I have an old metal bridge that seems to have been cut or broke on one of the gurters. how can i fix this prob?
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First thing to do is get a dictionary and learn to spell.
Will be much easier for all our forum experts to provide advice if you can post a picture of the area that you are trying to repair.
First thing to do is get a dictionary and learn to spell.
So when did you determine that you were perfect? #$%^&!
just so you know freightrain i have been awake for a few days taking care of my mother who is sick. but i guess you would not understand compassion.
Are you painting the bridge? If so, it widens the variety of repairs you can do as you can blend it. You might be able to get away with a liquid weld ( the propper name of the product escapes me at the moment)..Ive heard great things about it.
And lets be civil, no reason to be so tough.especially over something like spelling. After all, this is a forum about toy trains.
just so you know freightrain i have been awake for a few days taking care of my mother who is sick. but i guess you would not understand compassion.
I'd like to see some compassion for people like me who have to read through some of this spelling pollution.
just so you know freightrain i have been awake for a few days taking care of my mother who is sick. but i guess you would not understand compassion.
I'd like to see some compassion for people like me who have to read through some of this spelling pollution.
"compassion |kəmˈpaSHən| noun -- sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others."
Do obviously unintentional misspellings really rise to 'suffering or misfortune'?
C'mon guys. There are apparently parts of this forum where this kind of snarky banter is the norm, but the Scenery Forum isn't one of them. This is one reason I largely limit myself to it. I vote we all try to keep it that way.
i can post a pic but not tonight. got home early tonight and i am very tired. as it was stated before this is about TOY trans and Toy bridges. so why do people need to worry so much. ( it really is not life or death you know
A a smart man once said why can we not get alone and just play trains
I took it as a joke.
i do take this hobby seriously. I started this because i need help with a bridge. a piece of bridge is damaged and i have very little metal working experience ( like none). I have tried an epoxy and it did not hold. ( no way that i can clamp this area on the bridge.) i will try to get some pics of it on here latter.
Just a guess here. If the girder or strut is broken, perhaps you can place a thin splice on the back side of the crack and glue them together.
i tried that DMASSO it did not work
do you guys think it maybe possible to weld it? i do not believe it is brass. it has a little rust on it. i believe it is tin or very thin steel.
J-B weld is the stuff you need. Ive seen it do some amazing repairs on metals.
And on a side note: only take this hobby as seriously as what makes you happy..if being proto is your bag, go for it. If seeing how many trains you can run in a given space makes you happy, thats ok too. A hobby is about what makes you happy and should never stress you out.
thanks i will try J-B weld. and very well put SaabsandTrain.
J-B Weld is a good solution. You can use it to hold re-enforcement pieces in place and, once totally cured, can be filed, sanded and whatever finishing method is needed. One caveat to using J-B Weld is to let it fully cure before handling or attempting to work it (about 24 hours).
Jim McClenin
tried JB weid worked great.
Glad to hear!