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All 027 on my layout (a little FT too). I used black floral gravel that I found at a local dollar store. Probably a little big but if I was that concerned about the scale then I wouldn't be using tubular track. At a buck for a one pound bag who's gonna complain.

The light gray and brown gravels are also a floral decorating product from Michael's. 2017-05-30 20.46.05

2020-05-07 07.53.572020-05-07 07.54.062019-02-28 07.09.31

I thought about adding extra ties but I know this layout will get torn down eventually for a bigger one so it wasn't worth the time and effort. The next one will be GG and Ross switches.



Images (4)
  • 2020-05-07 07.53.57
  • 2020-05-07 07.54.06
  • 2019-02-28 07.09.31
  • 2017-05-30 20.46.05
Last edited by RSJB18

My Layout is O-31 Tubular track.  I add basswood wood ties,  1/2"x1/4"  2-1/4" Long, painted black.  My ballast is gravel from Ant Hills.  Here in Western Colorado we have these large Ant Hills, 2-3 feet in diameter.  The ants are great sorters and bring up these large grains of sand, small pebbles.  I scoop this material up into a bucket, bring it home and run it through a sifter.  When I lay my track I insert the wood ties, the pour over the ballast, dress it up with a brush.  I use tweezers to pick out the oversized pieces and other junk.  Then Spray with an alcohol water mix, then using a medicine dropper, add white glue water mix.


The Ground Cover you see is a fine sand I dug up out of a creek bed, Dry it out and run through a kitchen sifter.







Images (5)
  • IMG_2349
  • IMG_3105
  • IMG_1564
  • IMG_3863
  • IMG_0371

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