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Mill City posted:
Apples55 posted:

Nice choice, Jon. Sláinte mhaith!!!

Will be sippin' some Midleton a bit later.

Remember, the prohibition against draining and driving applies to O-Gauge trains too!!!

Cheers back. And not to fear, no hand on the throttle tonight. Remember, please be responsible and enjoy fine whiskies "neat."


It's neat or hit the street!!! And I would suggest:

paul 2 posted:

My favorite person in the whole world dropped off a package of goodies. These are from the last Catalog. 5 more auto racks, a wood chip hopper from a set, now I have two  and two unloading/loading ramps. A few pics. I did not take them out of the boxes..........PaulDSCN2320DSCN2321


Could you you tell me the lengthy and height of the two smaller auto racks? Could you send me some pics of them out of the box? My layout is only O42, and I've really wanted some of those and was wondering if they'd work for me.



The auto racks in the top picture are the same size as the 3 in the bottom picture. He just had to zoom out on the top picture to show his wood chip hopper and ramps.

The auto racks measure out to 2' over the coupler faces and can be run on a curve as tight as 54" diameter. I run the Chessie auto rack and Atlas 89' flat cars on mostly 81" diameter curves and a couple 72" diameter curves. They look OK on the wider curve but not so much on the smaller.

I think 42" diameter curves are too small for the Lionel 89' cars.

Chris, Catnip is right. When you get into scale cars the wider the radius the better. I don't have any small curves. Mine are 0-89 and 0-96 and there is still a bit of overhang on those. When they say the smallest curve they can run on that is, in my opinion too tight of a curve. If you want car carriers I would suggest either the Lionel ones that are not scale or MTH car carriers which are shorter then Lionel's' but should be okay on 0-42 curves. There was a topic on here that showed the scale Lionel auto rack on different curves..............Paul  

Gone Fising 2016

Gone Fishing / Went to the train room and got a six pack of the home town favorite from a Lionel Boxcar.  Vernors Ginger-ale. Stop by at my local brick and mortar tackle shop, to purchase my 2016 fishing license for all fish species.  The Michigan Department of Natural Resources publishes a new Fishing Guide each year. The book must be paid for by all the advertising. The book is heavy on advertising.  They also put out and email newsletter. The OGR Adman would like all the advertising. 

The All Species License cost $26.00 for a Michigan resident. This maybe of interest to you guys & gals who like to take a break from trains. I several spots where I can watch trains and catch fish. This is the best time of year to fish because the weeds are low or gone.

Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View


Images (2)
  • Gone Fising 2016
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View
Last edited by trainroomgary

With RMT finding items in their warehouse and cleaning out inventory, I picked up two Beeps. The first one is a second number (#7006) to go with my Pennsy Beep (#7009). The second was the long lost Army Beep. RMT has had these on order for 3 years. I have a Navy, Air Force and USMC Beep but was missing the Army. I saw this pop up as a one only found warehouse item and jumped on it.



Images (2)
  • GOPR0100
  • GOPR0103
Roman posted:

Hmm, I guess I'm not too cool. I touted just above about the little "gem" I'm waiting on. Well what do I find buried at the bottom of a bin under my layout tonight????


Can't have too many cabeese/cabooses, right? 


You are quite right about that!  I have a couple of those, and a few more postwar cabooses plus a few nice newer once as well.  More of them than locomotives!  You can always have a caboose track to show them off.

suzukovich posted:

Picked up a few things, Burlington Reefers :  Atlas( from a forum member ) Lionel, MTH .Lionel NP Reefer and an Atlas NP Way Car. I also added to my CB&Q roster MTH GP9. Ok cool for me.

suzukovich, you are pretty snappy with videos. It looks like you cropped the videos to show only the cars you are commenting on. What software do you use? 

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