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Bachman E-Z Street® Oval Track Pack - back on the market.

I noticed this EZ Street starter pack on the Bachman site, looks like a simple oval of track, no transformer and no vehicle, for $200 MSRP.

Anyone considering incorporating EZ Street into their layouts?

NOTE:  Link removed per OGR TOS.

If I omitted a couple of storage tracks, I could fit into my layout.  Storage tracks are handy, but donʻt offer much action.

EZ Street promotional image


Images (1)
  • EZ Street promotional image
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That MSRP sure seems awfully high to me (but what prices aren't high these days)! You might want to check out a few dealers like Trainworld, etc. to see if they stock it. I have a ton of the original Bachmann E-Z streets and the later SuperStreets version offered by Lionel and have really enjoyed using both in the past. Have used them for trolley lines at Christmas and am now trying to see how to incorporate a more extensive network, including the Wye switches, on my long-under-construction layout because I really like running MTH PCCs and trolleys on that track network.

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