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  I'm not sure on Arista, but Ill assume they are plastic and I rebent tons of army men in my youth.

I sometimes used a tea kettle's whistle hole  to heat just the limb joints pretty accurately. (Hold with stainless hemostats so you dont need to dry & oil pliers) .

  A less noisey alternative would be if you have a port vented pan lid or maybe a pressure cookers relief port without a weight on it?   Heated water vaporizor? (Health, for relief from colds)

Embedding the figure in ice ahead of time to narrow the heat patch can be done sometimes.

A soldering iron near the joints works if you have a steady hand but ramps heat faster, so overheating it is easier too.(back then it was my woodburning pen)

For bending bodies especially, but not solely I'd cut and remove a wedge, sometimes leaving the oposite zide connected and heating there to close the gap. Too many body failures with my old army men to bother with just heat today.

I have bent the arms on a few Arttista figures with needle-nose pliers. Cover the pliers contact area with some electrical tape to avoid damage to paint. Do the limited bending SLOWLY. One I did converted "man pushing lawnmower" into a man holding a pizza box (at a drive-in movie). The pewter is soft enough for minor bending.

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