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Today, I started to skin my barn.    I free-lanced the base after reviewing the model on BTS's website.    The skin was ordered from Deerfield Laser

 My rail barge is free-lanced on a LV/Erie barge on the Hudson.    I will cut the two turnouts (half on the barge deck and half on the float bridge).    Cutting the angles on the base of the barge was tricky as I free cut it with a circular saw.   The decking will be scratch built as well.   I will be glueing strip wood (stained) to the deck and add bolyards and other detail.   Enjoy!


Images (4)
  • barge with rail
  • barn raising
  • barn raising2
  • rails positioned
Last edited by BradA
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I see a photo of a grain elevator, but no barn or barge...what did I miss? (no problem,

though, as I am a fan of grain elevators)  I was thinking about barns and how there are regional differences, as New England barns being attached to or connected to the

house by a passageway due to severe weather,  Amish barns distinctive with symbols,

Kentucky tobacco barns, dairy barns, and others.  I need to look at some ranch barns, if I decide I have room for one.

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