Hi All, I just wanted to share my latest project which was to do something with this corner to fill it in and hide the transitions of the tree and sky backdrops.
I opted to create a rock formation and started by grabbing some scrap foam and gluing it together in the rough shape I wanted. I used Liquid Nails for Foam.
I used a small hand-held scraper to do some more shaping and put in some gouges.
After a couple coats of SculptaMold, I was ready to do the coloring. This turned out to be the hardest part since it took me several attempts to get the colors right. They're still not spot-on, but they're close enough that I'm satisfied. I started by spray painting the entire thing with Rustoleum Camouflauge Khaki. I then switched to acrylics and put on a thin wash of burnt sienna. While that was still damp I put on a little heavier coat of burnt umber. I didn't brush it on, but would put a little on the tip of the brush and dab it all around. Recessed areas got a thick coating to make them darker than the surrounding areas. Next was a little bit of a green wash on a couple of spots. I hit higher areas with a little antique white and light tan. It looks better in person than in the pictures. Then next step is to finish it off with trees, bushes, and grass on the flat areas and along the bottom. Thank goodness that Scenic Express catalog showed up the other week!