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Cool Train Shop Catalog • From Japan

My son travels to Japan several times a year on business trips.  He is an automotive engineer and this is a Catalog from a Train Shop in Japan. Some of his co workers in Japan are model railroaders.  This model train shop has a cafe / restaurant in the train shop.  They serve the meals on a Bullet Train dish.

Click here to learn more about this Train Shop in Japan.

Train Shop Japan Popondetta CatalogJapan Train Shop PopondettaCheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View


Images (3)
  • Train Shop Japan Popondetta Catalog
  • Japan Train Shop Popondetta
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View
Gary Graves posted:
suzukovich posted:

Picked up a few things, Burlington Reefers :  Atlas( from a forum member ) Lionel, MTH .Lionel NP Reefer and an Atlas NP Way Car. I also added to my CB&Q roster MTH GP9. Ok cool for me.

suzukovich, you are pretty snappy with videos. It looks like you cropped the videos to show only the cars you are commenting on. What software do you use? 

Actually it was two separate 20 sec videos. Un like Alan and some others, I am still working in the stone age. Just using Picasa Movie maker. But thank you anyway.

Didn't buy anything but did some eyeshopping at the LHS. Have a ton of new Woodlands  scenics  items plus the usual MTH and Lionel  high end engines and cars. The prices are staggering I think. I was looking at some Lionechief sets  and, for te modern price, they seem like a good way to go for a train for kids.  Actually seems reasonable and people seem to like  the simple control system so everything isn't doom and gloom.  Had a BigBoy, two Alleghenies, a y6b  plus a wide assortment of steamers and diesels with scads of cars in boxes. Looked for a good RR book but not much there. Good to get out of the house-now back to my faithful old stuff.

Thanks guys happy with my purchase.


decoynh posted:

John,  very nice indeed!  How does it track through switches, esp. back to back switches?  All my 0-4-0, 0-6-0 & 0-8-0 Shifters work great on switches.  I contemplated converting a decopod to an 0-10-0 b4 trading it off. 

I had no issues with switches, I backed through a few on Atlas and Fastrack, neither gave it any trouble. All the switches I tried were O72 or larger, don't know how well it would handle it's minimum of O54.

Notch 6 posted:

Picked up two of these yesterday along with a full few size bells and a Nathan Airchime K3HA horn all from retired Union Pacific B40-8 locos. I'll clean it all up and then start working to find new homes for everything. 



photo [22)

you should take that control stand and wire it to your layout and control your trains with it

Roman posted:

Waiting for this little gem to arrive. Putting together set 1503W. With this I now have all the cars, just need the important loco & tender.




Roman posted:

Hmm, I guess I'm not too cool. I touted just above about the little "gem" I'm waiting on. Well what do I find buried at the bottom of a bin under my layout tonight????


Can't have too many cabeese/cabooses, right? 

I'm not savvy enough on PW to know the specific differences of a 6257 vs. 6357 without trying to look it up, but since they have different numbers, I think it's OK!


The Doyle book I have shows mfg dates of 48-52 for the 6257.  If it is dark tile red with a dark tile red chimney, this book shows a price of $200-650 for VC-LN but only $2-8 for the red, tile red, or red-orange.  

The 6357 shows production on and off from 60-69 with prices from $40-175 depending on version and condition.

Greenberg's book shows different info and reverses the high value between 257 and 357.  So as far as value, it's a toss up i guess.

I got my 86' hi-door boxcars last week and still have not had time to open them yet. 

Hi-Door Boxcars

I also got this Weaver City of Altoona Fire Department Tank Car off the ebay over the weekend. Since, I'm a firefighter I had to have it and got it for a pretty good price. The mean reason I purchased it was I thought it would go good with my SD60E first responder diesel that should arrive this summer. 

City of Altoona Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team



Images (2)
  • Hi-Door Boxcars
  • City of Altoona Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team: Altoona Fire Dept. Tanker

I just received these two GG1s I bought on line.


The black one may not be prototypical (I think the prototype was brunswick green, which looked black in some light, with gold stripes.) but I think it is striking and I love it. 4829 was the only GG1 to get that type of stripping. I bought the green 5 stripe because I don't have a green 5 stripe and the price was right. Here is a picture of my 4 scale MTH GG1s (I also have a scale Williams GG1)



Images (3)
  • GOPR0175
  • GOPR0181
  • GOPR0132

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