Direct for your newer vehicles.
Here are some more oldies. No modifications done outside of installing the figures in the Jaguars and paint work on the tractor.
I second the suggestion of Diecast Direct for some examples of newer vehicles. And, then of course, there is the hit or miss source that many of us use -- CVS or a similar drug store. They often have modern 1:43 cars and trucks at a reasonable price.
TrainsRMe posted:
OK, TrainsRMe, what's the story here? I'm curious: We have a nicely dressed lady in a blue dress sitting in an old junker and guy coming along to presumably offer her a cup of coffee. Then, there's what looks like a nearly pristine Kublewagen in the background. ... what an interesting junk yard :-)
Does it have a story to go with it?
. The nicely-dressed lady in blue is actually a nativity scene shepherd figure. I thought, after painting her/him, that it looked enough like a pair of coveralls to be suitable for the distance at which it was viewed on the layout. Digital photos tell tales, though. Speaking of tales, I like
yours, but:
The guy in green was actually made as a service station attendant. Let's say he is bringing water and oil for the yard wrecker. As for the lady in blue, she/he is actually working on the stubborn winch on the ancient wrecker, which has just positioned the blue car. Good catch on the Kubelwagen. It was rescued by the yard foreman when it came in. He plans to use it as the replacement wrecker when the antique one finally seizes up.
This was inspired by a small-town junkyard I used to frequent. It had lots of 30s-50s autos, and the yard wrecker was a '53 Chevy sedan. However, the yard's owner had sold the radiator out of it. This meant, of course, that he could run the car for only a few minutes at a time. It looked pretty funny with the top radiator hose just sticking up in the air.
Question: Is anyone familiar the name of this diecast source, based on my scant clues?? I believe that the cars came from eastern Europe, and most were priced around $12, if I remember right. They had mostly foreign makes, with a lot of obscure models. (They were the source for the more unusual ones I have posted here).
I had their name in my PC's "Favorites", but lost the favorites during one of Microsoft's upgrades. I'd be very grateful if someone could come up with this.
lee drennen posted:
Thanks, Lee. They're some of my favorites also. I have a few more waiting in the wings for a business change. I've been able to find some at local train shows and the Bay for between $8-$16. The two yellow Heinz Mack's were originally the Breyer blue & yellow(the company that makes the plastic horses & other animals). The Menzie was originally a Wilton farms, and the red & white Heinz was originally a Budweiser(sorry beer lovers). For those interested, I've had good success removing the lettering from Corgi die cast vehicles without ruining the base color/colors underneath. I use Q-tips dipped into Cutex advanced revival nail polish remover(it contains acetone) and work carefully and quickly. Rub the soaked Q-tip on the lettering until you see it start to dissolve and then quickly wipe that area with a clean dry cloth(I use an old t-shirt). Don't let the nail polish remover sit on the surface too long or it will start to soften the base color paint. I usually wait a day to make sure the nail polish remover has completely evaporated/dried before relettering. I use a combination of decals, dry transfers, and vinyl stickers for relettering. This method has also worked on other die cast items, but I wouldn't recommend this method on plastic. I tried it on a couple of junker/broken boxcars and the acetone attacked the plastic pretty quick. It's always fun to experiment.
here’s a corgi Mack B61 I’m converting into a Mack B75 notice the wider grill I add also added some Don Mills components. I really like that hienz Mack
Machinist posted...That Menzie milk truck really brings back some bitter sweet memories for me. You see our family ran the "other" dairy in town and Menzie was the competition.
Your trucks look great BTW.
Mark Diff posted:Machinist posted...
That Menzie milk truck really brings back some bitter sweet memories for me. You see our family ran the "other" dairy in town and Menzie was the competition.
Your trucks look great BTW.
Thanks Mark. Well, now you've got me. Which dairy did your family operate? By the time I was discharged from the USAF in mid 1971, Menzie along with several other local dairies were out of business.
machinist posted:Mark Diff posted:Machinist posted...
That Menzie milk truck really brings back some bitter sweet memories for me. You see our family ran the "other" dairy in town and Menzie was the competition.
Your trucks look great BTW.
Thanks Mark. Well, now you've got me. Which dairy did your family operate? By the time I was discharged from the USAF in mid 1971, Menzie along with several other local dairies were out of business.
Mark Diff posted:machinist posted:Mark Diff posted:Machinist posted...
That Menzie milk truck really brings back some bitter sweet memories for me. You see our family ran the "other" dairy in town and Menzie was the competition.
Your trucks look great BTW.
Thanks Mark. Well, now you've got me. Which dairy did your family operate? By the time I was discharged from the USAF in mid 1971, Menzie along with several other local dairies were out of business.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I only vaguely remember that name. I don't know anything about Royal-D Dairy or where it was located in Mckeesport. Don't be too hard on me.
machinist posted:Mark Diff posted:machinist posted:Mark Diff posted:Machinist posted...
That Menzie milk truck really brings back some bitter sweet memories for me. You see our family ran the "other" dairy in town and Menzie was the competition.
Your trucks look great BTW.
Thanks Mark. Well, now you've got me. Which dairy did your family operate? By the time I was discharged from the USAF in mid 1971, Menzie along with several other local dairies were out of business.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I only vaguely remember that name. I don't know anything about Royal-D Dairy or where it was located in Mckeesport. Don't be too hard on me.
Not really surprised, the family business was small in comparison to Menzie. Ironically the two dairies were located about 3 blocks apart on Riverview ave.
1995 reissue of the 50's 1/48 Revell Kenworth. Don Mills Alcoa wheels on the tractor significantly improved the looks over the kits wheels.
Birch plywood floor added to the trailer. Tarped load salvaged of a Lionel Flatcar, and it scales out to about 13-3 so i'm still legal.
NHVRYGray posted:1995 reissue of the 50's 1/48 Revell Kenworth. Don Mills Alcoa wheels on the tractor significantly improved the looks over the kits wheels.
Birch plywood floor added to the trailer. Tarped load salvaged of a Lionel Flatcar, and it scales out to about 13-3 so i'm still legal.
Nice looking KW Dons components sure make a difference
Some of you may know Ken Briers. He is a former GG1 driver who has fully restored a 1949 Ford PRR Truck. He did painstaking research to make sure he got the truck right. The bed is full of all that documentation. Ken regularly drives it to PRR events. You can find many photos of his truck on the web but here is one he sent me:
Ken is a friend, so I built two models of his truck. I gave him one, the other is on my layout:
The color is actually quite close to that of the real truck.
I can't recall whose model pickup that is, but it required some customization to look like Ken's. And of course, all the decals, including the Natty Boh sticker on the bumper, are all custom made.
I have another friend named Ray who owns a 1956 Willys flat bed pickup truck. He sent me photos (he lives in New Mexico).
I started with this:
And ended with this
John Sethian posted:Some of you may know Ken Briers. He is a former GG1 driver who has fully restored a 1949 Ford PRR Truck. He did painstaking research to make sure he got the truck right. The bed is full of all that documentation. Ken regularly drives it to PRR events. You can find many photos of his truck on the web but here is one he sent me:
Ken is a friend, so I built two models of his truck. I gave him one, the other is on my layout:
The color is actually quite close to that of the real truck.
Wow, John. You do amazing work. I'm especially taken with the PRR Ford. The details like the black rubber seal around the windows are great. Looking at the 1:1 restoration, it's interesting how the company marked the truck with weight and size/pressure? metrics for use and maintenance -- almost as thought it was a rail car or engine. Maybe that's why it was the "Standard of the World" :-). Those lights (?) on the fenders are something I've not seen on those particular Fords.
TomlinsonRunRR posted:John Sethian posted:Some of you may know Ken Briers. He is a former GG1 driver who has fully restored a 1949 Ford PRR Truck. He did painstaking research to make sure he got the truck right. The bed is full of all that documentation. Ken regularly drives it to PRR events. You can find many photos of his truck on the web but here is one he sent me:
Ken is a friend, so I built two models of his truck. I gave him one, the other is on my layout:
The color is actually quite close to that of the real truck.
Wow, John. You do amazing work. I'm especially taken with the PRR Ford. The details like the black rubber seal around the windows are great. Looking at the 1:1 restoration, it's interesting how the company marked the truck with weight and size/pressure? metrics for use and maintenance -- almost as thought it was a rail car or engine. Maybe that's why it was the "Standard of the World" :-). Those lights (?) on the fenders are something I've not seen on those particular Fords.
John that Ford is beautiful!Thanks for posting. Where can I get a couple sets of the door decals I’ve got a couple Mack’s I would like to make.
Thanks guys
TRRR: You get the observant award for the week. That window gasketing took a fairly steady hand. There are lots of other details that (like the rear bumper) that I had to contend with. As for those fender mounted lights..I decided to skip them. I went through a similar exercise with some REA trucks:
And realized I didn't want to go through that again. Getting the holes straight and identical on both fenders was very time consuming. Even if you are off by .010", the difference between the two is noticeable by eye. And that was after I built styrene templates and used a drill press.
Lee: Sorry but those were custom made one off sets. I drew all the artwork, and because the decal supplier I was working with (they are now out of business) could not do multi color decals on that small a scale, the black and gold are two different decals, which are overlaid. So the PRR in the center of the keystone is a separate decal. I can send you a file of the blown up artwork, but you'd be on your own reducing it to the right size and getting the decals made. Contact me off line
@John Sethian: Is that Ken Briers' truck which is occasionally on display at the Railroad Museum of PA? I stopped at the museum on my way home after the O Scale National Convention and was admiring the truck and wondering about its history.
Sorry about the tardy reply. That probably was Ken's truck you saw. I know he has had it there in the past. If it looked exactly like that, it was his, as by Ken's own admission he took some liberties with the door artwork (he changed fonts and sizes in Choptank because he thought it looked better), and he added the "blow two shorts to pass" on the rear bumper. He reports many people honk when they go by.
However the biggest single identifier for Ken's truck is the "Natty Boh" sticker on the rear bumper.
This is one of my creations that I posted over on the "Scenery and Structures" list. Hopefully you all won't me posting it here as well.
Chief Bob (Retired)
I've been fascinated with this thread so I decided to contribute my efforts to recreate a warehouse on my Midland Division of the New Haven RR at the time of the PC merger. The railroad occupies about 1800 sq ft and operates with full waybills, interchanging with the B&M, B&A, NYC and CV northbound; south and west with the PRR and others through Greenville car floats and Maybrook.
G Fox was a major retailer of the period, having a flagship store in Hartford Ct rivaling Filene's, Macy's, etc. Their delivery trucks were ubiquitous!
The box truck is based on an Athearn Ford tractor with the fifth wheel removed and the chassis built from styrene. The box body was "kit bashed" from an old Lionel pup trailer, cur and fitted with a new styrene front. Decals were custom made using logos from online sources. Any suggestions from truck model era would be welcome!
Patrick: very nice. Like those newray cattle trailer. My dad pulled that exact type trailer in the 1960s I think it was a Keystone Trailer that made that type. Like that milk truck also. I was wondering if you were going to post the derailment here thanks for posting
Bob: that’s awesome! More the merrier you did a great job
Don: I’m glad you decided to post here I’m liking that C Ford nice small fleet you got going on feel free to post here anytime.
That's really coming along well. You'll have a cool addition to your diorama and/or layout. That is a focal point of the first order!
Thanks Don I hope to have this on the layout soon
Trussman: thanks for posting your autos look great. I like that ford boom truck and the bus.
Ed: that ford looks very clean I like the colors and setting nicely done.
Thanks to all you that have posted likes here and supporting each other and sharing thought and ideas. Let’s not stop this keep those pics posting. Thanks again. Lee D.
Just picked up a Starbucks truck from Menards, got it for free with a new boxcar. It will fit in perfectly with the other vehicles owned by the residents of Ft. Anachronism!
OHH how sweet that is!!!
Very nice Lee. What else could you possibly be adding?
coach joe posted:Very nice Lee. What else could you possibly be adding?
I forgot the front “Mack” emblem and I lost the hook to the winch have to order more
Here is my favorite model of all (so far anyway). I picked it up some weeks back when I visited a Shaw's supermarket in Maine. It happened to be my birthday, and there was a revolving sales rack of die-cast 1:43 models calling my name.
This 2014 Chevy Silverado has fantastic detailing and perfect proportions. I really like how the metallic paint was down-sized for the model. (That's not dust in the photos below, it's scale metallic paint! :-). This 4x4 is definitely one of Kinsmart's more elegant attempts. It cost the usual $5.99. Doors and tailgate open.
The only customizations that I envision on this otherwise perfect model might be to add a little bit of dilute black to the running board treads to tone down the "chrome" a bit and that lovely windshield could use an inspection sticker -- assuming that I can add one without making a mess (highly doubtful).
Tomlinson Run Railroad
well, another week of inspiration led me to yet another vehicle for my layout. The coal truck you see is based on a '37 Ford tractor with the fifth wheel ground down to the appropriate level in order to accommodate a Berkshire Valley dump body.
I'm stumped by the need to add the scissor lift common on coal delivery trucks. Has anyone attempted that part of the vehicle?
TomlinsonRunRR posted:Here is my favorite model of all (so far anyway). I picked it up some weeks back when I visited a Shaw's supermarket in Maine. It happened to be my birthday, and there was a revolving sales rack of die-cast 1:43 models calling my name.
This 2014 Chevy Silverado has fantastic detailing and perfect proportions. I really like how the metallic paint was down-sized for the model. (That's not dust in the photos below, it's scale metallic paint! :-). This 4x4 is definitely one of Kinsmart's more elegant attempts. It cost the usual $5.99. Doors and tailgate open.
The only customizations that I envision on this otherwise perfect model might be to add a little bit of dilute black to the running board treads to tone down the "chrome" a bit and that lovely windshield could use an inspection sticker -- assuming that I can add one without making a mess (highly doubtful).
Tomlinson Run Railroad
That is on sharp Silverado!
Very nice coal truck! I built a Scissor lift in HO scale several years ago it was a Autocar U model with a Jordan coal body it was very hard to build
That's very good, Lee...more inspiration!
Stock Lionel Peterbilts from the mid 1970s Trains and Truckin set with stock Weaver trailers. Tractors were originally molded in all one color with hideous pad printed logos.
New paint job with detailed grills, markers, bumper and painted stacks tanks and wheels. They still may not be silk, but definitely better than a sows ear.
As a question, has anyone ever attempted to get the wheels off the axles? I'm afraid I'd break them if I pulled and twisted any harder.
What is the lineage of the current Lionel trailer and Ford tractor? Weaver and First Gear??
Gray Lackey
Revell White 3000 tractor updated with Don Mills wheels and tires, larger fuel tank, frame decking from an MTH E8 grill, a plastic sprue air tank and added windshields made from Atlas switch box display windows. Original White Mustang gas engine.
Trailer is the Revell Honest John flatbed, which really isn't a flatbed. The flatbed was originally a box van and for whatever reason, Revell dropped the upper box. Wood block body wrapped with Plastruct HO corrugated siding. Don Mills wheels and Graphics on Demand logos. The trailer logos look a little large but I'm just glad to be able to get them.
Never have found a White 3000 ET&WNC picture but I remember back in the late 1970s rows of trucks at the Johnson City, TN RR enginehouse which was near the truck terminal, alas no pictures. What keeps this in my mind was the thought that if you were bobtailing with no trailer and hit the brakes to hard you would roll over on the front of the cab.
Gray Lackey
Gray, that trailer with the HO corrugated siding looks great and I like the ET&WNC graphics a lot.
Thanks for posting,
Tomlinson Run Railroad (I'm still waiting for a decent sunny day to take and post some more photos).
Very impressive Gray! Thanks for posting I’ve used Ken Goudy for years before Chrsty took over glad she offers decals now in O scale. I’ve used the wood block trick in S scale and thought about it in O Scale but I went with this instead I glued rib styrene to the side of the honest John flatbed and use the Berkshire Valley’s doors cut the round nose part off to make it a square nose type been building on this trailer on and off for about 2yrs same for the truck maybe someday i’ll get them both done
Lee, very nice on the trailer and the tractor, your projects never cease to look great. Is that a Don Mills sleeper?
Is anyone making the old Berkshire Valley stuff. Wonder what it would take for the new Berkshire Valley to make some trailer parts.
I need to get out of the garage and back to the right of way, got to have a place to put the trucks.
Gray Lackey
Gray thanks appreciate your comments I knew you would like it. You done a outstanding job on that trailer.
I emailed Berkshire Valley Models about a month ago asking them if they was going to re-release there old trailers and any of the parts and they never answered me. They’re only about 50 miles from my house and sometimes when I’m working in St. Louis I’m tempted to find address and stop by there place. Yes that is a Don Mills sleeper I bought it along time ago before he started hiking his prices up.
also I have tried to take those wheels off of those Lionel Peterbilt with no success so I just put them in a box and put them away
lee drennen posted:
I recently purchased that same Road Signature/Lucky Diecast 1948 Ford Woody Estate Wagon. I had planned on buying the maroon one, like yours (?), but somehow ended up with the black one, which I'm happy with. The order was from our new Forum sponsor Diecastdirect.com and I got several Road Signature cars. These are my first 1:43 models from this manufacturer and they have great detail at a great price. I particularly love the hubcap details -- their scale lettering is very crisp on all the models I picked up. Your photo immediately above shows that quite well. (The Woody also looks great against the backdrop of your trucks in the second photo.)
Regarding simple customizations: The door handles may get a little daub of silver someday and the hinges a bit of black. In looking at photos on the web, it looks like the horizontal fender stripes are chrome. It takes a steady hand to add that detail, so I'll probably pass on that addition. :-) But maybe with proper masking I can pull it off? Meanwhile, I'm just enjoying this and my other new 1:43 Road Signature models.
Anyone else have some woodies on your layouts to share? I'm still waiting for that sunny day to take photos ... sigh.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
I bought my yatming cars about 3yrs ago I think they look very well against the 1/48-1/50 truck I think they might be a bit smaller than 1/43 maybe it’s me
I've got an ERTL woody that will serve a B&B I've got make to match the woody's signage.
coach joe posted:I've got an ERTL woody that will serve a B&B I've got make to match the woody's signage.
You have a pic of it if post it here
Nice work Lee, as usual! What’s the monster truck lurking behind your Mack?
Don thanks
its a Mack LRSW off road dump truck I hope to get started on it soon I will do a review on it.
Finally, a sort of sunny day. Sorry about the rushed quality ... Here's a 1947 Chrysler Town & Country and my version of the previously seen 1948 Ford Woody in black. Manufacturers are Vitesse "American Classics" and Lucky Die Cast "Road Signature", respectively. The Chrysler has great dashboard detail.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
TomlinsonRunRR posted:lee drennen posted:Lee,
I recently purchased that same Road Signature/Lucky Diecast 1948 Ford Woody Estate Wagon. I had planned on buying the maroon one, like yours (?), but somehow ended up with the black one, which I'm happy with. The order was from our new Forum sponsor Diecastdirect.com and I got several Road Signature cars. These are my first 1:43 models from this manufacturer and they have great detail at a great price. I particularly love the hubcap details -- their scale lettering is very crisp on all the models I picked up. Your photo immediately above shows that quite well. (The Woody also looks great against the backdrop of your trucks in the second photo.)
Regarding simple customizations: The door handles may get a little daub of silver someday and the hinges a bit of black. In looking at photos on the web, it looks like the horizontal fender stripes are chrome. It takes a steady hand to add that detail, so I'll probably pass on that addition. :-) But maybe with proper masking I can pull it off? Meanwhile, I'm just enjoying this and my other new 1:43 Road Signature models.
Anyone else have some woodies on your layouts to share? I'm still waiting for that sunny day to take photos ... sigh.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
Here's one of many woody's I have. This one is a wee bit larger then 1:43. I darkened the outer portions of the wood trim, the original was to light and looked like the plastic it is. I have these in different colors without trailer if anyone is interested.
To do the door handles use a fine point silver marker.
I bought this built up 1/43 scale ford kit off Ebay. Whoever put this together did a pretty good job, I think...
I have to get me some more of these kits. Here it is along side a typical 1/43 diecast car...
Next up is a railroad car knocker repair truck...
I modified this truck using a run-of-the mill pickup circled here...
and added a 3D printed utility bed produced by forum member "tackindy". I added diamond tread surface decal from Archer for the floor and rear foot-board. I added the utility rack and some details (tool boxes, gas bottles, air compressor, tools, fire extinguisher and air line glad hand) from Wiseman.
Dave thanks
the White 3000 open top should easy top is already off hope to see it soon please post it here when you start working on it
I set some of mine up in categories..farm trucks serving the sugar beet industry, tank and other trucks serving petroleum industry, and beer and other trucks serving the brewery. Also commercial town vehicles and civilian cars as separate groups. Won't get to post photos until after the holiday.
colorado hirailer posted:I set some of mine up in categories..farm trucks serving the sugar beet industry, tank and other trucks serving petroleum industry, and beer and other trucks serving the brewery. Also commercial town vehicles and civilian cars as separate groups. Won't get to post photos until after the holiday.
Can’t wait to see them. I’ve seen sugar beets trucks before they have special box bed on them don’t they?
Greetings Everyone,
Here's my rendition of a Norfolk Southern track maintenance supervisor vehicle. BTW Happy Thanksgiving To All!!
Chief Bob (Retired)
Very nice Bob! I always enjoy your post thanks for sharing, and have a Happy Thanksgiving also
Excellent NS model and excellent lighting effects, Chief Bob!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
That’s a really great dirty truck! Irking on or just finished a couple projects here, one the Mobil tank truck that Revell did. Interesting experience, as I had the same issues with assembly as I did when I built my first one...and I was 10.😉
The second is a Porsche Cayenne. It s a well engineered kit bought direct from China. Better have some modeling experience: good drawings, instructions in Chinese. Lol
Yes the Cayenne is a bit out of era, but my railroad has a garage with scalenmodels of most of the cars I’ve owned—compromises abound in this hobby...
Jackie. Nice old Diamond T oil truck. Is that a Rusty Rail body? I’m going to get one of those some day
Don. Cool old White 3000 you did a great job on it.
John. Thanks for posting pics of your REA trucks.
Thanks guys for sharing your trucks
lee drennen posted:Jackie. Nice old Diamond T oil truck. Is that a Rusty Rail body? I’m going to get one of those some day
A prewar tinplater, I have a preference for the dimestore pieces. Here's an early postwar Tootsietoy "refurbished":
A bit of Rustoleum that is a good approximation of the original, and a dab of Testors enamel on the trim bits. Added a few decals from I94Enterprises.com.
pd posted:A prewar tinplater, I have a preference for the dimestore pieces. Here's an early postwar Tootsietoy "refurbished":
What a fun project! It looks great -- especially after you added color to the roof light, which it looks like the original lacked.
Can you share with us what's going on with the difference seen in the windows and the before and after photos? I can't tell whether that was cloudy old plastic or metal that you removed from the original.
Makes me want to head to a flea market in search of a fun find like this one :-).
Tomlinson Run Ralroad
I think that’s masking tape think he was getting ready to paint
lee drennen posted:Tom
I think that’s masking tape think he was getting ready to paint
Makes sense, thanks. Time to clean the glasses .
Nice post, PD! I really enjoy seeing non-glamorous old stuff getting a little love.
Sorry for the late reply, guys. Yeah, the first pic was taken after a light sanding and a masking of the windows and rubber tires with masking tape. The interior of the casting is unpainted, and I wanted to preserve that from overspray. One dilemma was how to mask the axle-ends...I recalled a buddy of mine using a daub of rubber-cement as a liquid masking agent. You can't see it in the picture, but there's a bit of rubber-cement on each axle-end which was peeled off after painting.
That said, a close examination will reveal that the new paint didn't cover very well. The same was true for the original paint. Three coats and still a bit of the metal shows through. I baked the finish using a seventy-five watt bulb in a small box lined with tin-foil and letting it sit in there for three or four hours (in the summer I would have just set it outdoors in the sun for an afternoon).
A real frustration when doing these projects is the dramatic reduction in paint selection from the folks that now run Testors. I was a heavy ModelMaster enamel fan, and that stuff is virtually gone. I'm not sure if this was driven by the move by a lot of hobbyists to acrylics, or just a general drop in demand for the product. Regardless, for those of us that don't want to drag out the airbrush for small projects, it's a pain.
Okay, enough bellyaching...
White Mobilgas Tanker looks great. What decals did you use? I tried a set from the 1995 reissue and they were terrible. Thick, yellowed, gummy and distorted when slid around.
Removed them before they set. Maybe a bad set, I have some others. I have used 60+ year old Champ decals with no problems and good results.