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Mill City posted:
Apples55 posted:

Nice choice, Jon. Sláinte mhaith!!!

Will be sippin' some Midleton a bit later.

Remember, the prohibition against draining and driving applies to O-Gauge trains too!!!

Cheers back. And not to fear, no hand on the throttle tonight. Remember, please be responsible and enjoy fine whiskies "neat."


It's neat or hit the street!!! And I would suggest:

paul 2 posted:

My favorite person in the whole world dropped off a package of goodies. These are from the last Catalog. 5 more auto racks, a wood chip hopper from a set, now I have two  and two unloading/loading ramps. A few pics. I did not take them out of the boxes..........PaulDSCN2320DSCN2321


Could you you tell me the lengthy and height of the two smaller auto racks? Could you send me some pics of them out of the box? My layout is only O42, and I've really wanted some of those and was wondering if they'd work for me.



The auto racks in the top picture are the same size as the 3 in the bottom picture. He just had to zoom out on the top picture to show his wood chip hopper and ramps.

The auto racks measure out to 2' over the coupler faces and can be run on a curve as tight as 54" diameter. I run the Chessie auto rack and Atlas 89' flat cars on mostly 81" diameter curves and a couple 72" diameter curves. They look OK on the wider curve but not so much on the smaller.

I think 42" diameter curves are too small for the Lionel 89' cars.

Chris, Catnip is right. When you get into scale cars the wider the radius the better. I don't have any small curves. Mine are 0-89 and 0-96 and there is still a bit of overhang on those. When they say the smallest curve they can run on that is, in my opinion too tight of a curve. If you want car carriers I would suggest either the Lionel ones that are not scale or MTH car carriers which are shorter then Lionel's' but should be okay on 0-42 curves. There was a topic on here that showed the scale Lionel auto rack on different curves..............Paul  

Gone Fising 2016

Gone Fishing / Went to the train room and got a six pack of the home town favorite from a Lionel Boxcar.  Vernors Ginger-ale. Stop by at my local brick and mortar tackle shop, to purchase my 2016 fishing license for all fish species.  The Michigan Department of Natural Resources publishes a new Fishing Guide each year. The book must be paid for by all the advertising. The book is heavy on advertising.  They also put out and email newsletter. The OGR Adman would like all the advertising. 

The All Species License cost $26.00 for a Michigan resident. This maybe of interest to you guys & gals who like to take a break from trains. I several spots where I can watch trains and catch fish. This is the best time of year to fish because the weeds are low or gone.

Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View


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  • Gone Fising 2016
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View
Last edited by trainroomgary

With RMT finding items in their warehouse and cleaning out inventory, I picked up two Beeps. The first one is a second number (#7006) to go with my Pennsy Beep (#7009). The second was the long lost Army Beep. RMT has had these on order for 3 years. I have a Navy, Air Force and USMC Beep but was missing the Army. I saw this pop up as a one only found warehouse item and jumped on it.



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  • GOPR0100
  • GOPR0103
Roman posted:

Hmm, I guess I'm not too cool. I touted just above about the little "gem" I'm waiting on. Well what do I find buried at the bottom of a bin under my layout tonight????


Can't have too many cabeese/cabooses, right? 


You are quite right about that!  I have a couple of those, and a few more postwar cabooses plus a few nice newer once as well.  More of them than locomotives!  You can always have a caboose track to show them off.

suzukovich posted:

Picked up a few things, Burlington Reefers :  Atlas( from a forum member ) Lionel, MTH .Lionel NP Reefer and an Atlas NP Way Car. I also added to my CB&Q roster MTH GP9. Ok cool for me.

suzukovich, you are pretty snappy with videos. It looks like you cropped the videos to show only the cars you are commenting on. What software do you use? 

Cool Train Shop Catalog • From Japan

My son travels to Japan several times a year on business trips.  He is an automotive engineer and this is a Catalog from a Train Shop in Japan. Some of his co workers in Japan are model railroaders.  This model train shop has a cafe / restaurant in the train shop.  They serve the meals on a Bullet Train dish.

Click here to learn more about this Train Shop in Japan.

Train Shop Japan Popondetta CatalogJapan Train Shop PopondettaCheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View


Images (3)
  • Train Shop Japan Popondetta Catalog
  • Japan Train Shop Popondetta
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View
Gary Graves posted:
suzukovich posted:

Picked up a few things, Burlington Reefers :  Atlas( from a forum member ) Lionel, MTH .Lionel NP Reefer and an Atlas NP Way Car. I also added to my CB&Q roster MTH GP9. Ok cool for me.

suzukovich, you are pretty snappy with videos. It looks like you cropped the videos to show only the cars you are commenting on. What software do you use? 

Actually it was two separate 20 sec videos. Un like Alan and some others, I am still working in the stone age. Just using Picasa Movie maker. But thank you anyway.

Didn't buy anything but did some eyeshopping at the LHS. Have a ton of new Woodlands  scenics  items plus the usual MTH and Lionel  high end engines and cars. The prices are staggering I think. I was looking at some Lionechief sets  and, for te modern price, they seem like a good way to go for a train for kids.  Actually seems reasonable and people seem to like  the simple control system so everything isn't doom and gloom.  Had a BigBoy, two Alleghenies, a y6b  plus a wide assortment of steamers and diesels with scads of cars in boxes. Looked for a good RR book but not much there. Good to get out of the house-now back to my faithful old stuff.

Thanks guys happy with my purchase.


decoynh posted:

John,  very nice indeed!  How does it track through switches, esp. back to back switches?  All my 0-4-0, 0-6-0 & 0-8-0 Shifters work great on switches.  I contemplated converting a decopod to an 0-10-0 b4 trading it off. 

I had no issues with switches, I backed through a few on Atlas and Fastrack, neither gave it any trouble. All the switches I tried were O72 or larger, don't know how well it would handle it's minimum of O54.

Notch 6 posted:

Picked up two of these yesterday along with a full few size bells and a Nathan Airchime K3HA horn all from retired Union Pacific B40-8 locos. I'll clean it all up and then start working to find new homes for everything. 



photo [22)

you should take that control stand and wire it to your layout and control your trains with it

Roman posted:

Waiting for this little gem to arrive. Putting together set 1503W. With this I now have all the cars, just need the important loco & tender.




Roman posted:

Hmm, I guess I'm not too cool. I touted just above about the little "gem" I'm waiting on. Well what do I find buried at the bottom of a bin under my layout tonight????


Can't have too many cabeese/cabooses, right? 

I'm not savvy enough on PW to know the specific differences of a 6257 vs. 6357 without trying to look it up, but since they have different numbers, I think it's OK!


The Doyle book I have shows mfg dates of 48-52 for the 6257.  If it is dark tile red with a dark tile red chimney, this book shows a price of $200-650 for VC-LN but only $2-8 for the red, tile red, or red-orange.  

The 6357 shows production on and off from 60-69 with prices from $40-175 depending on version and condition.

Greenberg's book shows different info and reverses the high value between 257 and 357.  So as far as value, it's a toss up i guess.

I got my 86' hi-door boxcars last week and still have not had time to open them yet. 

Hi-Door Boxcars

I also got this Weaver City of Altoona Fire Department Tank Car off the ebay over the weekend. Since, I'm a firefighter I had to have it and got it for a pretty good price. The mean reason I purchased it was I thought it would go good with my SD60E first responder diesel that should arrive this summer. 

City of Altoona Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team



Images (2)
  • Hi-Door Boxcars
  • City of Altoona Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team: Altoona Fire Dept. Tanker

I just received these two GG1s I bought on line.


The black one may not be prototypical (I think the prototype was brunswick green, which looked black in some light, with gold stripes.) but I think it is striking and I love it. 4829 was the only GG1 to get that type of stripping. I bought the green 5 stripe because I don't have a green 5 stripe and the price was right. Here is a picture of my 4 scale MTH GG1s (I also have a scale Williams GG1)



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  • GOPR0181
  • GOPR0132

Very nice, Pat!  That black one is a curious beast.  It looks to have a flatter finish than the regular tuscan or green examples.  Never being a fan of the factory applied locomotive sheen, I've seriously thought about giving my early MTH scale GG1 ( tuscan 4876 ) a coat of glossy lacquer.

Enjoy those beauties,Pat!

Hi Pat, I also have that MTH 4829.  When I posted pictures of my engine one of the forum members said it was not painted that way.  BUT the fact IS nobody knows for sure.  Another forum member contacted me.  He was involved in a GG1 research project looking through the Heritage Society's records.  He stated he/they could find NO information on 4829.

THe only picture I have found is published in "Pennsy Power III" taken May 22, 1937. They also included an enlargement of just the Motor.

I have been taking and developing film since I was 5-years old(am an original Baby-Boomer).  Have looked at all the GG1 pictures in this volume.  The stripes have a greater specularity then the other images.  And the GG! body has a darker grey scale tone.  BUT again nobody knows for sure!

A few years ago there was an article on the Pennsy in one f the real RR magazines.  The writer quoted some fellows that had indeed seen 4829.  They stated that  the stripes were silver and body dark.  (what is dark?)

Somewhere have a published picture taken not long after the 1937 picture with full gold stripes and appearing lighter grey scale tone of body.

BUT nobody knows,


crood58 posted:

I also got this Weaver City of Altoona Fire Department Tank Car off the ebay over the weekend. Since, I'm a firefighter I had to have it and got it for a pretty good price. The mean reason I purchased it was I thought it would go good with my SD60E first responder diesel that should arrive this summer. 

City of Altoona Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team


That's cool and will look great with your First Responders locomotive.  MTH is also offering an Altoona Works fire truck (30-50091), in case you weren't aware.

atlayank posted:

Hi, I recently bought the same bridge.  The inside dimensions are 4 1/4" wide and 4 3/4" high. 

Yours has a different roof on it than mine does.  I wonder which one is correct?AF

He said it did not have a roof and he found one that works. I'm not a purist, and frankly I wouldn't know the difference anyway- it looks okay to me 

Can you fit Std. Gauge engines under the top of it okay?

Pat Kn posted:

I just received these two GG1s I bought on line.


The black one may not be prototypical (I think the prototype was brunswick green, which looked black in some light, with gold stripes.) but I think it is striking and I love it. 4829 was the only GG1 to get that type of stripping. I bought the green 5 stripe because I don't have a green 5 stripe and the price was right. Here is a picture of my 4 scale MTH GG1s (I also have a scale Williams GG1)


GG1's are my favorite engines. I remember seeing them run through Levittown, Bristol and Croydon Pa.

PRRronbh posted:

Hi Pat, I also have that MTH 4829.  When I posted pictures of my engine one of the forum members said it was not painted that way.  BUT the fact IS nobody knows for sure.  Another forum member contacted me.  He was involved in a GG1 research project looking through the Heritage Society's records.  He stated he/they could find NO information on 4829.

THe only picture I have found is published in "Pennsy Power III" taken May 22, 1937. They also included an enlargement of just the Motor.

I have been taking and developing film since I was 5-years old(am an original Baby-Boomer).  Have looked at all the GG1 pictures in this volume.  The stripes have a greater specularity then the other images.  And the GG! body has a darker grey scale tone.  BUT again nobody knows for sure!

A few years ago there was an article on the Pennsy in one f the real RR magazines.  The writer quoted some fellows that had indeed seen 4829.  They stated that  the stripes were silver and body dark.  (what is dark?)

Somewhere have a published picture taken not long after the 1937 picture with full gold stripes and appearing lighter grey scale tone of body.

BUT nobody knows,


The book I have, "The Remarkable GG1" shows #4829 was built June 1935 by Baldwin / PRR / West, retired April 1967.

PRRronbh posted:

Hi Pat, I also have that MTH 4829.  When I posted pictures of my engine one of the forum members said it was not painted that way.  BUT the fact IS nobody knows for sure.  Another forum member contacted me.  He was involved in a GG1 research project looking through the Heritage Society's records.  He stated he/they could find NO information on 4829.

THe only picture I have found is published in "Pennsy Power III" taken May 22, 1937. They also included an enlargement of just the Motor.

I have been taking and developing film since I was 5-years old(am an original Baby-Boomer).  Have looked at all the GG1 pictures in this volume.  The stripes have a greater specularity then the other images.  And the GG! body has a darker grey scale tone.  BUT again nobody knows for sure!

A few years ago there was an article on the Pennsy in one f the real RR magazines.  The writer quoted some fellows that had indeed seen 4829.  They stated that  the stripes were silver and body dark.  (what is dark?)

Somewhere have a published picture taken not long after the 1937 picture with full gold stripes and appearing lighter grey scale tone of body.

BUT nobody knows,



Thanks for the information. I had heard there was a controversy but everything I found had it listed as green. I have Pennsy Power II but to my knowledge there has never been a color picture of 4829. I agree with your "what is dark?" comment. DGLE is dark. So is black. I just assumed the color was DGLE which can be mistaken for black and the model was colored wrong. Regardless, although I like to be prototypically correct, the engine looks cool and I had to have it in my collection. 

shurlock1 posted:

Pat, I just received 2 powered trucks for a Williams non powered GG1 I want to power. You may have seen him at shows but I purchased many Williams parts from Charles Phillips.I will give his email if anyone needs items. He sends items out fast.

Thanks. I don't have a non-powered GG1. It's a shame that no one has used the tooling left behind by Williams for their scale GG1. The Williams Scale GG1 was a great engine. I have one and a past member of our club had one. They look great and don't require O-72 curves. They also run at a slower pace and do not have the jackrabbit starts of a lot of Williams engines. A great running and great looking scale classic engine with a big following for a reasonable price and nobody wants to (or can) make it. What a shame.

I recently bought two batches of  old RR magazines on the OGR forum. The one batch, RAILS NORTHEAST  goes to a friend tomorrow who will definitely appreciate it. A dedicated rail fan and photographer. Second is a big batch of CTTs  that I am thoroughly enjoying. Tremendous back in the early days.  Plenty of reading and amazing the  changes since the first issue.

WP_20160417_002 [1)WP_20160413_007 [1)this came today, growing up in South West Missouri near the Frisco Railroad I used to see these role through town, It took awhile for me to figure out where they came from and where they were going. They didn't come through that often, and it was after the B&N had bought out the Frisco that they would appear. So when J C Penny offered it in their catalog I was hooked. So I finally I got my MK&T and the matching caboose will be here sometime next week.WP_20160417_002 [1)WP_20160413_007 [1) 


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Last edited by Frisco Brakeman
Keith6700 posted:

I went to Jerry's Records today in Squirrel Hill for Record Store Day 2016. I picked up a few LP's...



Fine choice of albums.   No wonder you get along so well with the old guys in our train club!    I think at one time,  I owned each one of those records.   There's another great place for old records in Millvale called "The Attic".


Last week I got the last pieces to put together my Traditional sized O gauge Penn Central passenger train. The Engine and baggage car are Lionel. I got them awhile back and the other cars are MTH Rail king I picked up Thursday from Trainworld. 

The set is coming together and I am happy with it.imageimageimage

My only disappointment is the Allyns Point Sleeper MTH chose to do had a jade green window band and letter/number boards. I wish they had bothered to paint it in those more accurate colors. 


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I always thought the 397 was a cool yet messy accessory and have always wanted one. Got it for 20 bucks, spent $17 for the new belt and motor housing screw and with about a 1/2 hour of cleaning & maintenance it runs like a champ. The 1st picture doesn't show how grimey it actually was.






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  • Loaderb4
  • Loaderafter

Cool - MADISON HARDWARE CO. Truck  -  Sales & Service.

I have a Vernors Barrel in the foyer area of the train room.  I placed a 1953 Ford • C-600 • Straight Truck next to the Lionel lunch bucket.  The truck is die cast 1/34 scale.  It is to large for the layout. I have two grand children 1 & 2 years old.  This large die cast truck is for little hands to play with in “Grandpa’s Man Cave”.  Great fun for little engineers.

Madison Hardware was in Detroit from 1989 to 1999, at 1915 West Fort St. 4th Floor Detroit, Michigan.

See 2 photos below, click on photo to enlarge.Madison Hardware 1:34 Die Cast TruckMadison Hardware Die Cast TruckCheers from Train Room Gary Pan view 2


Images (3)
  • Madison Hardware 1:34 Die Cast Truck
  • Madison Hardware Die Cast Truck
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan view 2

Got this at a hobby shop over the weekend:

This covers railroad that were VERY close to where I live. Some photos were taken at the exit off the highway with a couple of miles from my front door. There were several logging operations all around here, but sadly, most were gone before I moved to the Pacific NW.

Not a cheap book but well worth the money...



Madison Hardware Company at 1915 West Fort St. 4th Floor, Detroit, MI 48216-1817 purchased this at Mack Tractor Sales on E. Jefferson Ave.

Their first run will be a pick up at Union Terminal, East St. Louis, Illinois. This will be a non stop run to Madison Hardware in Detroit.

Drive Safe - Take good care of all those Lionel Trains.  •  Click on photo to enlarge.Madsion Hardware Tractor & Trailer 1993 LCCACheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View


Images (2)
  • Madsion Hardware Tractor & Trailer 1993 LCCA
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View

From a Forumite I just got mailed in a Fort Worth and Denver (Burlington) Lionel boxcar, #6-52176.  I was surprised that it was a  Lionel car for this western road, the southern end of the Colorado and Southern.  I didn't know Lionel made this.  I had forgotten it was a Lionel car after ordered, as I was supposed to pick it up at York, but didn't get the meeting lined up due to my plans that went wrong and rushed the trip.

Won a bid on the bay of a lot with about 12 items in it. I was going after a set of prewar passenger cars two 609's and a 611 I saw these cars but didn't know what they where actually thought they where more AF as it was a mix of prewar Lionel and prewar AF. What it turned out to be once I did some searching for the cars on ebay is they are 

Two Ive's Gondola's 

picked this prewar American Flyer O-gauge set up yesterday, I'm thinking 1937 from the hook and loop couplers. Haven't put it on my loop of track yet, but on the stand after lube and oil in runs like a Swiss watch. Headlight as well as caboose light has been stripped away years ago, and some decorations are gone. Paint and decals on all pieces need some tending to. I seen this set at a local flea market at least 3 to 4 years ago, drop back by there two weeks ago and it was still there. I made a offer on it but it was to low, although the owner came down on the price so I accepted. question is should a strip them and restore or leave them as they are?WP_20160428_017WP_20160428_016WP_20160428_015WP_20160428_012WP_20160428_013WP_20160428_014WP_20160428_006WP_20160428_007WP_20160428_008WP_20160428_009WP_20160428_010



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Carey TeaRose posted:

Just won this!! Jazzed. He's showing his age, and worse for the wear, but hoping that Tom can help me restore this Ives water tower a bit and pretty him up. He came with a friend, a semaphore that needs restoration. 






glad you found one. looks like about the shape mine is in. a black plastic straw makes a decent water spout.

Not RR related, but my wife and I went to a glass blowing place over the weekend and she just picked up what we'd made (they have to be cured in a high temp area for a while slowly going down in temps, otherwise it'll crack). This is about 2.5" across. I used green and gold for the ET&WNC (or Southern RR) colors...

It's about the only art form I'd never worked in before. If you've never done this, I highly suggest it as it's really fun.

At my first York I picked up 5 G gauge pieces of rolling stock from Charles Ro.

I just received my first engine with another car from him.  And a bunch more LGB track from another source.

The small garden layout (some day) will be a military theme. He has some nice 1:29 scale military stock.

Here is the USMC GP 7/9 with it's cars. I haven't put on all the rails and fancy stuff just a quick inventory pictures. 

US Army next.

Big learning curve for me playing with G gauge and DC

Still having fun







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  • DSCN4110
  • DSCN4112
Dennis Holler posted:

Got these real nice Athearn O scale  box cars in one Ebay auction and then the three below  in another.  The caboose is a 1930's Walthers Crestline kit that needs some rehab.  The last four boxcars, I think, are all Walthers kit build as well.nother Walthers box car lot

I think you and I were watching the same listing/auction.  I also think there is another on E bay now referencing the top CB&Q reefer.  Nice haul!!!!!

Last edited by suzukovich
jim pastorius posted:

Just curious Are the Lionel-made Am. Flyer trains made the same as the older S gauge ones ? ie:  Current pick up in the tender, the chuffer ??   Do they use a can motor ?

The tender has pick ups on the axels, I haven't pulled the shell on the engine yet, so I can't tell you. It has the same controller as the Lionel chief, but can be run from either transformer or the remote. The guys in the S scale forum would be the experts. I like it. It actually looks just like the scale versions. Not like a toy looking RTR set.

suzukovich posted:
Dennis Holler posted:

Got these real nice Athearn O scale  box cars in one Ebay auction and then the three below  in another.  The caboose is a 1930's Walthers Crestline kit that needs some rehab.  The last four boxcars, I think, are all Walthers kit build as well.nother Walthers box car lot

I think you and I were watching the same listing/auction.  I also think there is another on E bay now referencing the top CB&Q reefer.  Nice haul!!!!!

I see the the one you are referencing on ebay now, he has a low starting bid.  I've been trying to limit myself to picking these old cars up in lots instead of singles.  A lot of these cars needed trucks or trucks fixed, but over time I've managed to pick up quite a bit of parts for these old scale kit cars.  I find them pretty neat and 10 time cheaper than a new Atlas car.  That said, I still like a good Atlas billboard reefer   Either way, these are fun and are definitely something different.  Instead of tinplate, how about Woodplate

Found these in the Blue Hall at York. After a very good clean up and lube they run as nice as they look. The 6466WX tender also received new pick up roller wiring.

I found the 2426W tender at the Seaford Fire Company train show a couple months back. A really good clean up, lube and new pick up roller wiring it whistled like a champ. {I am considering restoring it given how faded Lionel Lines is on each side}.

The best part is, I didn't spend much be cause they are runners!

 2025 w/6466WX20372426WX


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  • 2025 w/6466WX
  • 2037
  • 2426W
Last edited by Henry J.

I got this 1915 Model T at the Hooksett NH train Show along with a few other cars.  The bed was broken off the body w/o a floor.  I used some strip balsa to replace the floor and stained it oak b4 poly.  I then attached the bed back to the body.  Sorry that the photo is so dark.  It's now part of today's Antique Car Show.




Images (1)
  • IMG_0029: 1915 Model T PUP

thanks to member Jim O'c, I learned about a Hornby Pullman named after our oldest daughter, and he sent me an auction link for one. made an offer and got it. Missing the roof, I had an idea a Lionel 1682 caboose roof would fit. I had a rusted junker,cut the roof off, and had to shorten it. Fits perfect, but my roof is rusted too bad, so off to find a less junk junker.



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  • PTDC0001
  • PTDC0002
  • PTDC0003
  • PTDC0004
Mark Boyce posted:


Very nice sign!  My daughter and son-in-law gave me one like it for Christmas a year ago.  I had it on the front of my temporary and Christmas layout like you suggested.  It is awaiting a spot on the new layout.


just wish their was an MTH Std Gauge tinplate traditions ones and an Ives trains one too.

Carey TeaRose posted:

This metal sign arrived yesterday. Kinda wanna put it centered on the front facing board go the Std. Gauge layout table, but Tom is saying no. He hates to see it cover up even part of the nice mahogany wood. He's right of course. We'll talk about other ideas of a place where it could possibly go.


and the negotiations begin!!

Carey TeaRose posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


Very nice sign!  My daughter and son-in-law gave me one like it for Christmas a year ago.  I had it on the front of my temporary and Christmas layout like you suggested.  It is awaiting a spot on the new layout.


just wish their was an MTH Std Gauge tinplate traditions ones and an Ives trains one too.

Ives Sign


Images (1)
  • Ives Sign
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:
Carey TeaRose posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


Very nice sign!  My daughter and son-in-law gave me one like it for Christmas a year ago.  I had it on the front of my temporary and Christmas layout like you suggested.  It is awaiting a spot on the new layout.


just wish their was an MTH Std Gauge tinplate traditions ones and an Ives trains one too.

Ives Sign

Papa, very COOL- where can one find this one??

Carey TeaRose posted:
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:
Carey TeaRose posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


Very nice sign!  My daughter and son-in-law gave me one like it for Christmas a year ago.  I had it on the front of my temporary and Christmas layout like you suggested.  It is awaiting a spot on the new layout.


just wish their was an MTH Std Gauge tinplate traditions ones and an Ives trains one too.

Ives Sign

Papa, very COOL- where can one find this one??

It came from Ande Rooney, but I no longer see it on their site.


Picked up an Igra freight set from the Czech Republic on the cheap.  Loco, tender, tank car and gondola. Two pass coaches too, however, they are missing roofs. The cab roof on the loco is yellow, which doesn't come up too often and it was flaking but I found a 1954 Caterpillar tractor spray can that match almost exactly, and it has been repainted since the photos. So I too will be making a couple of roofs, probably from a plain automotive sheet metal panel and add some gray paint to match the original appearance.

igra locoigra roofless coaches igra gondola tanker

here is what the boxed passenger set looks like.

igra 4-car pass set

Prices are usually ridiculous and shipping from Eastern Europe equally challenging, so I got a really good deal from someone who didn't know what they had.


Images (4)
  • igra roofless coaches
  • igra loco
  • igra gondola tanker
  • igra 4-car pass set
Last edited by Jim O'C
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:
Carey TeaRose posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


Very nice sign!  My daughter and son-in-law gave me one like it for Christmas a year ago.  I had it on the front of my temporary and Christmas layout like you suggested.  It is awaiting a spot on the new layout.


just wish their was an MTH Std Gauge tinplate traditions ones and an Ives trains one too.

Ives Sign

Had to get this one: we dance, I sing, and we both swear!




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  • s-l1600

Enablers here, cheer for your "success" with me!! ... Papa told me it won't fit for Std. Gauge... but I wouldn't listen... it kept calling me... tantalizing me with its bright and shiny colors...

Plus its so darn cute, and this one is in great condition. I'll have Tom add metal pieces to it and I can paint them to build it up if need be, I'll find a way to have this work for me on the layout!!






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  • s-l1600
Last edited by Carey TeaRose

Been looking for one of these for years. A friend in Minnesota offered it for sale so I took it. Super rare, not cheap.

Plastimarx 666 with long tender and 4 wheel plastic coaches. Plastimarx was Marx of Mexico. Their products always had a US Marx or Hafner equivalent, except these coaches. Strictly for Mexico production which is why they are seldom seen. The 666 is actually a 999 with different graphics and number board, the tender is the large Nickel Plate tender sheet metal.


Plastimarx 666 NYC Passenger Set


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  • Plastimarx 666 NYC Passenger Set

I actually got these a few months back at a TCA show in Ringgold, Georgia. 
Two scale steam locomotives! One from Lionel, the other from K-Line. 

The Lionel steamer is the very well known Southern Railway 4501 in her famous green and gold scheme from the excursion program.  This version was made in the 90's and is a pre TMCC model, but is the closest to an exact replica of the 4501 I've seen in any scale (in other words not using a USRA Mike and slapping the paint scheme on it). 
This is a model I've been looking for ever since I started O-scale, but could never find in good shape or for a price that wasn't completely ridiculous. 
The second steamer is my first steamer from K-Line. A New York Central 4-6-6T Suburban Tank engine. 
This little engine immediately caught my eye for some unknown reason! 
It's got TMCC and railsounds on board and also was weathered at the factory! 

I got both of these from the same dealer, Memory Station, and the owner gave me a killer deal for both of them! 

What's even sweeter is that both of these beautiful scale steamers can run on O-36 curves! Which means that I can run them on any part of my layout. I have two loops on the main level (O-72 and O-54) and an O-36 loop on the lower level. 

The only modification I plan on doing (to the 4501) is adding TMCC so that I can run it with my remote with command control as my layout is almost 100% TMCC and DCS operated. 

With these purchases, my steam fleet grows to six engines! 3738


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Stirling R. Callahan posted:

I actually got these a few months back at a TCA show in Ringgold, Georgia. 
Two scale steam locomotives! One from Lionel, the other from K-Line. 

The Lionel steamer is the very well known Southern Railway 4501 in her famous green and gold scheme from the excursion program.  This version was made in the 90's and is a pre TMCC model, but is the closest to an exact replica of the 4501 I've seen in any scale (in other words not using a USRA Mike and slapping the paint scheme on it). 
This is a model I've been looking for ever since I started O-scale, but could never find in good shape or for a price that wasn't completely ridiculous. 
The second steamer is my first steamer from K-Line. A New York Central 4-6-6T Suburban Tank engine. 
This little engine immediately caught my eye for some unknown reason! 
It's got TMCC and railsounds on board and also was weathered at the factory! 

I got both of these from the same dealer, Memory Station, and the owner gave me a killer deal for both of them! 

What's even sweeter is that both of these beautiful scale steamers can run on O-36 curves! Which means that I can run them on any part of my layout. I have two loops on the main level (O-72 and O-54) and an O-36 loop on the lower level. 

The only modification I plan on doing (to the 4501) is adding TMCC so that I can run it with my remote with command control as my layout is almost 100% TMCC and DCS operated. 

With these purchases, my steam fleet grows to six engines! 3738

Yes, there they are, Stirling.  Really nice!  I sure like the Southern green!

Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:

Been looking for one of these for years. A friend in Minnesota offered it for sale so I took it. Super rare, not cheap.

Plastimarx 666 with long tender and 4 wheel plastic coaches. Plastimarx was Marx of Mexico. Their products always had a US Marx or Hafner equivalent, except these coaches. Strictly for Mexico production which is why they are seldom seen. The 666 is actually a 999 with different graphics and number board, the tender is the large Nickel Plate tender sheet metal.


Plastimarx 666 NYC Passenger Set

Great find Steve. I guess they needed an excuse to get rid of of all those excess 7-inch tenders and 999s. Saw one advertised at an auction years ago with an additional Pullman boxed as set numbered 5107.

5107 passenger set


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  • 5107 passenger set
Allegheny posted:

I picked this up at a train show.  I suspect that it is 1/32 scale. 

Nice, but kind of odd, as that's a WW2 Willys or Ford Jeep in ETO markings, yet there's a Vietnam-era helicopter crewman standing at the driver side front corner. And it looks like a couple of 'Nam era figures are also in and around the Jeep as well based on how their web gear looks...

Just bought an MTH Premier 765 Nickel Plate Berkshire today, and I can't wait for it to arrive.  I will post some pictures when it gets to my layout.  This has always been one of my favorite prototype engines but it has taken me years to find one I could afford.  I have a long coal train just waiting for it to haul.


P51  Great observation. This is just how the figures are set up and it look like they fit perfectly. The one figure with the fellow with 1 foot in the jeep any other outside is the only position that this figure  is suited for.  Thus the Willys Jeep must've come with this set of figures. I don't know that for sure , as it could've been kit  bashed. However all the figures are the same size and painted very well. I had to do some repair on the jeep as the  tires have opposite cambers to them. So I created a set of metal axles drilled out the frame and set them into it. Now they're perfectly straight .

Mark,   I agree these larger scale's allow for greater detailing and look much more realistic than the smaller scale. 

p51 posted:
Allegheny posted:

I picked this up at a train show.  I suspect that it is 1/32 scale. 

Nice, but kind of odd, as that's a WW2 Willys or Ford Jeep in ETO markings, yet there's a Vietnam-era helicopter crewman standing at the driver side front corner. And it looks like a couple of 'Nam era figures are also in and around the Jeep as well based on how their web gear looks...

A group of reenactors calling in their order for lunch break!

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