. The nicely-dressed lady in blue is actually a nativity scene shepherd figure. I thought, after painting her/him, that it looked enough like a pair of coveralls to be suitable for the distance at which it was viewed on the layout. Digital photos tell tales, though. Speaking of tales, I like
yours, but:
The guy in green was actually made as a service station attendant. Let's say he is bringing water and oil for the yard wrecker. As for the lady in blue, she/he is actually working on the stubborn winch on the ancient wrecker, which has just positioned the blue car. Good catch on the Kubelwagen. It was rescued by the yard foreman when it came in. He plans to use it as the replacement wrecker when the antique one finally seizes up.
This was inspired by a small-town junkyard I used to frequent. It had lots of 30s-50s autos, and the yard wrecker was a '53 Chevy sedan. However, the yard's owner had sold the radiator out of it. This meant, of course, that he could run the car for only a few minutes at a time. It looked pretty funny with the top radiator hose just sticking up in the air.