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Do a search on the web for model railroader bridge girder drawings, I tried this and there seams to be information/drawings on scratch building plate girder bridges. Also Kalmbach Books publishes two books on Model Railroad Bridges and Trestles, I believe Carstens Publications(White River Productions) may also have a book available for bridge and trestle constuction.

The Kalmbach book titled,"Model Railroad Bridges & Trestles", is a very good reference, I have the origional issue. I scratch a double track plate girder and truss bridges using bass wood strip lumber and Elmers wood glue to make the structural shapes, span lengths two to three feet, I have no strength issues with these bridges carrying the weight of the my heavist locomotives, a Weaver brass Little Joe and MTH Railking Allegheny Steam Locomotive, these bridges are elevated sitting on scratch built bridge shoes which bear on white pine board lumber piers painted concrete gray.


As with actual rail bridges, the longer the span, the bridge design structural members must be sized for this span loadings and overall bridge length supported by the piers.

Last edited by John Ochab

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