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p51 posted:

It's not train related, but I found this plate in antique store for very little money. It's from a small vessel of some kind, and 1942 dated.1001171434-1

Lee, I wonder whether the "1059" is the hull number?  If so, that might be traceable.  I've been researching photos and the whereabouts of Dravo tow boats and tug boats that were used by the Pennsylvania RR and the Union Barge Line during my Pittsburgh-focused layout era (1930s to 1964), and have found this website to be useful for hull numbers and more.  No hit on your #1059 'though:

Tomlinson Run Railroad



Just pulled the trigger on an outstanding sale item from Mr. Muffin's Trains. As usual, the pictures in the catalog do not do it justice. There have been several items I didn't buy only to have regrets when I saw it in person. Glad I got this.

Plans now are for runs @ two RC3R club displays, Trunk or Treat at two churches, and then Halloween at our house. Gonna run it like I stole it! This is going to look great on the Halloween display.

I just pulled the Halloween display out of storage. The scenery needs some touch-up, but in general it has held up very well. Now if I can just find the box with my Halloween cars and buildings. Not on the club trailer, not in the bonus room,....


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Another impulse buy that I can justify by stating it's a train I used to see in the flesh when they ran between Montreal and Toronto.  Most of the memorable sightings were of the black and white CN theme, when it took an 1 1/2 hours of bus travel just to go railfanning in downtown Toronto.  Matters little though as either paint scheme is totally out of place on my PW era layout.


p51 posted:

It's not train related, but I found this plate in antique store for very little money. It's from a small vessel of some kind, and 1942 dated.1001171434-1

There is / was a George Washington Kneass Boat / Yacht works in San Francisco. Apparently they were quite the bodybuilders at one time. I could not tell if they are still active.

Nice find!


Great engine TedW, is this the Lionel 5.0 version, or the Legacy version. It's a beauty! Thanks for posting.

P51, nice plaque, wonder what it represents? Also, nice Locomotive Book, 1944, the year I was born....

Brwebster, Wow, nice train! Looks like a fast, fun running train...

Gilly@N&W, OK, That's scary, a Halloween Decorated Diesel, Beautiful!!! Who made this engine? Thanks for posting...

This is a really neat thread, thanks for starting this Matt!!!!

leapinlarry posted:

Great engine TedW, is this the Lionel 5.0 version, or the Legacy version. It's a beauty! Thanks for posting.

P51, nice plaque, wonder what it represents? Also, nice Locomotive Book, 1944, the year I was born....

Brwebster, Wow, nice train! Looks like a fast, fun running train...

Gilly@N&W, OK, That's scary, a Halloween Decorated Diesel, Beautiful!!! Who made this engine? Thanks for posting...

This is a really neat thread, thanks for starting this Matt!!!!

It’s the Legacy version, 6-82767. 

Surprisingly a "new" box car.  Why surprisingly, just recently divested 15 box cars and 3 reefers.

But this is kind of neat.


1955 McGinnis era black with orange door New Haven.  I know this is prototypical but not sure if MTH got the orange ladders and grab-irons right.

Like the look.  And it kind of screams Halloween.


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Had a table at our semi-annal train show near Asheville and had only sold a $20 HO locomotive. In walking around, I spotted a Lionel Nickel Plate Berk at a good price. I puckered up and bought it.

This is my 3rd Lionel Berk (having sold the other two) and hopefully will hold onto this one awhile. Might even have it upgraded to 4 chuffs at some point...6-38050_1227


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Got these hopper cars from the Canadian club yesterday but didn't open them till this morning. Then headed for the Berea Train Show. Weather was finally nice for this show. Usually it is cold, damp and rainy. A lot of vendors there but only picked up a couple of small things. Some ballast, milk cans and pallets and found a couple of boats to place in my streams Pics.................Paul



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