We'll see if this gets on: the power went off from storm while typing, Walgreen's DESTROYED their program I used to load 35mm photos on here,
and I had a hassle getting some trucks from eBay seller. This was promised
some weeks ago. I used a Bar Mills "Mooney's Plumbing" and "The One Kit" to
kitbash a beer distributor for my Atlas reefers to trundle to and from my brewery. "Mooney's" makes up the rear office and cold room and the overhanging ware house and truck dock are fashioned from the One Kit.
This is set in 1940, so I set out to find how many pre-1941 model trucks, to
fan out from the distributer, coal dock, and other businesses served by the RR,
had been offered.
More than I hoped, but many are no longer produced or out of business.
Ertl made 1930 Chevy trucks with various bodies, Matchbox made a 1937 IH
model seen everywhere through WWII, and a 1939 Peterbult tractor cab, Corgi
made a Mack LJ, introduced in 1939, as were another IH tractor cab model and
a White model by SpecCast. Ertl made tractor cabs for 1937 Ford and pre-war
Diamond T. Corgi made a 1 1/2 ton 1934 White chiassis and there is a Chinese
1934 Ford 1 1/2 ton chassis. (I switched bodies on these last two not thinking
there was a tank body available on the White...there was, so I have versions
with longer and shorter wheelbases. Most were repainted, coin slots filled,
etc.) Repainting was not easy as many were not receptive to overpaint and
seemed to be finished with various types of paint. SpecCast made a number
of stake and dump trucks on the White and IH chasses, but they were hard to