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Nice Darby!

I've been running the BlueRail board in my Weaver SR3 for a couple of months now.  Even thought it's only rated for 2 amps (stall current on the Pittman 8514 motor was measured at 3+ amps) it's been running fine.

Dave Rees of BlueRail trains is a great guy to deal with, knows his stuff and is very helpful and questions arise.

Dave told me to keep running my RS3 and to push it for all it's worth to see what the board will do.

Jonathan, I think they're working on getting better sounds and possibly a sound circuit/board for inside the engines.  I took one of those 1" cube bluetooth speakers apart to see if I could fit it inside the (O-scale) RS3, just haven't actually done it yet but there does appear to be room.

I haven't looked at S-gauge until recently.  A fella I know is in the Atlantic Coast S-Gaugers Tidewater Division and they set up at all the local train shows, nice looking equipment they have!!!

jonnyspeed posted:

I like this technology, but I'm waiting for onboard sound that is as good as DCC before I jump in.

Hi jonnyspeed,

The Neil Stanton S-CAB system (, that I use in my engines, supports the Soundtraxx Tsunami. Essentially it is a radio-frequency receiver hard-wired to a DCC decoder of your choice (from the ones he supports). So, there is no difference in sound features or qualities, since it uses the same DCC decoder.

For those of you reading this and are O-scale modelers, S-CAB now has 4- and 8-amp decoders available.

Disclaimer: I have no financial interests in S-CAB, other than being a satisfied customer. I do, however, love battery-powered locomotives, regardless of the manufacturer of the electronics; it is the wave of the future. I am glad that Darby took the time to document and share his installation. Very well done!

 - Peter V.

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