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I have put high density foam on top of plywood and I am now getting ready ro paint.  The scenery will be high desert.  Rather than just a base coat of paint, I want to add some texture.  Some have suggested a little sand or sanded mortar.  I don't want the post war saw dust look but I thought I would get suggestions. What have you used for desert look?  Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks Art

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Part of my eventual layout is also going to be high desert (ala Flagstaff AZ), so I'm keenly interested in this thread. I've been wondering if now is the time to put in some high/low spots or if it's best to wait and simply re-landscape after the track is down, etc. Eitger way I'm looking forward to the responses you get.

In Dave Frary's Scenery Book he covered mixing white glue thinned with wet water with a selected color [from a bag] of contractor sand. He made up a fairly thick slurry and applied it. I have never tried it myself.[wet water= tap H2o with a drop of liquid DW detergent in it].


Dennis Brennan has a good scenery book out that I can't locate in my stuff right now. A friend says he covered the subject also.

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