My Bascule bridge was operating well until several days ago when it would open after a train passed over a specific area of my track. When a train went over an area of insulated track that was next to my Trainman accessory the bridge would spontaneously open. My bridge is powered by a transformer that also powers the Trainman. Now, if I replace the insulated track with a normal track then the bridge does not open on its own.
I could probable use a separate transformer for the bridge; but I would prefer not to. Also when I take out the insulated track, the light goes on with the trainman, but it does not operate the doors. (of note is that the insulated track and the bridge are about 5 feet from each other and are on the same return loop of track)
My question is why did the bridge start opening over the past few days; as I have had the insulated track in place for a month with the track only opening when I pushed the switch; and how can I correct the situation without using a separate transformer for the bridge and still using the insulated track for the Trainman accessory.