I have this signal and the light will come on but the banjo will not swing.
I sent it back to Charles Roe and they say nothing is wrong with it.
Any ideas as to why it don't work
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I have this signal and the light will come on but the banjo will not swing.
I sent it back to Charles Roe and they say nothing is wrong with it.
Any ideas as to why it don't work
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Can you ask them (or someone here) to explain the wiring for the signal? Perhaps you have it wired incorrectly. Are you using the correct power supply?
I would think if the light comes on when the train passes it would be wired right
the problem is that the banjo doesn't swing like it should.
I would be more than happy to have some one send me a wiring diagram.
Two wires? You might want to try just wiring directly to a power source (transformer) to see if the banjo swings. If it does then your problem may be at the track wiring. If it doesn't work at the transformer try reversing the wire connections or upping the voltage (if connected to variable output terminals).
I have an old model and noticed that the back of the banjo can slip off the little nipple on the rotating drum behind it.
Here is a link to the Banjo in Olsen's Library.
Have you tried to test the signal action by connecting it directly to a transformer? The rotating drum that moves the swinging arm is turned by the driving rubber washer that should be cemented to the front of the vibrating coil under the drum. The fingers on that washer cause the drum to turn when sufficient voltage is applied to the coil. Too little voltage, no activation. Fingers on the rubber washer worn, no activation. Pin in the center of the rotating drum bent, no activation. If it appears the drum tries to turn but doesn't quite make it, sprinkle some graphite onto the bottom of the drum and give it a try.
Using AC or DC?
Thanks guys for the info. I will try connecting it to the power supply. that is about the only thing I have not tried.
Are you wired to track power? Are you conventional?
Goshawk posted:Are you wired to track power? Are you conventional?
Should only work with AC not DC.
I have the modern Lionel Banjo Signal and it works fine with DC. I was wondering if he is running conventional off track power. If he is, the signal is not going to work at slower speeds.
I am wired to track power, when the train passes the break in the track the light comes on,when the train leaves the break the light goes out, but the banjo will not swing
there is 20 volts of power at the track where this is
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