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Are you painting the bridge? If so, it widens the variety of repairs you can do as you can blend it. You might be able to get away with a liquid weld ( the propper name of the product escapes me at the moment)..Ive heard great things about it.


And lets be civil, no reason to be so tough.especially over something like spelling. After all, this is a forum about toy trains.

Originally Posted by SkyHookDepot:
Originally Posted by traindork:

just so you know freightrain i have been awake for a few days taking care of my mother who is sick.  but i guess you would not understand compassion.  

I'd like to see some compassion for people like me who have to read through some of this spelling pollution.

"compassion |kəmˈpaSHən| noun -- sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others."

Do obviously unintentional misspellings really rise to 'suffering or misfortune'?

C'mon guys. There are apparently parts of this forum where this kind of snarky banter is the norm, but the Scenery Forum isn't one of them.  This is one reason I largely limit myself to it.  I vote we all try to keep it that way.

Train dork....the folks on this forum take this hobby very seriously. If you don't why did ask the question asking for advice? Just mix up some epoxy (good for holding most things) glue your bridge together. Done deal. Folks here were just trying to give you the best solution. Sort of like fixing your car without you stating what's wrong with it?

i do take this hobby seriously.  I started this because i need help with a bridge.  a piece of bridge is damaged and i have very little metal working experience ( like none).  I have tried an epoxy and it did not hold. ( no way that i can clamp this area on the bridge.)  i will try to get some pics of it on here latter.  

Last edited by traindork

J-B weld is the stuff you need. Ive seen it do some amazing repairs on metals.


And on a side note: only take this hobby as seriously as what makes you happy..if being proto is your bag, go for it. If seeing how many trains you can run in a given space makes you happy, thats ok too. A hobby is about what makes you happy and should never stress you out.

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