Ok, I'll post this here also since I think it's cool and I just bought it lol.. $50 standard gauge Hiawatha project.. Like I need more freaking projects
Maybe I'll put a cruise commander in it Just kidding.
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Ok, I'll post this here also since I think it's cool and I just bought it lol.. $50 standard gauge Hiawatha project.. Like I need more freaking projects
Maybe I'll put a cruise commander in it Just kidding.
Steamer posted:not bought, but brought home yesterday.This was my late Uncle's, bought new by my Grandparents. 1939 Emersion Symphony Grand with "Miracle Tone Chamber, Miracle Dial,Miracle Instamatic Tuning" Bought new in 1939 for $109.95
I can remember listening to countries overseas on it. Haven't had a chance to see if it still works.
Power up can be risky. If you forego having a pro get involved, make sure it is off and plugged in for a few hours before you turn it on. Otherwise even if the caps are fine they might charge too quick and pop or die anyhow. $109.95? Wow. I think my old Admiral TV was only about $70 new and in the Mahogany cabinet to boot. Nice piece imo.
Adriatic posted:Steamer posted:not bought, but brought home yesterday.This was my late Uncle's, bought new by my Grandparents. 1939 Emersion Symphony Grand with "Miracle Tone Chamber, Miracle Dial,Miracle Instamatic Tuning" Bought new in 1939 for $109.95
I can remember listening to countries overseas on it. Haven't had a chance to see if it still works.
Power up can be risky. If you forego having a pro get involved, make sure it is off and plugged in for a few hours before you turn it on. Otherwise even if the caps are fine they might charge too quick and pop or die anyhow. $109.95? Wow. I think my old Admiral TV was only about $70 new and in the Mahogany cabinet to boot. Nice piece imo.
Yeah, at 109.95 they could have gotten a 700E set What the heck were they thinking!!
hmm...think I'll wait for the pro. Last time I heard it was back in the '70s.
Received the NP pick-up truck made for the Tacoma convention. Desiccant bag had broken so we had hundreds of little bee-bees knocking around in the case, and one front wheel was in the bottom of the box. Aside from that, very nice piece. They must get knocked around a lot during shipping.
This will be an odd post, but it's about what I didn't do...
On Saturday, I went down to a military collectible show in Portland. After that, I then went to all of the hobby shops in the Portland area that have train stuff and Powell’s Books but bought nothing at any of those places. I think I’m at a point in my life where I have specific wants, so much so that I’m just fine with getting nothing in such places if it doesn’t meet exactly what I’m looking for.
I would like to buy this, and it's the cOoLeSt thing I've ever seen...
Good one Bob. That Bryan, always complaining about having to work LOL. The mailman dropped off these to me this morning while I was raking leaves. Two more Weaver flats with trailer and two sets of Weaver trucks with couplers to go on cars I did not have couplers for. Pics ............Paul
I just got mine today and I'm in walking distance to the Lakis Distribution Center.
Bob if it took you that long to walk to Lakis's may I suggest you look into one of these, I have heard they are popular with people of your and Paul's age.
Fred, what make is that Pullman car? That car is beautiful!!!
Matt Makens posted:Fred, what make is that Pullman car? That car is beautiful!!!
This car was made in 1992 by FM in Korea for the European distributor of high end models Fulgurex. I found it pre-owned on ebay. It is a model of the Pullman cars that ran in the Fleche d'Or train between Paris and Calais (to travel to London) from 1926. Here is a picture of the other side with the kitchen at the left:
Wow, Fred, I am so jealous of your French Pullman. What amazing detail. And leave it to the French to have a kitchen with windows! Beautiful car. Congratulations!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
In my experience, French chefs get what they want, or you don't eat.
Fine by me. When's lunch?
That has to be one of the best looking passenger cars I've ever seen.
p51 posted:This will be an odd post, but it's about what I didn't do...
On Saturday, I went down to a military collectible show in Portland. After that, I then went to all of the hobby shops in the Portland area that have train stuff and Powell’s Books but bought nothing at any of those places. I think I’m at a point in my life where I have specific wants, so much so that I’m just fine with getting nothing in such places if it doesn’t meet exactly what I’m looking for.
Portland Oregon or Maine?
sncf231e posted:Matt Makens posted:Fred, what make is that Pullman car? That car is beautiful!!!
This car was made in 1992 by FM in Korea for the European distributor of high end models Fulgurex. I found it pre-owned on ebay. It is a model of the Pullman cars that ran in the Fleche d'Or train between Paris and Calais (to travel to London) from 1926. Here is a picture of the other side with the kitchen at the left:
2-rail or 3?
In a moment of sincere compassion, I felt obliged to help Mr. Muffin out with his Atlas rolling stock excess inventory problem... and the extra 20% off didn't enter into my decision in the slightest
These showed up today... thanks Steve!!!
zwbob posted:
How does one go about acquiring one of these he asked for the second time?
BIG JIM, the Tuesday night crew is a bunch of guys that meet every Tuesday from October to April in the Cleveland area. This past year two of the members decided to have a car done. The result is what you see in the pictures. The car was made for the members of the group and they sold out immediately.......Paul
Thank you Paul.
Big Jim posted:Thank you Paul.
Is it beer cars, brand, or looks of it Jim?
Captain John remarked in his recent thread the next N.MichRR Club's car was going to beer a nice be car.
I don't drink the stuff unless its thick enough to chew but I love the beer billboards.
Adriatic posted:Big Jim posted:Thank you Paul.
Is it beer cars, brand, or looks of it Jim?
It is just a classy looking car! Nice job lads!!!
Putting a Train together one car at a time. I couldn't afford the set when it came out so I am on the Hunt:
Looks great PRR!!!!
Big Jim,
Sorry I wasn't intentionally ignoring you I thought you might have read Paul's response on the top of this page about the run being sold out, but I should have still replied to your question directed at me.
Our plan is to do another old Cleveland brewery in the future and seeing how well these turned out and how quickly they sold out I'll try to let you know when we get the artwork mock up from MTH. If you like you can place an order through either Paul or myself and guarantee yourself one. Of course we are on MTH's production schedule and this car was over a year in the making.
No need to apologize, somewhere I missed that they were sold out.
My Lionel 66' gons came along with a Halloween Mikado, very cool.
Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
Lee, you never told us you could read
WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
Hey, I could use some of them too; although not nearly as many! I'm glad ridership is going to increase by an infinite percent on your passenger runs!!
WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
wish I could find these for standard gauge!!
Carey TeaRose posted:WITZ 41 posted:Got me some Harrimans need fillin!
Seven coaches, two lunch cars and two business on cars are going to need some peeps!!
More photos in photo album forum:
wish I could find these for standard gauge!!
Cary you can, I did ! I bought two different bags of plastic people on eBay. My first bag was a bag of 12 from one seller and my second bag had 20 figures from another seller. They are 1:25 and 1:24 from China. I have to say the bags have the same size figures in them. The shipping time was a little long but I was not in any rush, I was still getting my Camden trolley running . I paid $8.75 for my bag of 20 I forget the shipping but I know it wasn't a lot. The figures could use some more paint on them but I think they look good for my trolleys. I have two more trolleys to fill up with what I have. I may buy more in the future for sitting in my station. Now I did also customize the one figure by heating up her leg to make her have her legs crossed. The engineer is a Barclay Manoil police officer that I customized to make him look as if he is at the controls. The one seller is called us-enjoy an eBay member since Feb. 28, 2016 I hope this helps.
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