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You are 100% correct gunrunnerjohn.  Sometimes we have to acknowledge the facts and act accordingly.  I just ordered two replacements and will change the burned-out units with the dremel tool and cutting wheels.  I was originally balking at cutting out the  melted units because I will have to work from a topside creeper.  This time I will tie the units to a momentary push button switch for each one.  Using the dcs system, via the aiu, is prone to keeping the power applied for too long especially when you are trying to perform the uncoupling operation from the same handheld that you are controlling the loco with.  I actually burned-out the second unit while using two handhelds.  Go figure...................

If you want to run them from the remote, you could add a small circuit to only apply power a short time and then remove it.  Something as simple a NO relay DC relay, bridge rectifier, and a capacitor would do it.  The incoming power would pick the relay after the capacitor charges and open the circuit, regardless of how long the power was applied.  When the power is removed, the relay coil will discharge the cap and reset for the next use.  I'd probably add a resistor in series with the capacitor to slow the rate of charge.  This would limit the coil time but still allow remote access.

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