Ok, I'll post this here also since I think it's cool and I just bought it lol.. $50 standard gauge Hiawatha project.. Like I need more freaking projects
Maybe I'll put a cruise commander in it Just kidding.
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Ok, I'll post this here also since I think it's cool and I just bought it lol.. $50 standard gauge Hiawatha project.. Like I need more freaking projects
Maybe I'll put a cruise commander in it Just kidding.
Steamer posted:not bought, but brought home yesterday.This was my late Uncle's, bought new by my Grandparents. 1939 Emersion Symphony Grand with "Miracle Tone Chamber, Miracle Dial,Miracle Instamatic Tuning" Bought new in 1939 for $109.95
I can remember listening to countries overseas on it. Haven't had a chance to see if it still works.
Power up can be risky. If you forego having a pro get involved, make sure it is off and plugged in for a few hours before you turn it on. Otherwise even if the caps are fine they might charge too quick and pop or die anyhow. $109.95? Wow. I think my old Admiral TV was only about $70 new and in the Mahogany cabinet to boot. Nice piece imo.
Adriatic posted:Steamer posted:not bought, but brought home yesterday.This was my late Uncle's, bought new by my Grandparents. 1939 Emersion Symphony Grand with "Miracle Tone Chamber, Miracle Dial,Miracle Instamatic Tuning" Bought new in 1939 for $109.95
I can remember listening to countries overseas on it. Haven't had a chance to see if it still works.
Power up can be risky. If you forego having a pro get involved, make sure it is off and plugged in for a few hours before you turn it on. Otherwise even if the caps are fine they might charge too quick and pop or die anyhow. $109.95? Wow. I think my old Admiral TV was only about $70 new and in the Mahogany cabinet to boot. Nice piece imo.
Yeah, at 109.95 they could have gotten a 700E set What the heck were they thinking!!
hmm...think I'll wait for the pro. Last time I heard it was back in the '70s.
Received the NP pick-up truck made for the Tacoma convention. Desiccant bag had broken so we had hundreds of little bee-bees knocking around in the case, and one front wheel was in the bottom of the box. Aside from that, very nice piece. They must get knocked around a lot during shipping.
This will be an odd post, but it's about what I didn't do...
On Saturday, I went down to a military collectible show in Portland. After that, I then went to all of the hobby shops in the Portland area that have train stuff and Powell’s Books but bought nothing at any of those places. I think I’m at a point in my life where I have specific wants, so much so that I’m just fine with getting nothing in such places if it doesn’t meet exactly what I’m looking for.
I would like to buy this, and it's the cOoLeSt thing I've ever seen...
Good one Bob. That Bryan, always complaining about having to work LOL. The mailman dropped off these to me this morning while I was raking leaves. Two more Weaver flats with trailer and two sets of Weaver trucks with couplers to go on cars I did not have couplers for. Pics ............Paul
I just got mine today and I'm in walking distance to the Lakis Distribution Center.
Bob if it took you that long to walk to Lakis's may I suggest you look into one of these, I have heard they are popular with people of your and Paul's age.
Fred, what make is that Pullman car? That car is beautiful!!!
Matt Makens posted:Fred, what make is that Pullman car? That car is beautiful!!!
This car was made in 1992 by FM in Korea for the European distributor of high end models Fulgurex. I found it pre-owned on ebay. It is a model of the Pullman cars that ran in the Fleche d'Or train between Paris and Calais (to travel to London) from 1926. Here is a picture of the other side with the kitchen at the left:
Wow, Fred, I am so jealous of your French Pullman. What amazing detail. And leave it to the French to have a kitchen with windows! Beautiful car. Congratulations!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
In my experience, French chefs get what they want, or you don't eat.
Fine by me. When's lunch?
That has to be one of the best looking passenger cars I've ever seen.
p51 posted:This will be an odd post, but it's about what I didn't do...
On Saturday, I went down to a military collectible show in Portland. After that, I then went to all of the hobby shops in the Portland area that have train stuff and Powell’s Books but bought nothing at any of those places. I think I’m at a point in my life where I have specific wants, so much so that I’m just fine with getting nothing in such places if it doesn’t meet exactly what I’m looking for.
Portland Oregon or Maine?
sncf231e posted:Matt Makens posted:Fred, what make is that Pullman car? That car is beautiful!!!
This car was made in 1992 by FM in Korea for the European distributor of high end models Fulgurex. I found it pre-owned on ebay. It is a model of the Pullman cars that ran in the Fleche d'Or train between Paris and Calais (to travel to London) from 1926. Here is a picture of the other side with the kitchen at the left:
2-rail or 3?
In a moment of sincere compassion, I felt obliged to help Mr. Muffin out with his Atlas rolling stock excess inventory problem... and the extra 20% off didn't enter into my decision in the slightest
These showed up today... thanks Steve!!!
zwbob posted:
How does one go about acquiring one of these he asked for the second time?
BIG JIM, the Tuesday night crew is a bunch of guys that meet every Tuesday from October to April in the Cleveland area. This past year two of the members decided to have a car done. The result is what you see in the pictures. The car was made for the members of the group and they sold out immediately.......Paul
Thank you Paul.
Big Jim posted:Thank you Paul.
Is it beer cars, brand, or looks of it Jim?
Captain John remarked in his recent thread the next N.MichRR Club's car was going to beer a nice be car.
I don't drink the stuff unless its thick enough to chew but I love the beer billboards.
Adriatic posted:Big Jim posted:Thank you Paul.
Is it beer cars, brand, or looks of it Jim?
It is just a classy looking car! Nice job lads!!!
Putting a Train together one car at a time. I couldn't afford the set when it came out so I am on the Hunt:
Looks great PRR!!!!
Big Jim,
Sorry I wasn't intentionally ignoring you I thought you might have read Paul's response on the top of this page about the run being sold out, but I should have still replied to your question directed at me.
Our plan is to do another old Cleveland brewery in the future and seeing how well these turned out and how quickly they sold out I'll try to let you know when we get the artwork mock up from MTH. If you like you can place an order through either Paul or myself and guarantee yourself one. Of course we are on MTH's production schedule and this car was over a year in the making.
No need to apologize, somewhere I missed that they were sold out.
My Lionel 66' gons came along with a Halloween Mikado, very cool.
Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
Lee, you never told us you could read
WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
Hey, I could use some of them too; although not nearly as many! I'm glad ridership is going to increase by an infinite percent on your passenger runs!!
WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
wish I could find these for standard gauge!!
Carey TeaRose posted:WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
wish I could find these for standard gauge!!
Cary you can, I did ! I bought two different bags of plastic people on eBay. My first bag was a bag of 12 from one seller and my second bag had 20 figures from another seller. They are 1:25 and 1:24 from China. I have to say the bags have the same size figures in them. The shipping time was a little long but I was not in any rush, I was still getting my Camden trolley running . I paid $8.75 for my bag of 20 I forget the shipping but I know it wasn't a lot. The figures could use some more paint on them but I think they look good for my trolleys. I have two more trolleys to fill up with what I have. I may buy more in the future for sitting in my station. Now I did also customize the one figure by heating up her leg to make her have her legs crossed. The engineer is a Barclay Manoil police officer that I customized to make him look as if he is at the controls. The one seller is called us-enjoy an eBay member since Feb. 28, 2016 I hope this helps.
Yesterday I purchased the MTH Railking Norfolk Southern Veterans Unit Box Car with Flashing Lights and the Railking Veterans Unit Smoking Tank Car. Am looking forward to running the Tank Car.
p51 posted:
Lee, I wonder whether the "1059" is the hull number? If so, that might be traceable. I've been researching photos and the whereabouts of Dravo tow boats and tug boats that were used by the Pennsylvania RR and the Union Barge Line during my Pittsburgh-focused layout era (1930s to 1964), and have found this shipbuildinghistory.com website to be useful for hull numbers and more. No hit on your #1059 'though:
Tomlinson Run Railroad
Carey TeaRose posted:WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
wish I could find these for standard gauge!!
I wish they all didn't look the same!!!
Got hooked to a wrong thread. This landed on my porch from Brown today, among others. Xmas came early.
all for my Standard Gauge layout: recently snagged a 200 turntable, a third 444 roundhouse section and the Stephen Girard three car passenger set. As they arrive, will post pics.
Ted, It looks good! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets hooked to the wrong threads. I have a package that should arrive Thursday I believe. I was going to save my money for York!
Picked up this PRR Q2 beauty recently from my LHS Scranton Hobby. It's a PS2, but got a great price. Operation, sounds and smoke are awesome. Lots of fun!
Just pulled the trigger on an outstanding sale item from Mr. Muffin's Trains. As usual, the pictures in the catalog do not do it justice. There have been several items I didn't buy only to have regrets when I saw it in person. Glad I got this.
Plans now are for runs @ two RC3R club displays, Trunk or Treat at two churches, and then Halloween at our house. Gonna run it like I stole it! This is going to look great on the Halloween display.
I just pulled the Halloween display out of storage. The scenery needs some touch-up, but in general it has held up very well. Now if I can just find the box with my Halloween cars and buildings. Not on the club trailer, not in the bonus room,....
I don't know about you guys, but it seems like there are good buys right now on ebay, guess everyone else is saving their money for York!
Carey TeaRose posted:all for my Standard Gauge layout: recently snagged a 200 turntable, a third 444 roundhouse section and the Stephen Girard three car passenger set. As they arrive, will post pics.
Carey, Looks like you are going to have to double the size of your layout.
Just pre-ordered the new Lionel Nickel Plate 765 Berkshire and the 100 ton High Top coal hoppers. Hopefully they come in time for my birthday on July 4th, or maybe Christmas 2018............
Another impulse buy that I can justify by stating it's a train I used to see in the flesh when they ran between Montreal and Toronto. Most of the memorable sightings were of the black and white CN theme, when it took an 1 1/2 hours of bus travel just to go railfanning in downtown Toronto. Matters little though as either paint scheme is totally out of place on my PW era layout.
Looks great, Ted!! I would like to have one, but it's too big for me to run. I'll just enjoy seeing yours!!
p51 posted:
There is / was a George Washington Kneass Boat / Yacht works in San Francisco. Apparently they were quite the bodybuilders at one time. I could not tell if they are still active.
Nice find!
Great engine TedW, is this the Lionel 5.0 version, or the Legacy version. It's a beauty! Thanks for posting.
P51, nice plaque, wonder what it represents? Also, nice Locomotive Book, 1944, the year I was born....
Brwebster, Wow, nice train! Looks like a fast, fun running train...
Gilly@N&W, OK, That's scary, a Halloween Decorated Diesel, Beautiful!!! Who made this engine? Thanks for posting...
This is a really neat thread, thanks for starting this Matt!!!!
leapinlarry posted:Gilly@N&W, OK, That's scary, a Halloween Decorated Diesel, Beautiful!!! Who made this engine? Thanks for posting...
It's MTH RailKing. Mr. Muffin made me an offer I couldn't refuse....
leapinlarry posted:Great engine TedW, is this the Lionel 5.0 version, or the Legacy version. It's a beauty! Thanks for posting.
P51, nice plaque, wonder what it represents? Also, nice Locomotive Book, 1944, the year I was born....
Brwebster, Wow, nice train! Looks like a fast, fun running train...
Gilly@N&W, OK, That's scary, a Halloween Decorated Diesel, Beautiful!!! Who made this engine? Thanks for posting...
This is a really neat thread, thanks for starting this Matt!!!!
It’s the Legacy version, 6-82767.
Surprisingly a "new" box car. Why surprisingly, just recently divested 15 box cars and 3 reefers.
But this is kind of neat.
1955 McGinnis era black with orange door New Haven. I know this is prototypical but not sure if MTH got the orange ladders and grab-irons right.
Like the look. And it kind of screams Halloween.
Had a table at our semi-annal train show near Asheville and had only sold a $20 HO locomotive. In walking around, I spotted a Lionel Nickel Plate Berk at a good price. I puckered up and bought it.
This is my 3rd Lionel Berk (having sold the other two) and hopefully will hold onto this one awhile. Might even have it upgraded to 4 chuffs at some point...
Nice Sam, we looked for you at the show. I picked up a nice G scale coaling tower myself. That show seems to get better every year.
oh I put a short video of your triplex running on the HONGZ ??? Thread
I posted this over on Weekend Photo Fun but thought I'd stick it here. Love this caboose I just picked up. From MTH.
Got these hopper cars from the Canadian club yesterday but didn't open them till this morning. Then headed for the Berea Train Show. Weather was finally nice for this show. Usually it is cold, damp and rainy. A lot of vendors there but only picked up a couple of small things. Some ballast, milk cans and pallets and found a couple of boats to place in my streams Pics.................Paul
These arrived today: been needing more ladies on my layout. Meet Mommy and baby Susan, Rosie, and Holly.
TedW that's reeeeal niiice. Kinda big, almost didn't fit in the tunnel.
I've just received two items purchased from Ebay sellers. I am very pleased with both of them. Bothe are new.
The horn, in the Great Northern loco doesn't seem to want to work however. This loco is the newer version made by Lionel in the late '90s if I am not mistaken. I've tested the loco using my Post-War ZW. When I use the horn button, nothing happens. I wonder if anyone here has an idea why ?
On another post someone had an RMT BEEF and the horn wouldn't work when he pushed the Whistle button on his ZW. Gunrunner John suggested swapping the leads at the transformer and the horn worked.
coach joe posted:On another post someone had an RMT BEEF and the horn wouldn't work when he pushed the Whistle button on his ZW. Gunrunner John suggested swapping the leads at the transformer and the horn worked.
I was thinking the same thing. Swapping the leads corrected a similar problem that I had a while back.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
Thanks, I'll give that a try. Right now, terminal "D" goes to the center rail, and "U" to the outer rails. Would there be any issues with other post-war equipment if I swapped terminals ?
Last week I received my Lionel Legacy Rutland Mogil from Patrick's Trains. I got a chance to try it out on my test track on Saturday. Haven't had a chance to bring it to the club and let it stretch it's legs. I'm running conventional since I don't have TMCC or Legacy.
The Mogil will pull my milk train. I presently have an Atlas Rutland RS-1 that pulls the train.
Pat Kn posted:Last week I received my Lionel Legacy Rutland Mogil from Patrick's Trains. I got a chance to try it out on my test track on Saturday. Haven't had a chance to bring it to the club and let it stretch it's legs. I'm running conventional since I don't have TMCC or Legacy.
The Mogil will pull my milk train. I presently have an Atlas Rutland RS-1 that pulls the train.
Nice little rig!
Howard, you are right about Pat's Mogul! As I commented on YouTube, I would have been tempted to get one if they had it in B&O or WM; and I don't care if either Road even had any Moguls.
Picked up this Stoddart wall art at a train show in Timonium yesterday. I know it is fictional but I liked it and could not pass on the price of $20.00.
Scored this on Trainz last night. Needs a little TLC but the price was right.
Should go nicely with my Greenport Scoot set.
cpowell posted:
WOW, that is a steal! Those usually go for well into three figures.
I love their stuff, I have a ET&WNC logo they made for me, hanging on the layout room wall...
I was lucky at a train show this past weekend in Asheville N.C..
I found a LGB coaling tower for my outside G garden train project in excellent shape.
It was one of the things I was going to really hunt for over the winter.
Larry Sr. posted:
Quite the score there Larry!~ Also people want to know what your watching on TV when the picture was taken! LOL
Dan, there are no pw that I know of that are polarity sensitive, but whistle bells can be a pita at times.
That is to say the PW horn/whistle is operated by both a pos. or neg. offset in the ac wave. It's relay doesn't normally care which offset it sees.
A modern version would likely see the pos. offset and whistle. And if it sees a neg. offset it rings the bell instead. Bells usually take 2-3 seconds of holding to start to operate.
Some electronic whistles don't see a pw retifier disk well. A diode string addition works very well there. They can be set up to boost, or slow just slightly (1.5-3v)
In performance, the old tranformers added a voltage boost to compensate for the whistle motor. New equipment "turbo boosts" with 5 extra pw volts it doesnt really need.
Some "diode based"modern transformers will not blow all of my pw whistles and the engines slow greatly without the old 5v boost if they do work.
Your boost is likely intact on a ZW, good for all pw, and adding 1-4 heavy diodes to a 2 pos. temp, center off toggle can trigger the electronics without speed change. 2 each direction will give a 3v offset ea. when jumped in, I find it more reliable than a single diode each way and just a 1.5v offset. After loco rectification for a can motor, that big offset not really a concern. You might see some pulsing on an open frame; not detrimental, just not ideal. (PW whistle switch has stages as you turn the handle, high all, lowers after a split second to a lower mechanical holding voltage; I.e. it gets high offset/boost to get things moving then quickly lowers the values to just enough to keep its relay activated.)
Moving wires may effect relationships with other circuits, esp transformers/power packs, accessories taps, etc. and how you used them.
Kerrigan posted:
Not sure what this one fetched, but Loco Cyclopedias from late 30s to about 45 were getting $200 a piece a couple of years ago. The 44 version has the end of steam plus early diesel and electrics
Garrett76 posted:
I agree, Garrett! While I include many non-religious Christmas themed items on the layout, I only have 3 Christmas cars, all with a religious theme. I missed seeing this one is available. I'll have to get one!
Today I picked up my first two American Flyer rollingstock.
American Flyer 282 Pacific:
American Flyer Caboose 638:
(don't worry my caboose has the two link couplers)
Got another light from Sam's Club and my package came from Scenic Express today. Also got two tunnel portals to blend into the walls for the upper section plus I got the long bridge girder to go over the tracks. Pics......Paul
Hey Paul, things are really looking great! I am so sorry your a Packers fan! But everyone needs a DREAM!
Really though I think what your doing on your layout is truly GREAT!
Question did you fit your portholes before gluing the walls up?
MIKE G, I just leaned the walls for pictures but when I start laying in the wall I will be gluing the tunnel portals to the walls on each side............Paul
Jim Waterman posted:
Kerrigan posted:Not sure what this one fetched, but Loco Cyclopedias from late 30s to about 45 were getting $200 a piece a couple of years ago. The 44 version has the end of steam plus early diesel and electrics
I got it for WAY less than the normal going rate of about $150 and up. I nabbed it as I wanted one from the war years and was hoping if there was any info for the military and import stuff for the war effort. Just won it off eBay, just waiting for it to arrive.
I already have the 1941 one (an original one, not the Kalmbach reprint) which I nabbed for less than $50 about a year ago, in great shape, also off eBay.
There are a lot of these on eBay, where people are asking for well into 3-figures, but it doesn't seem many are selling for that amount anymore.
A guy had one of these 1944 ones (wrapped in plastic, of course, so I couldn't see the content) at a big show last year and I watched several people ask how much, then slowly put it down as if it might blow up, upon learning the guy wanted what I recall was about $175 or so.
paul 2 posted:MIKE G, I just leaned the walls for pictures but when I start laying in the wall I will be gluing the tunnel portals to the walls on each side............Paul
just asking, cause I learned the hard way! I did the walls on my old layout then went to put the portals in and had to go back and trim the walls up as they stuck out into the portals! LOL man did I feel dumb! But wont happen again!
I received these nice postwar Lionel 204 Santa Fe Alco's from a eBay purchase. Better then I expected and they run great!
franktrain posted:I received these nice postwar Lionel 204 Santa Fe Alco's from a eBay purchase. Better then I expected and they run great!
Watched an eBay auction all week, and snagged it this afternoon. Went high $$$ at the last. woof!
But its now mine. A very special item for my layout. The Std. Gauge T-Reproduction No. 70 Dorfan crane.
Carey TeaRose posted:Watched an eBay auction all week, and snagged it this afternoon. Went high $$$ at the last. woof!
But its now mine. A very special item for my layout. The Std. Gauge T-Reproduction No. 70 Dorfan crane.
Something like this?
Very nice, will look great on your layout. Congrats on the win!
Picked this up! never thought I'd see it in a buy-it-now auction long enough to grab it! MTH 20-20273-1 Premier #1070
Carey TeaRose posted:Watched an eBay auction all week, and snagged it this afternoon. Went high $$$ at the last. woof!
But its now mine. A very special item for my layout. The Std. Gauge T-Reproduction No. 70 Dorfan crane.
Wow what a fine carry home and have to keep my eyes open...... great find !!!
Joe Gozzo
last night, evilBay seller accepted my "Make Offer" on a T-Reproductions 300 Hellcat Bridge. I got it for a good price, AND with free Fed Ex shipping!
I started my Canadian Pacific passenger train consist with two great scores on Ebay with brand new items I won recently. The first is a mint 5 car set of Canadian Pacific 20"/80' Weaver aluminum passenger cars I bought buy in now for $129.99 and the other is a Canadian Pacific MTH add on E-8 B unit I sniped in with 2 seconds left and won for $64.11. I am now looking for the matching MTH ABA set of engines or an AA set of Weaver CP E-8's. I have someone who will be at York to pick them up if anyone has them for sale there.
I am now looking for the matching MTH ABA set of engines or an AA set of Weaver CP E-8's. I have someone who will be at York to pick them up if anyone has them for sale there.
Please reply with an E-mail sent reply here to my E-mail in my profile if you have or know anyone who has these items they want to sell.
I had a sale table at a model train show today, and I managed to sell several excess items and walked away with a decent chunk of money. I managed to find three 1943 dated railroad magazines, in excellent condition.
Afterward, I went to Hobby Lobby with my wife before dinner, and I found this light switch that I simply couldn't resist. After I got home, I immediately attached it to the main light switch in the layout room.
Well, I finally got the 1944 cyclopedia in the mail. Not cheap, but it was well worth the money. I was very surprised to find a locomotive listed under the fireless section, one of which I had seen running many times and even been in the cab of it, under steam...
The locomotive is on display today, in Elizabethton, Tennessee.
Nothing like an old, good book !!
This past weekend picked this Hallmark Ornament (1957 Dodge pick-up truck) at a Church Craft Show (donation table) and paid $2.00 .
It is very close to O scale (there has been numerous discussions on the Forum with Hallmarks scales.
In one of the photos I compared it to the new Lionel’s Panel truck by Menards.
Forced prospective works good.
So you never know what you could find at these sales.
I lucked out. I didn't pay attention to what day it was when I ordered this but lucky for me it came today. Tomorrow I was leaving for York and it would of sat out till I got back. I ordered another group of buildings flats. Pics........Paul
AMCDAVE, they are made by Angietracksideflats. they do O, HO, N size buildings. They sell on EBAY..............Paul
paul 2 posted:AMCDAVE, they are made by Angietracksideflats. they do O, HO, N size buildings. They sell on EBAY..............Paul
Can you give us a link ?
I found them by googling this and it took me to them angietracksideflats
PRRronbh posted:Thought this purchase would be the realization of a fascination from the late mid-50's. The fascination was in Lionel's catalog image of a New Haven EP-5.
Personally I find the K-Line scale version the nicest. Found on on eBay NIB with both pilots intact based on pictures.
But this is how it arrived August 2.
One of the "fra-gil-e" (Christmas Story) pilots was snapped off. And somehow one of the electro-coupler's wires ripped away.
As Ralphy says in the movie "in our height of revelry ... ." The wind was sucked out of my sails.
For a couple of weeks pondered the best way to try and fix this. Conjured up this fixture to work with the broke pilot on.
Decided best fix was to literally fix the pilot to the frame of the "front" forward end. With my almost thirty-years in Nuclear-QA had to have a checklist of actions.
After two-days of very careful delicate work the results.
Rear end with pilot mounted as built on truck. This allows free movement for coupling to consist.
Now I feel really good and very happy with the results. The fixed pilot on forward end looks great.
Congratulations on your repair. I've actually had two of these engines arrive with broken pilots. The one I currently have is all intact, but I'm probably going to try brushing a coat of JB Weld epoxy on the surfaces of the entire assembly to give it additional strength. The Chinese-made diecast on the pilots of these engines was defective and ended up being brittle, and in addition the design of the pilot with the two very narrow connections to the rectangular part (as shown in your picture) was a bad design - it was not big enough to have much strength, and would easily break. Mine were broken in the same place, and one of them broke further into small pieces.
You're right about the engine, though - it is the nicest NH EP-5 out there. I have it with the matching aluminum passenger cars and two express boxcars, and it's a great looking set.
My health wouldn't let me go to York (alhough l was going to skip this year anyway, until they start cranking out something interesting) , so l got an Carolina Craftsman Kit Matter's Mill off the net for condolences. This is the best looking mill of the several kits l have tracked down and built. I don't know what l am going to do with all of them together, but after hunting them down in SW MO., Falling Spring and some others are worth a visit. With these, tipples, and shaft houses, kit and scratch, l can amuse myself until somebody offers interesting rolling stock. First meet missed since 1985.
Just a few things here at York's first day.GLA Hopper 3 Pack, one more of the Lionscale B&M Hopper, two more of the Hood's Milk cars, and the other Double Sheathed Boxcar I couldn't find my last outing to my local dealer and last trainshow. It looks like it may be even harder to find the remaining Lionscale B&M Hoppers here, but that is okay. I will have to write on my note cards what I picked up so I don't accidentally buy the same thing twice. So much stuff to see, and so far great prices for what I have found. See about getting more deals tomorrow when I pop by one of the people I saw on FB the other day and met today, have to do a little research on what he had(just to see what they were exactly, nothing crazy).
I'd luv to sound terribly clever, up-to-date, hip, and in-the-know, but..Huh? Haulers?
Moonson posted:I'd luv to sound terribly clever, up-to-date, hip, and in-the-know, but..Huh? Haulers?
Various sized rugged, heavy duty cardboard containers with inserts, as shown here, to store and/or "haul" train collections. They're no longer made.
Thanks, Ogaugeguy.
BEST TRAIN TRANSPORT AND STORAGE BOXES EVER!!!! I bought a bunch of em. I started out and bought 2 club sets thinking I'd just swap trains in and out of those but after the first swap out I figured I just get enough to put all my favs in. Worth it, got em for the Zephyr, El Cap, GGD Daylight, polar express, 261 excursion, MTH UP excursion. I run these at shows a lot and I like to take care of em.
After looking at sets like this on and off for over a year, I bit the bullet and bought this PWC recreation of the top of the line 1964 train set. It's a 773 with 7 freight cars, including 3 action cars.
The set without the lid. This is the top layer of cars: triple dome tank , caboose and 4 bay hopper car.
The lower layer, with milk car and horse loading/unloading car.
I don't know why these trains always surprise me in how heavy they are, but this 773 is definitely heavy.
What a beauty.
The only car I took out of the box, since I don't have an active layout, was the chicken car. I find this one very interesting.
Really finding some great stuff. The four Erie die-cast hopper cars from some years back, and of course a switch from Ross. Really finding great things here at York, and meeting some of the forum members as well. See what else I can find tomorrow morning before heading out back home. This has been one of the greatest outings for me to any show whatsoever, but of course, it is York, so what else should have I expected?
Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Really finding some great stuff. The four Erie die-cast hopper cars from some years back, and of course a switch from Ross. Really finding great things here at York, and meeting some of the forum members as well. See what else I can find tomorrow morning before heading out back home. This has been one of the greatest outings for me to any show whatsoever, but of course, it is York, so what else should have I expected?
You did great!! I got one Ross switch as well! I got some great things at my first trip to York as well. I'm at the Sidling Hill rest stop on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, so I'll post some photos tomorrow or Sunday. But the best things I got was meeting you and a large number of other great Forum members in person for the first time!! We need to do it again!
Mark Boyce posted:Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Really finding some great stuff. The four Erie die-cast hopper cars from some years back, and of course a switch from Ross. Really finding great things here at York, and meeting some of the forum members as well. See what else I can find tomorrow morning before heading out back home. This has been one of the greatest outings for me to any show whatsoever, but of course, it is York, so what else should have I expected?
You did great!! I got one Ross switch as well! I got some great things at my first trip to York as well. I'm at the Sidling Hill rest stop on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, so I'll post some photos tomorrow or Sunday. But the best things I got was meeting you and a large number of other great Forum members in person for the first time!! We need to do it again!
"We need to do it again!" Yep, at the Spring 2018 York meet.
Mark Boyce posted:Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Really finding some great stuff. The four Erie die-cast hopper cars from some years back, and of course a switch from Ross. Really finding great things here at York, and meeting some of the forum members as well. See what else I can find tomorrow morning before heading out back home. This has been one of the greatest outings for me to any show whatsoever, but of course, it is York, so what else should have I expected?
You did great!! I got one Ross switch as well! I got some great things at my first trip to York as well. I'm at the Sidling Hill rest stop on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, so I'll post some photos tomorrow or Sunday. But the best things I got was meeting you and a large number of other great Forum members in person for the first time!! We need to do it again!
Same here Mark. I plan on popping back there one more time tomorrow to see what else I could possibly get as well as take a few more pictures in the orange hall. See what I can do.
That looks great, Chris!
I got these things while at York. Pack of scale telephone poles, the LCCA woodchip hopper from the national convention, another Weaver flat car with trailer, which I have to add trucks and couplers to, and wood chip hoppers loads from Don Kane. Plus a bunch of Ross switches which will be shipped to me because Steve did not have any pre wired at the show. And it was great to meet old friends and meet new ones. Mark, from the sounds of it you enjoyed your first York...........Pics..............Paul
lehighline posted:
Wow, Chris, I really like that alot!!! Is it wood, plastic, or metal? Lighted? Do those side blades swing open? I'd really enjoy seeing a video of it in motion, if you ever have the opportunity to film it in action.
My last set of purchases on Saturday before leaving York. Some more of Ross Track, some JT's Mega-Steam(needle point dispenser, coal flavored smoke), Brennan's coal(small kind), Dennis's book, the December Issue of OGR Magazine, and the Ameri-Town Building Kit of the Savings & Loan, because you always need more money. Great time at York.
Well, this was my first trip to York, and I must say it was unbelievable! The most important things were that I met so many of you great people for the first time in person! Second, some of the Pittsburgh Independent Hi-Railers took me under their wing, giving advice and a place to room. Also, the weather was fantastic!
Yes, I got some great deals as well! I was looking for specific things, so I passed a lot of tables with a glance, where I would have lingered at smaller shows.
First, I was open for a first generation hood unit diesel, PS-2 or PS3, TMCC or Legacy in Western Maryland livery. Here is a Legacy GP-7 that I found for an amazing price.
Next, Atlas O Steam Era Classics billboard reefers. A&P was high on the list. Lo and behold I found one, at another great price!
Well a K-Line Heinz Pickle car sure fit the bill too. I got a plastic Heinz pickle pin when I went there on a field trip in grade school. My wife did too, when her school went. I bought this car from one of my favorite Forum sponsors.
I was looking for an N&W caboose to go with my Legacy N&W Train Master. This car fit the bill perfectly!
I have been looking for some short Western Maryland passenger cars for a long, long time. Well a FaceBook group friend had an MTH PS-2 Western Maryland Berkshire on display. His sign said he had 6 cars as one big package. I asked about the cars, '60 foot Railking. He didn't want to break up the set with the Pacific, but I had spent the money I had planned to spend. He offered I pay a deposit, and pay the rest later. So here is the add on car I took with me. I sold a RailKing B&O SW-9 later, so I have half the money to pay him for the set.
I also bought the last Ross Custom Switch I need for my track plan, bought a couple types of glue, a set of trucks for a car I like that has a damaged truck.
Last, I spent time talking with a number of manufacturers and dealers talking about products and the hobby in general. I picked up information on two products I want to research in more detail before making a commitment. Lastly, I want to say again, I was really glad to meet so many for you from this Forum!!! I love the Forum, and consider all of you my good friends!! It was a great time indeed!!!
Great scores, Mark. York is a blast. Made a lot of good friends over the years, and look forward to meeting them at York! Also got a $50 GG-1 and a box of postwar mechanisms and wheels for $40. Delivered a set of American Freedom Train standard gauge streamlined passenger cars to a good customer.
Jim Waterman posted:Great scores, Mark. York is a blast. Made a lot of good friends over the years, and look forward to meeting them at York! Also got a $50 GG-1 and a box of postwar mechanisms and wheels for $40. Delivered a set of American Freedom Train standard gauge streamlined passenger cars to a good customer.
Would you elaborate on the GG-1. That bargain seems exceptional, certainly, huh. Good for you!
Jim Waterman posted:Great scores, Mark. York is a blast. Made a lot of good friends over the years, and look forward to meeting them at York! Also got a $50 GG-1 and a box of postwar mechanisms and wheels for $40. Delivered a set of American Freedom Train standard gauge streamlined passenger cars to a good customer.
Thank you! The American Freedom set you delivered looks great! I agree with Frank, that seems quite a deal on any rendition of a GG1!
Mark sure looks like you picked up some really great deals, sure makes the trip nice! But to make things even better you had the chance to meet so of the forum members witch is always a great thing!
Sounds like a wonderful trip all around, I am happy for you, glad you had a good time!
Thank you, MikeG!!!
lehighline posted:
Wow, Chris, I really like that alot!!! Is it wood, plastic, or metal? Lighted? Do those side blades swing open? I'd really enjoy seeing a video of it in motion, if you ever have the opportunity to film it in action.
The body is all wood, as is the under frame. The plow is metal, and the same for the front overhang/deflector. The wings are also metal. The wings do open and have stiff braces to keep them from flopping around. The top picture does not show it well, but there is also a Vee shaped flanger blade on the bottom. It is located behind the trailing edge of the wing. The headlight is non-operational. I plan to change that. The trucks are plastic Lionel trucks with the coupler shanks cut off. The coupler on the rear is an odd drop shank design which is prototypical to Jordan snowplows. The more I look at this, the more I think it was a kit, probably built in the early to mid 1960s.
These should be arriving today
Also, I just got back from two weeks in China to the rest of this stuff sitting on the floor in the front room...not sure I need any more projects, but...
The two AF cars will add to a four car set I am restoring, the 249E has a great frame which I'll switch to my 249E with a great shell. The 265T will go with the good 249E and the tender it replaced will get restored with the 238E. Both engine's have good clean motors and all trim. The 204 was only $8 and I keep an eye out for those motors with the nickel rimmed wheels.
Well Not a train.
Something I have been dismissing for a time as nothing more than a gimmick. Goofy, would not work.
A few days ago broke down a bought one at Walgreens. Sure wish I would not have waited. It works! with the battery compartment in back,it is well balanced.
The Atomic Beam Headlight.
The light tilts and zooms. The switch is easy to find by touch on left side headband. It is comfortable to wear. And very bright!
The other day working on the mod of my MTH E6's on the dynamic test stand was trying to hold a flash light, screw driver, pliers and the DCS remote. Sure would have been easier with this light.
Yesterday searching through boxes of books with light on head had both hands free, yes.
These came Friday but I didn't have a chance to open them up till today. New additions to the basement layout. Pics.........Paul
TedW posted:I need an intervention. You people didn’t tell meit’s a sickness...
Nah, it's a wellness. And anyolways, can a person have too much wellness? Eh? Huh?
Today I picked up this Menards Army Caboose and the feature that surprised me most is the machine guns on top the caboose.
TedW posted:I need an intervention. You people didn’t tell me it’s a sickness...
But there is some good news... there is no known cure
TedW posted:I need an intervention. You people didn’t tell me it’s a sickness...
You must have missed it because contagious, and addictive are the more usually used terms around here. I mean they are far more prototypical when used to describe the condition medicinally
<<<<After looking at sets like this on and off for over a year, I bit the bullet and bought this PWC recreation of the top of the line 1964 train set. It's a 773 with 7 freight cars, including 3 action cars. >>>>
Tim, if you don't mind me asking, what did you pay for the set? I am looking at one at a local shop. Thanks.
Ted, I look at it this way, the kids cant fight over my money when I am gone if it all in trains! LOL
Medina Ohio train today. Walked out with these........I did pay for them first LOL...Pics..........Paul
Moonson posted:TedW posted:I need an intervention. You people didn’t tell meit’s a sickness...
Nah, it's a wellness. And anyolways, can a person have too much wellness? Eh? Huh?
Leave it to you to be the first person I have ever herd call it a wellness. I think you are really on to something there!
Mark Boyce posted:Moonson posted:TedW posted:I need an intervention. You people didn’t tell meit’s a sickness...
Nah, it's a wellness. And anyolways, can a person have too much wellness? Eh? Huh?
Leave it to you to be the first person I have ever herd call it a wellness. I think you are really on to something there!
Oh, Mark, you have me laughing right out loud, belly bouncing and all!
I'll be cherishing that feedback.
Randy at Downtown Deco had this special so I ordered it last week and it came today. Pic............Paul
Nice Paul, sure looks like your having a good day!
Mike, they are all good days. Whether I get something in the mail or work on the layout all is good.........Paul
Great point of view, Paul!
My first MTH engine and first big steam. I don't have current layout nor DCS, so took it to my LHS (Just Trains in Newark, DE) for a test run. Freakin' sweet! The PS3 sound effects are awesome. I am very happy with the details on the locomotive and tender. Just need to get through a few major life hurdles and this will be riding the rails again
Looks like an excellent choice, Garrett!!
Picked up a few things lately...
A few 1940-50's Marklin cars, $10.
A funky 2 rail scale brass switcher $7.....
Well, the Scale-Craft express reefer trucks are probably worth the winning bid.
Also put the winning bid in on this prewar AF diecast 524 Pullman car that will complement the 521 combo car I already have, $28.
Also picked up this junk lot of cars for projects including 613 and 614 Blue Comet cars, $50.
Also nabbed this Lionel 253 shell and frame from the for sale forum a few days back, $12.
Also grabbed this ho scale MTH K4 steamer for a cool $20 on buy it now.
Dennis Holler posted:Picked up a few things lately...
A few 1940-50's Marklin cars, $10.
A funky 2 rail scale brass switcher $7.....
Well, the Scale-Craft express reefer trucks are probably worth the winning bid.
Also put the winning bid in on this prewar AF diecast 524 Pullman car that will complement the 521 combo car I already have, $28.
Also picked up this junk lot of cars for projects including 613 and 614 Blue Comet cars, $50.
Also nabbed this Lionel 253 shell and frame from the for sale forum a few days back, $12.
Also grabbed this ho scale MTH K4 steamer for a cool $20 on buy it now.
Dang Dennis, leave some for the rest of us!!
Yeah, I don't have very good control... but it's not new stuff, most of it is junk. My biggest fault is that the junk in far exceeds the completed projects out...
Went to the local Lions Club train show today held at the fire hall. Some decent finds, but I promised myslef not to spend much. Got two cars. An MTH Premier Airslide hopper, and a Lionel I beam car. I have two locomotives waiting to ship this month. Both are the new Lionel Legacy SD60M diesels. One is CSX and the other is Conrail
Found this on EBay...I have another like it but this one is much more inclusive of all aspects of model railroading...470 pages of knowledge!
They mention the use of Asbestos plaster for scenery building...lol. Ahh, the good old days. Very much "Lionel O scale based" as it prepared by the "Editorial Staff of the Lionel Corporation" and printed in 1953.
A little yellowed but solid and straight....
As promised in my other post, I bought a BNIB 3rd rail Hudson, 14 years old and never even opened! I've done this so far with two other items I purchased online a DD40AX and a U50C, both never opened at all and about the same age. I guess I'll never understand how you can purchase something like this and never even peek in the box, not me! On to the pics!
Looks great, Contailfan!! I am like you, I would think even if I had the money to buy a lot of engines, I would still want to take a look at it. Of course I consider myself an operator, not a collector. Maybe some collectors buy just to have it thinking it is more valuable unopened when they sell. But what if it was defective from the factory and the second owner finds out??
I went to the Maine Hi-railers" show in Dover NH on Saturday and picked up 2 scale K-Line reefers. I wish that had picked up a couple more. These are in like new shape with boxes and scale couplers in a sealed plastic bag. I also picked up a 57 Vette at the same table to go with my 57 Black & White Police car.
About a week ago, I picked up a Boston Fire Dept wrecker and a Main State Police Cruiser.
Matt K-line put out some pretty sweet reefers toward the end of production. love the loads that came with some of them.
I agree with Joe! I was offered some in a trade for an engine, and they are beauties. They come close to rivaling the Atlas O Billboards. I was not aware K-Line had made them until the trade.
I have been buying the K-line ones and put side by side with the Atlas O billboard reefers I'm positive they're form the same tool
Picked these two up at a local train show this weekend.
While the Schlitz Billboard Reefer not be scale or premier I've taken a liking to these reefers put out back in the MPC days. The Schlitz was the last one I needed to have all 9 beer billboards. I've always liked these Milk cars Lionel put out but the price tag has kept me away from them. This one, very reasonable price, no box, no problem!
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