While my new layout will be less than half the length of my previous one, I was able to design an island type shape that will offer 360 degree viewing, something I always wanted to try. This is more work but I love the look so far. I designed this layout to be accessible from all sides and am working on a drop-down river, which will allow me to access the interior for construction and cleaning. If successful, I'll be able to reach every part of the layout without having to climb on top or use pop-ups. I will have to duck under the bridges to access the interior via the drop-down river unless I design lift-up or hinged bridges (doubtful on this). The layout is 190" long by 110" wide.
I am planning on incorporating scenery that will allow the viewer to walk around the perimeter, and never able to see more than a portion at any one spot, thus creating a walk-around journey, albeit a short one at that. The column on one side was built into the layout and will likely become a tall building. I was able to run a separate receptacle on a 20 amp circuit breaker down the inside of the column, thus eliminating the need for wire runs from the perimeter wall to the islands. The temptation was to build a rectangular layout up against the longest wall in the basement (which is 24 ft long), that is how I built my last layout in a former home. Access issues were a pain in that layout and details were lost from view in the background. However, from principles of curved geometry this layout will have 42 ft. of "frontage", considerably longer than what a rectangular layout would allow, and I am going to try to keep scenes within 40" from the perimeter and/or river. 40" is my max reach and is about the max distance I desire for viewing.
Overview with bridges shown where mainlines will traverse:
Serpentine river section folded up and secured with deadbolts:
River section folded down:
The track plan at this stage is a double-tracked perimeter run with 106" and 102" outer curves, respectively. Crossovers via Ross switches. I'll probably have an inside industrial spur on the one island. I am not sure if I want an elevated line...did that on my last layout and it was a LOT of work and am not sure it was worth the pain. I might just do a Superstreets elevation for the city part. I want to avoid a jammed-packed layout with 3-rail track running everywhere. If anyone has any suggestions on a more interesting track plan let me know your thoughts.
Next, I have to paint the river bed prior to putting down plexiglass. I've been studying lakes and rivers and the colors are more complex than I realized. I could use help on this but don't know any local artists. I'll be off to the craft store this week to see what they offer.