Greetings Everyone,
Yeah, I know it happens to just about every one of us but I have to vent. I picked up this Brand New MTH Genesis PS-3 Amtrak Diesel 20-20300-1 from a really nice little shop near Pittsburgh, Pa, yesterday (they're not a sponsor so I won't elaborate). The Shop Manager, by the name of Victor, took very good care of me and track tested the locomotive before completing the transaction.
It was a road trip of about 200+ miles "port-to-port" but well worth it.
Well, I put her on the layout, (DCS Equipped), did a factory re-set, let the DCS "Find" the engine and as the late great Jakie Gleason used to say, "and awaaay we go". But not for long.
Without even making a complete lap around the layout (6' X 8'), she died. Nothin', Zero, Zip, Nada.
Well, I tried the usual stuff like turning off the power and turning it on again, re-setting the engine etc. but each time I got the dreaded "CHECK TRACK", "ENGINE NOT FOUND".
I tried another MTH Premier engine and everything worked like it should, therefore, I think it's safe to say that the Genesis is Ka-Put.
Soooo, I've already sent my tale-of-woe to MTH and I'm awaiting a RMA. And so it goes.
Chief Bob (Retired)