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Received a package Tuesday containing an MTH Alco UP C628.   It’s a Railking scale engine with photo sound 2.0 and new in the box.   I found it using MTH’s product locator and was surprised, happy, and a bit lucky to find one available since this locomotive in UP livery was released December of 2002.  This model has been resting on the shelf for the past 18 years.
In 1973 the Missabe was looking for motive power to help handle the upturn in taconite shipment brought on by an improved economy.   The DM&IR was a big supporter of Electro-Motive Division power but they could not deliver new locomotives until 1975.  So, the Missabe went searching for a temporary solution and found ten Union Pacific 6 axle Century series Alco C-630’s that were in good shape and reasonably priced.   They kept the basic livery colors, painted out the UP markings, blocked out the first number of their original four digit designations, and added simple block letters here and there, to identify the new owner as, the DMIR.   I have always liked the look of the UP and it’s massive locomotives, and now I have a good reason to see it on my layout.   I fondly remember, as a youngster, traveling out west to Denver and occasionally chasing some big steam along the route.   It's now lashed up to assist my two SD24’s, one of which is non-powered.
The #2901 will become DMIR #901.   I have some detail parts on order, need to find some maroon alphabet decals or dry transfers, add foot boards to the pilots, and move the horn back over the roof vents (DMIR placed them there to prevent them from freezing up in winter).   I also plan to convert it to a C630.  This will require some fabrication/modification to the venting on the hood bulge, just south of the cab.   For now, it will run as a C628.   Nice to have a new project in the wings!  
In the meantime, everyone keep on posting, good health to all, wash your hands, don't touch your face and stay on TRACK (of course, that means all 3 rails!).

Cheers, Dave
PS:  Another great diversion to help weather this storm:  Visit the Lake Superior train museum, one of my happy places:

They have produced over 60, 5+ minute vignettes highlighting the history of railroading in the north country of middle America.   Enjoy!!!




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Not for the layout, but nice additions for the train room:

First was a gift.  An enameled, cast iron spittoon with N&W on it.  Very heavy.  Need to remove the felt off the bottom someone added.F21E67AB-160D-41B9-A673-C8FD5D2E677D



Next is an example of one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  Made a dump run today and noticed something familiar on top of the trash compactor.  Grabbed it as fast as I could.  It’s a Adams & Westlake railroad lantern.   The glass is unmarked, but the metal brim is stamped M.C.R.R.  Can’t believe what some people throw away.




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One of my local train shops just got in a huge collection of mint MPC era stuff. Being a prewar guy I suppose the colorful nature of those years appeal to me. But they did have the complete Powhaten Arrow. Nice and never ran still in the boxes. Unfortunately some less then ideal storage has a left a few issues it is otherwise a very beautiful set. They had the Southern Pacific Daylight set but I had just missed it. 



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I know I am really late to the party but I picked up my first LionScale 50' boxcar today. I can see where they cut corners to save money in the production but overall it is pretty nice. The trucks run very smoothly and I like the rotating bearing caps. I don't remember seeing anything LionScale in the latest catalog by Lionel (2020 Vol. 1), are they still making this product line?IMG_20200529_210915IMG_20200529_223525


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20200530_083240Got this Williams LV Dash 9 off ebay for a pretty good deal, It was new and had never been run. Funny thing both motors were loose on their mounts and all gears were dry as a bone. Has trueblast plus (with no vol. control) I was going to use it for parts for another project, but as always, it seems to nice to strip for parts...  Jeff


Last edited by Postwarman
@Postwarman posted:

20200530_083240Got this Williams LV Dash 9 off ebay for a pretty good deal, It was new and had never been run. Funny thing both motors were loose on their mounts and all gears were dry as a bone. Has trueblast plus (with no vol. control) I was going to use it for parts for another project, but as always, it seems to nice to strip for parts...  Jeff


Jeff, I can't see the photograph you included.

Hi Bill, Couldn't see an email address for you in your profile, was wondering about your connection to Kodak? I worked for Eastman Kodak for 16 years started in 1982. Have been collecting Kodak cars when I can find them. I have the Kodak Park unlicensed K-line set, some KMT Kodak cars and Weaver tank cars. Noticed your 44 tonner and The Hopper. Email in my profile if you want to chat.



For reasons I don’t understand, ever since the pandemic got going, I haven’t been down to the layout in spite of have plenty of time on my hands. Unfortunately, that hasn’t kept me from buying all sorts of stuff!!! Well, the boxes having reached critical mass, I finally had to unbox and test everything... so here is a litany of my recent purchased (in light of the times, I’ve tried to spread my spending!!!):

First, I picked up a Lionel 2-pack of Long Island 21” passenger cars and an FA-2 Cab Car from Charles Ro to go with the LIRR C-420. Looks like the LIRR is testing some equipment in a bid to get a contract to run trains on the Pocono - New York City run if it is ever restored!!!


Next up, I got two Atlas Canadian Pacific bulkhead flat cars. Other than I really like the CP, I didn’t have any of this type car (and Micro-Mark was having a great sale). 

By the way... anyone have any suggestions as to what sort of load these cars carried???

Next, I’ve wanted to put together a work train for a while (I’ve had a TMCC crane for a few years), so I picked up three Lionel NYC cars from Grzyboski’s - the tool car, bunk car, and kitchen car. I must say, it was weird calling in an order and having it delivered instead of just driving over and picking them up.


I must say, the detail on these cars is very nice, although some of the couplers are rather stiff. Also, while I have enjoyed the various sound cars, the chatter from the kitchen car is rather inane and annoying!!!

Next, I picked up three MTH cars from Mr. Muffins which I found in one of his frequent e-mails (if you don’t get them, I’d highly recommend signing up). First, a Pan Am boxcar. Having worked at 27th Street and Park Avenue South for over 30 years, I fondly remember the Pan Am symbol high up on their building at Grand Central...


And because I love the D&H (and NY!!!)…


And just because it is very striking...


Next, I picked up the CP FA-2 set from Nicholas Smith. As I’ve said, I like the CP, and especially this paint scheme (the first “set” of trains I purchase on my own was the Maple Leaf Limited in ‘81 with a SD-24 in the same scheme). This is a rather interesting set - the AA units are both powered... I am so use to having only one powered unit. I also got the SuperBass B unit. They are striking to say the least.


Finally, and this was a present, so I technically didn’t buy it, is another of the NYC Subway paintings I’ve been commissioning for the last few years. All the others were strictly based on the actual tile work from a number of the original stations in the subway system, but this one is something of a fantasy...


I’ve gotta stop buying stuff. Said no one ever!!!


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Last edited by Apples55
@Postwarman posted:

Hi Bill, Couldn't see an email address for you in your profile, was wondering about your connection to Kodak? I worked for Eastman Kodak for 16 years started in 1982. Have been collecting Kodak cars when I can find them. I have the Kodak Park unlicensed K-line set, some KMT Kodak cars and Weaver tank cars. Noticed your 44 tonner and The Hopper. Email in my profile if you want to chat.



Too funny. BIll & Jeff: I share the affinity for items by Eastman Kodak. Even funnier I also worked there for 16 years starting in 1982.  Took me from NY to San Francisco to Sacramento then to Charlotte. 

The story on the K-Line set is Kodak never granted permission for the rights and as such K-Line was forced to stop production limiting the number of sets. Not sure if that story is 100% accurate - but I have heard it that way from a couple of sources.

Weaver did some nice Tankers with Eastman Chemicals on the side and as you mentioned there are a few cool boxcars from KMT. 

Kodak Park used to have quite the little railroad.

Glad to have worked for the big yellow mother.



Paul, thanks for the Kodak  info. I've got a bunch of the Weaver tank cars with different road numbers. Working for Eastman Kodak was the best job that I ever had.  I was fresh out of electronics school and young enough to think that everyone had a great job like mine! I had tons of freedom and am still in field service since training at the old Hawkeye plant in Rochester. Kodak taught us that customer service is everything. It is so sad how badly that they missed the digital age. I could go on forever....but after all the years, I still bleed yellow! It was a very good ride...



@Apples55 posted:

For reasons I don’t understand, ever since the pandemic got going, I haven’t been down to the layout in spite of have plenty of time on my hands. Unfortunately, that hasn’t kept me from buying all sorts of stuff!!! Well, the boxes having reached critical mass, I finally had to unbox and test everything... so here is a litany of my recent purchased (in light of the times, I’ve tried to spread my spending!!!):

First, I picked up a Lionel 2-pack of Long Island 21” passenger cars and an FA-2 Cab Car from Charles Ro to go with the LIRR C-420. Looks like the LIRR is testing some equipment in a bid to get a contract to run trains on the Pocono - New York City run if it is ever restored!!!


Nice collection of new stuff Paul. Especially the LIRR equipment.

I see you've taken it upon yourself to single-handedly keep the model train industry in business


Last edited by RSJB18
@Postwarman posted:

Paul, thanks for the Kodak  info. I've got a bunch of the Weaver tank cars with different road numbers. Working for Eastman Kodak was the best job that I ever had.  I was fresh out of electronics school and young enough to think that everyone had a great job like mine! I had tons of freedom and am still in field service since training at the old Hawkeye plant in Rochester. Kodak taught us that customer service is everything. It is so sad how badly that they missed the digital age. I could go on forever....but after all the years, I still bleed yellow! It was a very good ride...



My Dad worked on a joint project (he worked for DuPont) with some of the scientists at Eastman Kodak in Rochester in the early '70s.. He liked working there!! He corrected me several times.. "There is no 'd' in Rochester".. lol

A couple new things this week.

First up was a Lionel WM "Northeastern" caboose with the older circle logo to go with my recently acquired WM Shay. IMG_0966

Secondly was a 1990's Lionel UP 4-4-2 from one of the many starter sets that these 4-4-2s were included in back then.  My first set in 1997 was a NYC Flyer pulled by the NYC version of the 4-4-2.  A younger me accidentally ran it off the side of a layout I had back then which caused damage to one of the wheels.  We repaired it, but the repair didn't hold up to time and I decided it just needed a new chassis.  It's cheaper just to buy another locomotive than to just buy the part so that's what I did.  The donor locomotive appears to have had a nasty fall right onto its nose at some point as the pilot is cracked and hanging on by a thread along with some other cosmetic damage, so I didn't feel too bad about scavenging it for parts.  I now also have a spare tender for another locomotive, minus the air whistle which was also transplanted into mine.



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Picked up this Lionel Santa Fe type T-1b 2-8-4 Berkshire locomotive Class 4193 a few days ago for what I thought was a good price. 


I was told that none of the functions worked for the locomotive. I took it home and sure enough nothing worked. I did a quick reset of the locomotive and it turned out everything worked fine and the locomotive was fully functional. 

The T-1a and T-1b Berkshire locomotives were built for the Boston and Maine in 1928-1929. The first batch produced were the T-1a's and the second batch produced were the T-1b's. The big differences between the two were the sand dome on the T-1a was more triangular shaped while the T-1b was more rectangular in shape. Also the T-1b's had a larger tender with 6-wheel bogies while the T-1a's tender had 4-wheel bogies. This site in the link below has pictures of both the T-1a and T-1b Berkshires.

In the link above there is a nice picture of #4020 T-1b which Lionel's (formerly K-Line) model is a very good representation of. All the details are spot on.  I tried to match the angle of the photo of Lionel's model to that of #4020 to make comparisons easier. 

In 1945 the AT&SF was having a power shortage due to the war effort. The Boston and Main sold 7 Berkshire locomotives to the Santa Fe. Unfortunately, the locomotives that the B&M sold to the Santa Fe were the type T-1a and not the type T-1b. Thus, the sand dome on the model is not the same shape that appeared on the actual Santa Fe 4193 class locomotives. However, the T-1a and T-1b locomotives are very close in appearance and for me it is not a big deal. The tender seems to be accurate for Santa Fe #4198 which is the sister in the same class.

I did not pick up one of these when they first came because I was told and the catalog illustration was for a similar, but different A-1 type Berkshire used by the Boston and Albany. However, from the pictures B&M #4020 it is clear the the Lionel model is of the type T-1b Berkshire. 


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I bought another streamlined steam locomotive, this time from England. Manufactured by Ace Trains, London, it's an "O" Gauge "Coronation" Pacific loco and tender. 

All metal construction, 21.5" long, flywheel drive, custom-made gearbox, all wheels flanged, detailed cab back-head with firebox glow (see last photo attached), operates on 0-20V DC, working front lights, radii down to 27". Doesn't smoke—if you look down through the chimney, you see the tracks below. Of course, I'm displaying all my trains, not running them.
I bought this used, from The Stationmaster's Rooms, in England. See their offerings at
My most expensive acquisition ever—$1700, because of the exchange rate at the time between the dollar and the British Pound. There's currently another one for sale there, for even more. See link, if still available:
The box is a very thick, hard card stock, with photo and descriptive history on on the inside top—see photos:


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I got some NIB SD-35s from SD40-2.  These are some nice engines.  I’m a PRR fan, but I don’t have too many DGLE PRR diesels since they are not the most colorful.  But the price was right and I’m happy with these 2008 vintage PS2 3V locos.  There is a grill over the exhaust, but the brake blister can be removed so it’s easy to load smoke fluid.  There is so much smoke that it leaks from the seams of the removable section.  The sound is good with not too much blower whine.  The battery checks OK, but I’ll probably replace it with one of GRJ’s SBRs.  The dummy has lights, but I wish the markers were lit and not everything else.  The light from the number boards bleeds into the cab.  The last shot here is with the interior lights turned off.  I’ll take a look at that when I replace the battery.  They look good running down the track.



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First time on this thread but I can say that I have something interesting. Recently, I was looking through eBay and I found a lightly used MTH SF 2-10-4 from 2001. It has a ps2 sound system in it and cannot wait till it arrives! The only problem is, is that I have been told that the speaker sounds distorted and might need to replace it. Oh well, I always like a good project to work on. Thanks for reading and happy railroading!



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Got this today off eBay. Such a neat looking model, oh how I wish I could actually use this.


It's a M426, which didn't even exist as a prototype over a year after my layout take place.

The odd thing, there are no Maker's Mark or name on the box anywhere. There's no way to even look up who built the thing. I looked them up online, the only ones I could find for sale anywhere are sold out of Spain.

Even though I cannot use it on my layout, it is such a cool model I'm definitely going to keep it. I just wish it was a model of a truck that would have existed in the time frame I model.


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Just got a Minichamps 1929 Ford Model A coupe in beige off net. Model A's were common in my 1940 modeled year, so l look for various body styles.  The garage owner in my childhood town used to drive a '30-'31 coupe from his house to the garage in cold and snow, when nothing else would start?, as l trudged up the hill to school.  Two doors and four doors were common, and l have tracked down a 1/43 two door, but not seen a four door.

Just returned from a mission to retrieve my latest order from the semi-local toy train store.




Two things, wish it was painted desert sand (will take care of that) and that the TOW package was in the transport position in stead at ready.

Gee going out today under the Cobid-19 conditions is like planning  and executing a mission.  Went to Barnes & Noble, then the Mall, then train shop and finally lunch!  At least did not have to step off at Oh-Dark-Thirty.



Must say nice flat car, especially for a RK.


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Well, finally received my MTH George Bush funeral car and soon I’ll be setting up a similar George Bush funeral train, not exactly like the real one, but similar. That’s going to happen in the next few days. I hope everyone is staying safe, staying healthy, praying continually. Happy Railroading     Thanks to Mr. Muffins, his last car...... the stress????23B3E2BF-66D8-497C-8A3E-F4CEEA0679CC6C0A8DF4-3AC5-43E9-AC38-B15CDDB47B986B0288BC-ABDD-43D0-A15C-3013660D5D0B0829C284-D2F7-40FE-9C2E-874B785280A5231197E6-F8EE-47FA-AC88-9E2F25D00AD5


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Last edited by leapinlarry
@leapinlarry posted:

Well, finally received my MTH George Bush funeral car and soon I’ll be setting up a similar George Bush funeral train, not exactly like the real one, but similar. That’s going to happen in the next few days. I hope everyone is staying safe, staying healthy, praying continually. Happy Railroading     Thanks to Mr. Muffins, his last car...... the stress????6B0288BC-ABDD-43D0-A15C-3013660D5D0B

Larry, now you need to add the Navy Seal ( it was actual) standing post at the head of Bush's casket.




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@Mark Boyce posted:

Larry, Ron, The Bush funeral cars are great!  I did not know about the Navy Seal standing next to the casket.  What a great addition.  I would like to get a Bush funeral train, but with building a layout there are so many other things to buy.  I guess the engine and cars can be something to be on the lookout for in the years to come. 

Yes I found a picture showing that in fact standing post in dress blues was a Navy Seal.  You can mkae out his rank, years service and the Seal warfare badge.


Thank you Mark, I’m building a poor mans version of the George Bush train, an UP Lionel 7 car aluminum passenger car set bought over the last 2 years, the funeral car and a couple of others, to be pulled by 4 powered diesels. It’s going to be nice but not exactly like the real one. I need t find the Navy Seal figure. Happy Railroading CE3CA6AA-96C8-4B75-9F50-A52D158B1C24


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@leapinlarry posted:

Thank you Ron, I’d love to do that, where can I find the figure or things I need. Thank you for the great idea. Happy Railroading 

Larry in 2004 MTH offered a set of military figures (30-11065) that included a seaman with his sea bag attached to his right leg.  Could not find this set locally but the full dome NS car I have lower level was populated with these figures.  So I extracted the figure out.  Was going to cut off the sea bag but that would have been a real pain.  Plus determined that would help stabilize the figure.  Painted the bag a dark medium grey so it would disappear into the shadows.  Unfortunately do not have steady enough of a hand to paint the Sailor's rank, service hashes, or warfare badge on.

Some pics.





Was lucky in that the UP passenger set I have has two dome cars plus two or three of the cars are lettered with prototypical correct names.  Then picked up a set of heavy weighs so I would have a heavy weight tail end observation car.

Also conjured up a front end power car somewhat similar.



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@leapinlarry posted:

Thank you Mark, I’m building a poor mans version of the George Bush train, an UP Lionel 7 car aluminum passenger car set bought over the last 2 years, the funeral car and a couple of others, to be pulled by 4 powered diesels. It’s going to be nice but not exactly like the real one. I need t find the Navy Seal figure. Happy Railroading 

Larry, A poor man's set is my kind of set!!  

@PRRronbh and @leapinlarry very nice Bush 41 trains! One of the only presidential trains I like- very unique and fantastic paint scheme, not so much political as it is patriotic, and a perfect blend of unique painted diesel and cars combined with classic UP livery cars. Love the sailor add-on and am happy you mentioned that MTH made that set! Never knew about it!

I haven’t posted in awhile or bought much lately, but what I’ve acquired have been things on my list. Also, Got into a Real K-Line kick ! Pardon the Layout mess- still working on it!

K-line Red Cross Heavyweight 15” Passenger Set. Came in Original set box and never run.  Cars work like brand new!


K-line Amtrak F40PH K2403-0353. TMCC, Railsounds, Cruise Control(version 4.0). Phase 3 livery. At first had some trouble with it running as it’d heat up but it seems to have subsided. Looks great with a lot of my Amtrak passenger cars but primarily runs a K-Line 15” Amtrak Horizon consist. Only problem is that it won’t play nice and lash-up with other engines. Regardless,  Extremely happy with this one!


Last but not least! some buildings:

Postwar American Flyer “Baggage Smasher” station(sans bagggage smasher figure) works great! Originally thought I might try and sell it but have grown to like it- even my dad mentioned it when he saw it on my layout lol.C7C2F750-221B-445A-B896-6F9E06B5AD3F

Lionel diesel sanding Tower and Rail/Truck Transfer Depotimage


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@decoynh totally agree! I know that the passenger cars are held in high regard on this forum and just from the few of them that I own by K-line I can certainly see why! In December I found a great deal and ordered 8 of their catalogs from 2002-2009(4 are K-line by Lionel). If that was their “golden age”, I found that during that time they had such an awesome variety of unique and quality looking rolling stock.  I know there’s the K-line legacy site but the catalogs were a great resource that revealed some extra details, mostly smaller features but also a few major features not on the Legacy site(ex. Cruise control).

On another note, Regarding their engines-I know that the cruise function causes a lot of headaches but the 4.0 works great. The F40PH is my first K-line with TMCC and my first TMCC engine equipped with the higher speed step control feature( my other Lionel engines don’t have odyssey). Even though I’ll probably have Cruise M installed due to the risk of the cruise board going bad, I really, really enjoy how it runs and am impressed with the features of my K-line engine!

EE9C980E-9B0E-4F65-841E-575521CE24F5Found this on ebay for $45. Had to grab it to see how it looked with the AFT train. I know they never had semi-trailers on them. I will be removing the trailer and the supports and adding concession stands and looking for the blazer and the forklift. Might have to kitbash the forklift. The brake wheel is wrong as well. I think the real ones were also longer. 


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Picked these postwar Lionel up at a garage sale, the Wabash's are early Lionel 2333s and run great. Paint job is not perfect but I like it. The 51 has one slight crack in window strut on one side but it there. Runs very noisy and will need a good lubrication when I get a chance.


After cleanup, Follow the Flag!


Rare to find any trains at garage sales but this was a lot of fun. 


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Last Christmas my Lionel Polar Railroad GP7 lost it's sounds, and the front headlight went out. It still runs for now, so it is a servicable "mute". With no repair options close by, I pulled the trigger on it's replacement. Hopefully, there will be a meet at York where I can drop the GP7 off with Gunrunner John.

In the meanwhile, I purchased this (MTH 20-5511-1) for a repaint project. This is the future (tongue in cheek) "Bi-Polar Railroad E12". IMHO Lionel missed the boat in not using the "Bi-Polar" moniker on their Legacy Polar Express Bi-Polar.

It will be the same basic paint scheme as seen below with the PE Blue replacing the Orange. IMHO this is going to be a great looking engine for pulling my Polar Railroad scale freight consist.


My apologies in advance to the Milwaukee Road fans for the repaint. 


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My 3rd MPC era set has followed me home. I'm not sure how a tinplate guy becomes a MPC guy but I think the wild colors are doing it.

I was able to trade for this set. All still boxed up and never ran until I brought it home.

On a side note. I really dig those old boxes they used in the 70s and 80s with actual pictures and all the odd fast facts. 



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Well I finally got an engine that I have been on the hunt for a while, this Atlas O Reading C630.


I've been looking for another loco for my Reading passenger train and I thought this would be a good candidate. Mine wasn't exactly perfect, a detail part on the front pilot broke off (which I fixed) and the negative ring terminal for the rear truck was not crimped on correctly (causing the loco to have a bit of operation issues). But otherwise this is basically in like new condition now.

The details overall are amazing on this, even down to having separate door handles along the sides of the long hood. The ability to select which color you want the front classification lights to be is also a nice touch. Overall I am very happy with this purchase, likely going to be my last purchase for a long time (not including my 2 Pre-orders). Since I am starting to run out of space for locos.


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Last edited by MichaelB

New to me Lionel Phantom III set purchased from auction site for $255, four cars and Locomotive.  It’s a fun set, love the sounds.  First video has slow loop followed by fast run, second video show startup and shutdown sequences.  Addressed as loco 51 and everything but the electro coupler working, happy with my purchase!  


Videos (2)
Phantom III
Last edited by Kelunaboy

Received another one of my "defense" cars - this one from MTH with another on it's way. Want to add these two to the two I already have from K-Line.

Second picture shows this one plus one of the K-Line cars.

Was hoping the new MTH cars would evenly couple to the older K-Line (third pic). Close, but not perfect. Wonder if I'll have a problem running them in a consist.

Just neeed to find a suitable engine to lead this consist.


MTH 20-44053K4400-0001-and MTH MTH 20-44053K4400-0001-and MTH MTH 20-44053 - closeup


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  • MTH 20-44053
  • K4400-0001-and MTH MTH 20-44053
  • K4400-0001-and MTH MTH 20-44053 - closeup
Last edited by paulp575

Today I purchased a portable benchtop grinder, that I could use on my portable workbench in the train room.  I am in the process of building a metal girder bridge and I have to grind a lot of parts.

The grinder is getting the job done but I found one negative. The grinder has two LED lights, one for each grinding stone.  The issue is that each LED light is operated with three AAA batteries. I would have preferred that the LED lights got their power from the 110 volt line.

The rational is that when I finish this project I am going to move the grinder to an unheated garage. Cold weather can raise havoc on AAA batteries. 

Bench top Grinder

Gary 🚂


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  • Bench top Grinder

"Buy anthing cool lately?"

Yup. Bought my first 3-rail stuff in years.

First came a Marx 25225 set just like the hand-me-down set that was given to me at 7 or 8 years of age in '59 0r '60...



And just today USPS brought my 2065, 2046W tender, and 2055. Already got them serviced and up and running!


It's great to be back into Postwar, both Lionel and Marx. I've missed the heft and feel, even the smell, of Lionel PW steam engines.



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  • My25225set_5sm
  • My25225set_9sm
  • KCLines_073020a
@paulp575 posted:

The K-Lines are 18 inches long while the MTH are 19 inches long.

I'm more concerned about  the height differences.

Understood, the coupler mismatch is troubling.  The MTH is the green one right? Not only does the coupler look high, the roof is too.

Re: length, I would have thought the MTH was shorter from the picture (assuming it’s the green one).

@rplst8 posted:

Understood, the coupler mismatch is troubling.  The MTH is the green one right? Not only does the coupler look high, the roof is too.

Re: length, I would have thought the MTH was shorter from the picture (assuming it’s the green one).

Yes, the green one is the new MTH car; the red/white/blue is the older K-Line car.

Overall, the MTH car is larger - taller and length-wise than the older K-Line car. I was afraid the couplers and diaphragms would not match up. That's another reason I've decided to collect ONLY the Lionel American Freedom Train cars - so they all match - couplers and diaphragms.

I just pulled the trigger on the first and last run of MTH's Premier Erie Lackawanna E-8's ever produced (cab #820 & 822 powered A units).  They just arrived at MTH"s warehouse on 7/30.  I was told that the duplicate cab #820 on the non-powered A unit may have been an oversight that was not brought to anyone's attention as usually a non-powered unit is offered in a different road number.  

Last edited by Chas

Just received this book that was printed in 1957, which I had as a kid and forgot about it until a forum member Andre (Laming) had mentioned about it in a recent thread of his. Well after I saw it I just had to get another copy of that book again! Andre thanks for the info and bringing up great memories again. One project they mentioned toward the end of the book was how to make a realistic waterfall using light and a spinning drum behind plastic that looks like water. To this day I remember the project, but didn’t remember what book showed that, great stuff!



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Your little Bantam Book is in GREAT shape! (Mine is in shambles!) Seeing it's over 60 years old and was made of the cheapest pulp paper and bound with glue, the spines are very brittle. IF you want to keep it in great shape, you'll have to treat it gingerly. I tried to keep mine in as good of shape as I could, but over the decades its received a lot of cumulative use and now it's just a pile of separate pages with very few small sections still bound! (The cover isn't even attached anymore and merely acts as a folder to hold the loose pages therein!)

There are so many good memories inside my little Bantam Book that it's like an old beloved friend. (And I love the smell of the old pulp pages!)



Last edited by laming
@N5CJonny posted:

Andre, That dealer I mentioned, All Aboard train Shoppe shows he has another of the same issue book, but just slightly more "ragged" on the edges. Just thought I would mention that to you. That dealer mentions on all of those books that they should be handled very carefully as they are delicate.

I believe OGR has the biggest batch of enablers I've ever seen in one wad!


Dunno if this is "cool", but so far I'm happy with it:


...Just came in today via eBay: being "used", it has a few minor nicks, and the lower tender handrail on the opposite side is missing. Turns out, that is one of the very few parts for this that is still available from Lionel!   

Performance is very similar to my Long Island Consol (#6-38036) which I guess is not surprising, as the mechanisms look identical. Love the bright headlight and classification  lights. The Vandy tender is neat too, and works well.

Mark in Oregon

EDIT: Right after posting this, I went "inside" and changed out a fairly burnt-out smoke wick with some new material; it now smokes quite nicely as well.  


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  • 831
Last edited by Strummer
@Sean007 posted:

Thanks Paul - I have two of three Macy's Thanksgiving Boxcars. I have a bid on the 3rd one closing Friday.

If you mean the ones with nice parade graphics on the sides, I believe there are a total of 5 6 of them.  (at least in somewhat recent history, since 2006 - there might have been something years ago from MPC I am unaware of)

Years are 2006 through 2009 and then 2016 and 2018, if I recall correctly.  (Sorry, I don't have item numbers for all of them handy at this computer.  But the 2 mentioned were parade graphic cars, I'm pretty sure). 

There could be a 6th 7th one, depending on how you look at variations.  The original one from 2006 (6-25043) was popular enough when released via Macy's that a "clone" was issued in the regular Lionel catalog the following year (since they were hard to find at Macy's to some extent, there were a lot of unhappy people who did not successfully get one from Macy's).  It has the same item number, but the built date on the boxcar door was different (original says 2006, re-run says 2007, but the catalog shows an image with the original 2006 on the door).  If you do an eBay search, there are pictures of both versions in some of the listings right now.  That was the only one re-issued in that manner, the others were all Macy's only for each Holiday season (though many have obviously ended up in dealers hands over the years, and/or dealers who bought them to speculate from Macy's themselves when they were "hot" items).

{edit: I can't believe I forgot about the 90th anniversary one from 2016 (here's a link to the site that reminded me when I was searching around)!  So there are 6 or 7 of them, depending on whether you count the variation on the first one.}


Last edited by Dave45681
@Dave45681 posted:

If you mean the ones with nice parade graphics on the sides, I believe there are a total of 5 of them.  (at least in somewhat recent history, since 2006 - there might have been something years ago from MPC I am unaware of)

Years are 2006 through 2009 and then one in 2018, if I recall correctly.  (Sorry, I don't have item numbers for all of them handy at this computer.  But the 2 mentioned were parade graphic cars, I'm pretty sure).


Here is a pic of Lionel's 2007 Macy's Parade boxcar, # 39297.

I added the discrete "Karen Balloon Handler" decal because she was one at the NYC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade at that time. She is also the designer of my website, just FYI.



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Last edited by Lionelski
@Lionelski posted:

Here is a pic of Lionel's 2007 Macy's Parade boxcar, # 39297.

I added the discrete "Karen Balloon Handler" decal because she was one at the NYC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade at that time. She is also the designer of my website, just FYI.


According to the MTH website:

30-74153 - Uncataloged; delivered Jun 2004

30-74195 - Uncataloged; delivered Apr 2006

And from the Lionel website:

6-25043 - Lionel 2007 Train Catalog Volume 1 (I have this one in my collection)

Following 2 are not listed on the Lionel website, but I have them in my collection):

6-39297 - Macy's Boxcar

6-39309 - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Boxcar

Are these the 5 you are talking about?

If not, who manufactured them and what's the SKU?


@Lionelski posted:

Here is a pic of Lionel's 2007 Macy's Parade boxcar, # 39297.

I added the discrete "Karen Balloon Handler" decal because she was one at the NYC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade at that time. She is also the designer of my website, just FYI.


First off, awesome website.

I have a website but it's just a listing of all  the items I have in my collection (periodically updated as I keep adding items to my collection). I don't presently have a layout but probably will sometime next year after I move to a more suitable apartment):

@paulp575 posted:

According to the MTH website:

30-74153 - Uncataloged; delivered Jun 2004

30-74195 - Uncataloged; delivered Apr 2006

And from the Lionel website:

6-25043 - Lionel 2007 Train Catalog Volume 1 (I have this one in my collection)

Following 2 are not listed on the Lionel website, but I have them in my collection):

6-39297 - Macy's Boxcar

6-39309 - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Boxcar

Are these the 5 you are talking about?

If not, who manufactured them and what's the SKU?


Sorry for the confusion: I meant that I have two of three MTH Macy's Boxcars, but I cannot confirm the third one.

I have from MTH both 30-75153 and 30-75195.

I have from Lionel:    2006 6-25043, 2007 6-39297, 2008 6-39309,

2009 6-39325 and the one from 2018 (can't find the number now).



Yes . It took, literally, months to get here...and arrived in a box covered with Cyrillic print.  It is a 1/43 model of an auto built in the former USSR with Model A dies provided by Ford.  Why go there?  It was a four door (l had previously found a two door model from elsewhere), and these and not common 1/43 models of open cars were common on streets when l trudged to school through the snow.  Sadly, l have found no source for my grandfather's Chevrolets: a 1937 pickup, or 1931 and 1940 two doors, except in HO.  But this is a coup.

Went by our local toy train shop that just today reopened after closing dowmn mid-March due to Covid-19 to order a couple "Snap &  Glue Magnetic Clamp Sets."  And low and behold on the counter was their last copy of the just released "Southern Railway  In Color" volume 4.


Covered the "pics art work" to keep the moderator happy!



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This may no longer count as "lately" (was a few months back), but I haven't seen anyone else post one, so here goes:

As we all know York didn't happen in April.  As many of us also know, for many years MTH has been doing their "York Boxcar" to commemorate the event.

I have been a member of the MTH Railroader Club since it's inception.  So I naturally called MTH to sign up for this year's O Gauge cars as I always do (normally I sign up at York).  While I was on the phone I casually asked what the story was with the April York cars (this was over a month before the announcement of MTH closing, so it was not obvious anything significant would be different, except for the fact that York did not happen).  I half assumed (at that time) that maybe MTH would have them over-stamped state-side with October info, or something like that.

So the end of the story is I was told they were available, so I added one to my MTHRRC order.  This is the car.  It is obviously different from all the recent ones with catalog covers duplicated for the graphics, since it has 40th anniversary info on it.


So what is (presumably) the final MTH York car is for a York meet that didn't happen.  That's certainly an oddity for the MTH/York history book!



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  • IMG_3481_York_MTH_last_small

Haven't bought any tradtional size trains in quite a while but couldn't pass this up.

Its a TMCC Mikado Jr. Installed a scale coupler on the pilot, replaced the smoke resistor and added a Cruise M. Kept the 2 chuff puffer. Hardly noticeable with the tiny drivers. Original RS4. Compare with a Lionchief version today.



Videos (1)
@Norton posted:

Haven't bought any tradtional size trains in quite a while but couldn't pass this up.

Its a TMCC Mikado Jr. Installed a scale coupler on the pilot, replaced the smoke resistor and added a Cruise M. Kept the 2 chuff puffer. Hardly noticeable with the tiny drivers. Original RS4. Compare with a Lionchief version today.


Pete, very nice steamer, the O rings from the stack are great.

I’ve ordered a K-Line Hudson, supposedly new in the carton from a Forum fellow in Wayne Pa. it’s coming via USPS, and it’s been over a week, was do in August 3, the postal folks say it’s in a Transit, but will get here, they say it’s do to the coronavirus. It’s insured and I’m sure it will get here, just wondering if others are having Slow shipping issues with USPS? Thank You... Happy Railroading 



  Yes, USPS has been very slow. It is very frustrating, Their tracker doesn't always update at night as usual either. kind of leaves you wondering when it just says they are in possession of your package and nothing else after a week or so. My engine arrived, but I was worried. Even contacted the seller and he assured me that he shipped it. It worked out, but I guess those things happen. First time that has happened to me.


Hi Bill T, and Postwarman, several months ago I purchased a beautiful Reading FM Williams diesel from a forum member and it came in 5 days, from the same area of Pennsylvania, Lansdale/Wayne. This time it’s much slower, but, I’m patient and feel great about the shipper and the US Post Office. We do not need to loose our great US Post offices.... Stay safe, stay healthy, Pray Continually. Thank you for giving me Hope. Happy Railroading 

Last edited by leapinlarry
@leapinlarry posted:

I’ve ordered a K-Line Hudson, supposedly new in the carton from a Forum fellow in Wayne Pa. it’s coming via USPS, and it’s been over a week, was do in August 3, the postal folks say it’s in a Transit, but will get here, they say it’s do to the coronavirus. It’s insured and I’m sure it will get here, just wondering if others are having Slow shipping issues with USPS? Thank You... Happy Railroading 


I bought a steam engine and boxcar last week from a Forum member in Eastern Pennsylvania.  I'm in Western Pennsylvania.  He shipped them in separate boxes at the same time  The boxcar arrived in the normal 2 days, but the engine took 5 days.  I sold two engines to pay for the new items.  I shipped one yesterday and one Monday.  I'll be watching to see how long they take to get to Maryland and North Carolina.  I agree with the others that it is not surprising that USPS is slower than normal due to cut overtime and money problems. 

I'm slower than I used to be too!  

@leapinlarry posted:

Thank you Mark, I’m not going to worry until late next week, then I’ll be in Panic mode. The gentleman I spoke with yesterday at my local post office said it’s in transit, not exactly sure where it was physically, but it was safe and headed our way. I’m also slowing down to, but I Praise the Lord for giving me 1 more day. Happy Railroading 

You're welcome, Larry.  I too praise the Lord for one more day!!

Postwarman, Bill T, Mark B, You all nailed it, my order of the K-Line Hudson, which was mailed the between July 27-31, was due in August 3rd, is not here yet, the post office says it was shipped USPS Ground, the Cheapest way to ship, but was insured, and may take two more weeks to arrive at my home. This is coming from Wayne, Pa., and although I love the US Post Office, I think other methods of shipping would have been quicker.... I just need to have patience.... Wow...Happy Railroading 


  With rising shipping costs I guess sellers are using the cheapest option available. I can't blame them. I have been on the other end also, I sold a set of PW aluminum passenger cars to someone for their son a couple of Christmas ago, they ended up in a distribution center in Chicago that the buyer said they called "The Black Hole" they finally made it to the buyer, but it wasn't in time for Christmas morning. I felt really bad about trying to save money on shipping. At least the buyer was very understanding..Hang in there..



Postwarman, I appreciate your thoughts, my dissatisfaction is that even the main post office here in Clarksville Tennessee could Not tell me where the package is at this time, just that’s it’s on its way. They said my tracking is as good as theirs, Now that’s not a real good response. Their computer system should be state of the art, very hi-tech. She did tell me what the cost was, $38.40 and that was the cheapest price and US Postal Ground Delivery with insurance. That’s correct. So, I’ll just have to be patient and learn how to wait. Here’s a picture of the K-Line Hudson. Thank you. Happy Railroading 7119BB28-BB75-4C86-AB05-F75121AD512F


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  • 7119BB28-BB75-4C86-AB05-F75121AD512F
@paulp575 posted:

Received another one of my "defense" cars - this one from MTH with another on it's way. Want to add these two to the two I already have from K-Line.

Second picture shows this one plus one of the K-Line cars.

Was hoping the new MTH cars would evenly couple to the older K-Line (third pic). Close, but not perfect. Wonder if I'll have a problem running them in a consist.

Just neeed to find a suitable engine to lead this consist.


MTH 20-44053K4400-0001-and MTH MTH 20-44053K4400-0001-and MTH MTH 20-44053 - closeup

Received another "Defense" passenger car today:

MTH 20-44054

My collection now consists of:

"Minute Man" Heavyweight Pullman (Illuminated)  (K-Line K4400-0001)
"Defense Special" Heavyweight Passenger Observation Car (Illuminated)  (K-Line K4400-0002)
Southern Pacific 70' Madison Coach Car (Buy War Bonds – Marines)  (MTH 20-44053)
Southern Pacific 70' Madison Coach Car (Fly For Navy)  (MTH 20-44054)

Now thinking about a loco to pull these with. I've got several options so unless I see something online, probably stick with a loco I already have in my collection.


Images (1)
  • MTH 20-44054

Wow, yesterday afternoon, Yes!  USPS Tracking popped up on my IPad and said 10 August Your package should arrive by 8M...... So maybe the new K-Line Hudson might Really arrive. I’m excited..... Have a great day everyone.... This has been a long 14/15 days, I guess I’m spoiled...... Pictures will follow when this Steamer arrives.... Happy Railroading.....  

@Postwarman posted:


Very nice finds! I have the same engine-house that was a kit. I had to shorten mine by one section due to it's length. It is nice, but very big and fragile, I'm contemplating on trying to weather mine. Thanks for sharing.





Yea Jeff, it’s huge!  I didn’t realize quite how big until I got it home & tried to visualize where it could go on the layout...I may have to cut it down as well!  But for $7 how could you go wrong.  

I started the auction only wanting the 787 log loader, but you see what followed me home. 


Hi Guys,

Here is a Lionel 1080 diesel Santa Fe switcher I got in trade this weekend.  Basically, I traded four manual switches that I paid a total of $20 for, and lots of used O27 track.

I think that this was a 1971 or 1972 product.  The shell is plastic.

The engine was untested, but it runs well on my track in forward and reverse, extremely quiet and smooth, on both AC or DC power.  All of the lights work.   

It has a three position direction switch on top, but inside there is no E-switch, and it looks like there never was one.  So, you have to change direction by using the switch.

This may be a derivative, less expensive version of Postman's New York Central 622 shown above.

The negative with engines is that as you can see from the photo, the blue plastic is almost iridescent and opaque, creating a strong toy-like look, and the big red globe headlights and shiny silver painted horn, bell and wheel on top make it appear even more so.

I am thinking about painting it a flat red or other darker color, and adding a few decals.  But, maybe in the train world that is considered sacrilege?  Any advice?





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  • P1010884


I am a true novice in O gauge, and honestly I have no idea what it is worth.  It is in perfect condition, except that the sheet metal stairs and platforms on both ends of the engine have a few mild rust spots.  Not deep, not dark red.  I think you can see the rust on the stairs in the picture.  (The rust actually makes those pieces look more realistic.)  Any idea on value?


SteveFromPa, I had never really been interested in the K-Line TMCC engines until a good friend of mine introduced me to the K-Line Hudson. This was several years ago, I was blown away with all of the detailing. It was the casting used for Lionels VL Hudson, so, RickO verified that thought.  I saw this on the for sale Forum, so struck a deal and purchased this handsome Hudson J1e.  TMCC command control version, “5343.  They made 2 models in command, 2 in Conventional. See the picture on the box for your numbers. Happy Railroading, thank you.8D7BC529-8604-48F9-AB97-9EABA8BB0E48CFD799EA-8BC8-4A16-9B4C-D9C563E4D4D809E664D9-ABB9-4BF1-84E7-2122A50790E37CB2C5A0-E213-4ED2-B59C-A0A05F056A6587E421EE-A250-4F67-8F51-E75DC69F817A


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  • 09E664D9-ABB9-4BF1-84E7-2122A50790E3
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Last edited by leapinlarry

Mannyrock, Thank You for the compliment. There’s a reason that where the molding is, is a straight line. At one time I had the nicest curve there and the wife said I was taking up too much room, So, we cut the table off right there. A happy wife is the answer to a happy life. She built the house, gave me a great basement, I can not complain.  RSJB18, thank you for the compliment to and I love looking at your pictures. Stay safe, stay healthy, Happy Railroading 73A0F5A4-50AA-43FF-8805-0BC316F16DD5


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  • 73A0F5A4-50AA-43FF-8805-0BC316F16DD5

Bought a bunch of cool stuff at a toy train shop about an hour from me this past weekend! Also picked up auction winnings from March and bought some neat stuff at an antique mall! From accessories to buildings to rolling stock to  dummy units!

MTH Operating transfer dock! Full working condition!

MTH Op Trans Dock Back P2MTH Op Trans Dock Front


RMT& Aristo PRR Smoking Caboose, PRR Boxcar and lighted MTHCAT F3 DummyDummy Boxcar caboose boxes

Lionel Maiden rescuse accessory(sans maiden) and K-line 10 pack of 10-inch straight shadow railMaiden Rescuse Lionel Canadian Mountie

Close-up of MTH F3 Caterpillar nonpowered, lighted unitMTH CAT F3 DummyMTH F3 RK PPR Boxcar Aristo PRR Caboose

Lionl TPC 300 MTH ITAD

tpc 300 mth ITAD

Accessory boxes with PRR Rail to Door truck by AHL and Wellys diecast SP truck with Walthers decalsBig Accessory Pic with boxes

Won at auction scratch built industrial building to go with my Linex oil tanks

Scratch Built Factory LC Citiies Servies

Won at auction prewar Lionel 252, 805 boxcar, 803 hopper, 807 caboosePrewar 252 consist pic #1

Bunch of very useful Walthers and microscale water decals! RRs, companys(fictional and real)

wALTHERS Decals RRsWalthers Decals Hoffa Cement Doors

Walthers decals and extra doors for scratch buildingWalthers Decalsand Extra Doors

Sealed Microscale LIRR decals

Microscale LIRR Decals


Images (14)
  • MTH Op Trans Dock Back P2
  • MTH Op Trans Dock Front
  • Dummy Boxcar caboose boxes
  • Maiden Rescuse Lionel Canadian Mountie
  • MTH CAT F3 Dummy
  • MTH F3 RK PPR Boxcar Aristo PRR Caboose
  • tpc 300 mth ITAD
  • Big Accessory Pic with boxes
  • Scratch Built Factory LC Citiies Servies
  • Prewar 252 consist pic #1
  • wALTHERS Decals RRs
  • Walthers Decals Hoffa Cement Doors
  • Walthers Decalsand Extra Doors
  • Microscale LIRR Decals
Last edited by StevefromPA

Lee Drennen, Thank you for the compliment, and I love those piggy back trailers. Lionel did a great job on those, cool.  SteveFromPa, Wow, you purchased a lot of neat trains and accessories, nice, Everyone seems to be finding bargains, Yes, I finally ran my K-Line Hudson, although simply TMCC, it’s my little treasure. Happy Railroading 48D0400C-42AD-44CF-B4B8-5BB57601FBA88C7C5785-1FFC-4E8E-ADE7-7682515E5B5C8A7E274E-00AF-46EB-983E-BABAE59C82FC


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  • 8A7E274E-00AF-46EB-983E-BABAE59C82FC

This week I bought a GGD PRR B70 baggage car and a Weaver New Haven B60b. Delivery Monday or Tuesday. I'll post photos when I get them. I'm assembling a mail train to run alternately behind my Lionel Atlantic or K-line post war K4s. I have been working now and then on a kitbash of a K-line baggage car to run with the two Weaver PRR B60 cars and the two new cars. Up to now my mail train included two K-line RPOs as baggage cars. 

@Mannyrock posted:


I'm going to have to give you some lessons in wife management.

Tell your wife about an exciting, new, trendy diet, from the Oprah or Ellen show.  Put both of yourselves on it, and lose two inches of waistline.  Then, widen your table by two inches.   By the time you both gain it back, the table extension will be a done deal. :-)



Manny, LOL!!  I'm already down to 165 pounds and I have my aisles about as narrow as I can handle in my 11x11 room!  LOL  My train room is actually a small addition to the house behind the laundry room my in-laws put on when they lived here.  Their intent was that it support the sunroom above.  I pulled out the window between the laundry and the train room.  My wife likes that view, so she actually never goes in the train room.  No, I will never be hosting a convention tour at my layout with it's limited access!  

@Mark Boyce posted:

Manny, LOL!!  I'm already down to 165 pounds and I have my aisles about as narrow as I can handle in my 11x11 room!  ...<snip: some deperate measures by a desperate man>... No, I will never be hosting a convention tour at my layout with it's limited access!  

Well, Pilgram... a train nut's gotta' do, what a train nut's gotta do, in order to see the trains do what trains do.

Train on.


@leapinlarry thehobby shop to which I went is awesome- every Saturday they open up two sheds outside the main shop that have a lot of new old stock or used like new items. Examples: K-Line Golden State 18 inch aluminum 2 packs in the set boxes & shipping container, k-line 21 inch northern Pacific 4 pack in the original shipping container, MTH McDonald’s set, Lionel MPCera southern set of 7 passenger cars, Weaver  TMCC equipped(and some TAS speed control EOB equipped) RSD-3s, diesels and steamers, Atlas O & Atlas Trainman 95% of which is still in the shrink wrap, Williams & WBB still in the boxes and shrink rap, GG-1s by Williams, Lionel, K-line PRR fleet of modernism, Prewar and Postwar engine’s and transformers in a glass cas, RMT depressed flat car individuals and sets, Prewar o and standard gauge setting out some in the original box!! Also- all 25% off!

And I don’t like to talk prices but to give everyone the correct impression that Ijust got good deals and not whatever i want: TPC 300(with the cables) was 37.50,the Aristo Caboose was $35, andbthe working Operating Transfer Dock was $25!!!! Like I said, don’t like to advertise prices but those were some deals gentlemen 

I just got this in the mail, which cost less than 25 bucks for the whole thing including shipping.


I got it for the tender, as I wanna make a water tower out of the tender shell. I'll probably keep the twnder frame and the trucks for some future project, and maybe either turn the loco into a tank engine or make it into scrap. I would assume that runs, and I will test it eventually...


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Got these from Beth a few weeks ago. They arrived undecorated. I have been wanting some turn of the century cars for some time to go with my small steam and the only cars MTH had done in the past for NYC were the fancy Empire State Express cars, an unlikely scheme for the local trains. 

NYC passenger cars decals are like hen's teeth these days in O scale. I had been looking for a couple of years for them with no luck. I have even contacted a custom decal maker but before we made a deal I came across these on eBay. Pre War guys may recognize them right off. Anyway I ordered a set and was impressed on how easy they were to use. Also the fact that the film is nearly the same sheen as the paint. I tried some blank film and it was barely visible on the outer surface and with a bit of Micro Sol, no silvering either. What you see is just the decal on the original paint. No gloss underneath no top coat.

Now to find a combine or baggage car to go with these three coaches.




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Last edited by Norton

Warning: Once again, this is actually a "2 rail" post...but we all like old stuff, right? 

I thought it would be kind of "cool" to have a power pack of a similar vintage to run my old Varney/All Nation Ten Wheeler:


Have no idea exactly how "old" this is: I'm guessing 1950s, as it mentions "TT" scale in the little "disclaimer". Prior to its arrival, I did some online research, but couldn't find anything in the MRC archives that goes back far enough. Has a very "post-war" look to it, doesn't it?

It's in really nice condition, and seems up to the task of supplying the big Pittman open-frame motor with whatever power it needs...40 bucks. 

Mark in Oregon


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Lee Drennen, nice piggy back cars and Lionels wood floor cars look fantastic, nice rollers to, cool, here’s a couple that I like, 1Slowstang, very nice Locomotive, better yet, a happy Son,  Wow, that’s nice, RSJB18 Bob, now those Sharknose NYC Diesels look cool, sleek, and fast, very nice, Williams Engines will run forever, Cool Set, Bill T, beautiful Texas Special Diesels, fun to run I’m sure, a Wow!, Happy Railroading Everyone...8DDF3DB8-B6A8-4959-AC5B-811132CC1F12F5BD9322-16D8-485F-9395-7CD6A37409EA


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@leapinlarry posted:

SteveFromPa, I had never really been interested in the K-Line TMCC engines until a good friend of mine introduced me to the K-Line Hudson. This was several years ago, I was blown away with all of the detailing. It was the casting used for Lionels VL Hudson, so, RickO verified that thought.  I saw this on the for sale Forum, so struck a deal and purchased this handsome Hudson J1e.  TMCC command control version, “5343.  They made 2 models in command, 2 in Conventional. See the picture on the box for your numbers. Happy Railroading, thank you.09E664D9-ABB9-4BF1-84E7-2122A50790E3

I'll see your KLine J1e Larry, and raise you the 50th anniversary J3a from Lionel.

This one is also from a forum member, and its great. I find the appearance superior to the newer ones, and that WHISTLE. Its gotta be the best one in my collection which includes some newer legacy locos.

I may do a 4 chuff, fan driven smoke upgrade in the future, but a the half the price of a new one, its fantastic as is.

I've reached a point with all of the "whistles and bells" offered these days and potential for failures and what appears to be a change in direction at Lionel. I'm concerned about my collection lasting as long as I do. These Korean built older TMCC locos are quality machines.

I really wanted one of the legacy j3as but it left me a bit disappointed.( i.e.5 chuffs, smokebox patches etc) I've been contemplating one of these for years. Why did I wait???




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Yes sir, RickO, your Hudson is Beautiful, and I’m in agreement that these locomotives are made just as nice as the newer much higher priced versions are. I’ve had 3 of the VL Hudson’s, sold them as I didn’t like the whistle. I like yours, and the entire set very much, and maybe I’ll run into a deal on that set someday. I am like you, one day maybe add the 4 chuffs, and a fan driven smoke unit, but I’m in no real hurry. On the master carton, it said, made in Korea. Thank You and enjoy your new train. Happy Railroading 82E36504-3BA8-4FAD-A0D2-7614250D11547F5F4F2A-7746-417A-B91A-EBCB22B9CCCD99AE1EA6-C8A1-4747-A0BE-36F9B2ECE7A3


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