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On our first layout, I soldered 14AWG wires to the track connectors and this worked really well.  Someone commented that track connectors loosen over time and that my track might not get good connectivity over time.  In five years, I didn't experience any issues, but I agree that if the connectors do loosen, only the connectors will get good power.  Is there a better way to connect power to sectional Atlas O track without drilling holes into the rail or going to a whole lot of trouble?   



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I prefer soldering directly to the track.  If you want it invisible, just cut away one small piece of the plastic between the ties in the bottom and solder to the bottom of the track before putting it in place. Of course, we typically end up soldering the drops to the track after it's down, so it's done on the base on the side as a rule.

My experience with the track and track joiners has been more with modular setups, and I've seen a number of poor connections with track joiners.  While a once-and-done installation of the track joiner is obviously going to experience less failures, I still like it soldered directly to the track.

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