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Just received Notch 12mm static grass  to over coat short grass on a steep hillside.  What is the best glue to us to make the long grass stand up without covering up the first layer?.

    A completely unrelated question.  I am trying to buy scale flowering vines from MP Scenics in Vietnam.  They want to be paid thru pay pal.  I applied to set up a pay pal account, but I got an e-mail, ostensibly from them ,requesting my bank account number.  I called my bank and inquired as to there familiarity with pay pal and the risk of giving them my account number.  They said they have handled PAY PAL transactions with no problems, but they warn that there is at least one fraudulent pay pal website operating and to be sure I am dealing with the real company.  How do I verify the validity of the site that sent me the account request?

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Paypal is one of the safest ways to do on-line transactions. There are numerous protections in place and it prevents you from having to pass your credit card around the net. I use them whenever possible. 


Now, my one big complaint is that they very aggressively try to get you to do an "instant transfer" from your bank account instead of your credit card. They do this because they make a lot of money on the "float"--debiting your bank account instantly for payments they won't have to make till later. It is much better (for you) to have them charge your credit card.  That way, YOU get the float, not them. (This is similar to using a credit card rather than a debit card). But you have to remember to request this on every transaction, you cannot make it your default.  Very annoying.  Of course, this all assumes you pay off your credit card every month.  Otherwise, the debit thing is a better choice.

I was, and remain, skeptical of PayPal.

I set up a secondary checking account (free at the bank where i keep my primary checking account and a savings account) which i use exclusively to accept any monies i receive from PayPal transactions. When i do receive funds, i immediately transfer them to one of my regular accounts; leaving only a $5 balance in my secondary account.

When making purchases on PayPal i always have PayPal charge them to my Amex card, as i feel American Express gives me the best protection against fraud, etc.




Last edited by modeltrainsparts


Because i do not want my main savings and checking account numbers anywhere beyond my bank and myself. Also i'm not convinced as to how secure my personal (banking) info is with PayPal.

Also when selling on eBay a disgruntled customer can complain and receive a refund (from the seller's PayPal account) before the seller can explain his side of the transaction. While my eBay reputation (43jackson) is very good, i do all i can to keep it that way. I had one buyer leave a less than good piece of feedback over a $17 transaction without ever contacting me first. eBay would not give me any recourse even after i offered to refund the buyer to keep him happy. If this had gone so far as the customer demanding a refund and was on a large sum, i would have had that money taken from my PayPal account without any warning. That's why i remain skeptical.


Now let's get this back to trains.



Last edited by modeltrainsparts

Paypal also has the "Pay after delivery" option. They don't withdraw your money for 14 days. Not much float involved there. Also, when linked to a bank account there is no fee, for those of you that have to have it both ways. Paypal gets your numbers, but all the vendors you deal with don't. Not so when you give out your credit card for every transaction.

Originally Posted by modeltrainsparts:


Because i do not want my main savings and checking account numbers anywhere beyond my bank and myself. Also i'm not convinced as to how secure my personal (banking) info is with PayPal.

Also when selling on eBay a disgruntled customer can complain and receive a refund (from the seller's PayPal account) before the seller can explain his side of the transaction. While my eBay reputation (43jackson) is very good, i do all i can to keep it that way. I had one buyer leave a less than good piece of feedback over a $17 transaction without ever contacting me first. eBay would not give me any recourse even after i offered to refund the buyer to keep him happy. If this had gone so far as the customer demanding a refund and was on a large sum, i would have had that money taken from my PayPal account without any warning. That's why i remain skeptical.


Now let's get this back to trains.



This isn't really accurate. They give like two weeks for a seller to respond. That's plenty of time, in my opinion.

I have used PayPal without issue, but recently started getting emails saying my account had been limited. The emails looked authentic but didn't seem right to me. I called PayPal, and they said my account was in good standing, and that the emails were in fact fake. He said their emails always say Dear (full name). The fake emails said Dear user. He also had me forward the fake emails to PayPal, so that they might determine where they came from. The most important thing is not to click on any link in the email. That is how the damage is done. It's always something...

Originally Posted by modeltrainsparts:


Because i do not want my main savings and checking account numbers anywhere beyond my bank and myself. Also i'm not convinced as to how secure my personal (banking) info is with PayPal.

Also when selling on eBay a disgruntled customer can complain and receive a refund (from the seller's PayPal account) before the seller can explain his side of the transaction. While my eBay reputation (43jackson) is very good, i do all i can to keep it that way. I had one buyer leave a less than good piece of feedback over a $17 transaction without ever contacting me first. eBay would not give me any recourse even after i offered to refund the buyer to keep him happy. If this had gone so far as the customer demanding a refund and was on a large sum, i would have had that money taken from my PayPal account without any warning. That's why i remain skeptical.


Now let's get this back to trains.



Please don't email me a wall of text over your $17 eBay transaction which I wasn't a part of. Thanks.

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