I read somewhere that Arttista figures can be bent. Someone whose done this with success tell me how please
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I read somewhere that Arttista figures can be bent. Someone whose done this with success tell me how please
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Offer them lots of money, Joe - or get something on them for blackmail.
I'm not sure on Arista, but Ill assume they are plastic and I rebent tons of army men in my youth.
I sometimes used a tea kettle's whistle hole to heat just the limb joints pretty accurately. (Hold with stainless hemostats so you dont need to dry & oil pliers) .
A less noisey alternative would be if you have a port vented pan lid or maybe a pressure cookers relief port without a weight on it? Heated water vaporizor? (Health, for relief from colds)
Embedding the figure in ice ahead of time to narrow the heat patch can be done sometimes.
A soldering iron near the joints works if you have a steady hand but ramps heat faster, so overheating it is easier too.(back then it was my woodburning pen)
For bending bodies especially, but not solely I'd cut and remove a wedge, sometimes leaving the oposite zide connected and heating there to close the gap. Too many body failures with my old army men to bother with just heat today.
Adriatic posted:I'm not sure on Arista, but Ill assume they are plastic and I rebent tons of army men in my youth.
Artista figure are pewter, not plastic.
Pewter can be heated and reshaped if you are careful. Maybe use a small heat source like a torch or even a candle. A soldering would probably work too.
MaxSouthOz posted:Offer them lots of money, Joe - or get something on them for blackmail.
Lots of shady things go on in town so blackmails not ruled out
When bending Arttista figures........Be sure to cover your ears and your pooch's ears!!
You think Agnes' scream was traumatic?!!!....
When bending Arttista figures........Be sure to cover your ears and your pooch's ears!!
I live in Ohio...They'll be on Fentanyl before I operate
I have bent the arms on a few Arttista figures with needle-nose pliers. Cover the pliers contact area with some electrical tape to avoid damage to paint. Do the limited bending SLOWLY. One I did converted "man pushing lawnmower" into a man holding a pizza box (at a drive-in movie). The pewter is soft enough for minor bending.
you can make real minor adjustments. If you need to bend an elbow some more or something, make a cut with a zona saw or other fine cutting blade and bend carefully.
I've tried to do things with heat, but it takes a split second to go from pliable to puddle.
A jewler might be willing if you're up to farming it out.
A small glass figurine worker would have the fine tip torch, just no more experience than us.
I used to like to watch both these folks at the local flea market/trade center.
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