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Great buys everyone! Awesome shirt Marty!!

I recently received 10 Menards cars from an extremely nice gentleman I met through a Facebook train group.

First up are a few of the M&Ms cars. These have been on my list for sometime now. Great additions to my never ending candy collection.E0879B67-AF36-4F87-B56E-16F25716C725818CC47C-B332-4E38-A488-C9076ECC5C67DF643031-5400-4C59-A194-0A4947F5516F9CF9922A-2193-41B6-8139-EA313FD6E323

Next up is a Tide boxcar, a few CSX, PRR, Reading, and a Reading & Northern. 54F5AB13-4BF8-4D65-B4FE-F8192FCD7AD70B8BD144-4136-4861-9047-192C196D77FC04E2713C-4592-43AB-87C6-9AFB73C506A362FC2118-BEF8-4A3E-8595-1F34D054E69A2AEF7E7B-25AA-489A-A57E-9CBB301785DC4C2C08B1-56FB-496A-8040-F5657DE51A00F47EE16E-90AB-4C2A-ABB6-4CEE1C2559D2

That’s all for now. Many more in the process of being delivered.


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  • 54F5AB13-4BF8-4D65-B4FE-F8192FCD7AD7
  • 0B8BD144-4136-4861-9047-192C196D77FC
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Last edited by Richizzle07

Well I posted this on the "Marx Trains" thread but thought It might also be of interest here.  I found this Marx mechanical set at a local train show last weekend.  It dates from 1952 and it appeared in the 1952 Sears Christmas Wishbook for the amazing price of $4.98.  What I found so fascinating was the condition of the set.  The cardboard sleeves separating the pieces were still present, the track is shiny, and the trains look as thought they have never been out of the box, at least not very often.

Here is the box cover, colorful and a little worn but not too bad for 70 years old!

Marx 965W set - cover

The contents of the box inside, including the original cardboard sleeves to keep the items from scratching each other.

Marx 965W set inside box

The locomotive and tender.  A clockwork, WHISTLING Mercury locomotive and a "grey band" NYC tender

Marx 965W set engine & tender front view

Side view of the locomotive and tender

Marx 965W set engine & tender

The rolling stock from the set.  The wheels on these don't even show any significant usage.

Marx 965W set rolling stock

Oh and almost best of all...the ORIGINAL KEY was still in the box.

Well its not the most rare set but I thought the condition at its age warranted me posting it for everyone to have a look.

Best Wishes


That's a beautiful set!

@Richizzle07 posted:

Great buys everyone! Awesome shirt Marty!!

I recently received 10 Menards cars from an extremely nice gentleman I met through a Facebook train group.

First up are a few of the M&Ms cars. These have been on my list for sometime now. Great additions to my never ending candy collection.E0879B67-AF36-4F87-B56E-16F25716C725818CC47C-B332-4E38-A488-C9076ECC5C67DF643031-5400-4C59-A194-0A4947F5516F9CF9922A-2193-41B6-8139-EA313FD6E323

Next up is a Tide boxcar, a few CSX, PRR, Reading, and a Reading & Northern. 54F5AB13-4BF8-4D65-B4FE-F8192FCD7AD70B8BD144-4136-4861-9047-192C196D77FC04E2713C-4592-43AB-87C6-9AFB73C506A362FC2118-BEF8-4A3E-8595-1F34D054E69A2AEF7E7B-25AA-489A-A57E-9CBB301785DC4C2C08B1-56FB-496A-8040-F5657DE51A00F47EE16E-90AB-4C2A-ABB6-4CEE1C2559D2

That’s all for now. Many more in the process of being delivered.

Love the M&M and the Tide cars.

Ed "ICE" Berg - thank you for your compliment on my Marx set.  Richizzle07 - that is some collection of Menards cars.  They are colorful and seem to track great (I have several).  The "Tide" car is very recent so the seller must have just recently decided to part with them.  VjandP-nice car for sure, the #6560 is MPC from its earliest days (1971) and carries a significant collector value.

Best wishes


@IRON HORSE posted:

That right there is a great new product idea, IMHO.  Candy hopper cars with candy.  Not sure if any company has done such a thing.  But it would make a great addition to a Halloween or Easter layout.


Nope Nope Nope - would you really want to attract insects and rodents? Real candy, in a toy train? That would be a very big Halloween or Christmas surprise, to open one and have critters inside.

Nope Nope Nope - would you really want to attract insects and rodents? Real candy, in a toy train? That would be a very big Halloween or Christmas surprise, to open one and have critters inside.

Not real candy.  A simulated candy load.  I'm thinking Harry Heike custom made load of colored M&Ms.  Or you could make simulated little boxes of M&Ms in a load.

Nope Nope Nope - would you really want to attract insects and rodents? Real candy, in a toy train? That would be a very big Halloween or Christmas surprise, to open one and have critters inside.

You guys kill me. Nothing wrong with a bulk load of real M & Ms in a hopper or gondola. I've had this on my layout for years, with a regular turnover of the M & Ms, thanks to grandkids and neighborhood kids (and adults) visiting the layout. A load of the real thing has been running around on my layout for years, with never a critter, thanks to a clean basement.



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You guys kill me. Nothing wrong with a bulk load of real M & Ms in a hopper or gondola. I've had this on my layout for years, with a regular turnover of the M & Ms, thanks to grandkids and neighborhood kids (and adults) visiting the layout. A load of the real thing has been running around on my layout for years, with never a critter, thanks to a clean basement.



This reminds me of when the Ace Hardware man suggested I use Gorilla tape on my lawn mower to cover a rust hole.  When I said I was concerned that the tape wouldn't hold, he said, "just put another piece of tape over the hole if that happens."  I had that taped mower for several years after that and only had to replace the piece of tape once or twice.

I your case, if the candy gets bad, or eaten, just put some more candy in it

Just picked up a refurbished legacy CSX ES44 #3010 from Lionel for a very good price. The hose on the front and one of the handrails came broken off. All is there and can be repaired easily. As far as i can tell this loco has never been run. Theres no lubrication or even a mark on a pickup roller or wheels. Very clean loco for the price. Functions perfectly. I also picked up a few menards flat cars with sea hawks. Lots of fun!3D4290EC-0BB6-43AC-8696-CBC3B453EB1A7DCC3E61-6530-46A8-AD88-D272DE5911AAB85A0F07-8087-489A-9CB6-961015476EC87F8B4B9B-911A-4938-B5DC-993A269FB310


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Over this past weekend I attended a Trains, Die Cast Toys, & Railroad Memorabilia Show held at the Taylor Fire Department in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. This was my first time ever at the show and it was much larger than I was expecting. I picked up 7 boxcars and saw several other very interesting items but I was thinking about York coming up and decided to hold off.

My first six boxcars are MTH Christmas and Holiday cars from numerous years. Guess I’ll need to finish this collection now too! 😂BF60375F-0D2E-4E9B-818C-5091D6D6621D1B208434-F79C-43DB-8E56-C1406661382009855EA1-8582-4F0C-907A-D4BF447C64EC24FFA50A-26C8-42DC-803F-B4875D0CEE458401A482-1079-4543-96A7-456407EA62605ECD9AB2-0840-4722-8377-6123503F6F58

The last boxcar I picked up from the show is a Lionel Norfolk Southern boxcar.A984D909-F6E4-48F6-8A26-02D85006053A

It was a great show that I’ll be sure to attend in the future! Here’s the entire haul!2943D787-B393-4CAA-BAB5-B7F7324B2B88


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@Richizzle07 posted:

Over this past weekend I attended a Trains, Die Cast Toys, & Railroad Memorabilia Show held at the Taylor Fire Department in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. This was my first time ever at the show and it was much larger than I was expecting. I picked up 7 boxcars and saw several other very interesting items but I was thinking about York coming up and decided to hold off.

My first six boxcars are MTH Christmas and Holiday cars from numerous years. Guess I’ll need to finish this collection now too! 😂

The last boxcar I picked up from the show is a Lionel Norfolk Southern boxcar.

It was a great show that I’ll be sure to attend in the future! Here’s the entire haul!


Looks interesting. Do you know the dates (or the website) of future shows?



Pick these up a few weeks back at Hamburg train meet.

These 027 , 2- 2422 & 24023 passenger cars, went over and rewired them, and gonna give them to my grandson.

Couldn't resist the 6-18201 Chessie System unit train, I have the add on 18204 SD40 dummy and the 17105 add on cover hopper. This is the 2nd complete 6-18201 complete set I have.

1) HAMBURG 9-11-22 [3)

1) HAMBURG 9-11-22 [1)


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  • 1) HAMBURG 9-11-22 (3)
  • 1) HAMBURG 9-11-22 (1)

In a previous post, I made an addendum indicating that I had placed orders for three more MTH chrome tankers (that I had discovered late in my "gotta catch 'em all" moment). Well, all three are "on the property". Captions reference the photo above:

three chrometankers 09-2022

I thought taking these out of the box and photographing them on their styrofoam inserts would make it easier to view the cars rather than leaving them in the box behind a layer of cellophane and plastic bag  like the previous batch of seven. After transferring the photo to my computer, I saw tanks are hard to photograph so the lettering/logos are visible...So, out-of-box closeups:


30-73221 Pennsylvania. Funny story...from Trainz, Fedex showed it being picked up the same day as the order (I did it around 10am), then it sat in the Fedex pickup location in Ellenwood, GA for six days before jumping to Edison NJ SmartPost, then finally to my local FedEx hub in Yonkers...with a notation that it was going to be delivered Fedex Ground rather than USPS. While Ebay stated the delivery window was between 9/21 and 9/24, it was odd that the carrier essentially sat on it till it would arrive on the last day of a four-day delivery window.


30-73222 Alaska


30-73239 Killian's Irish Red.

So, after consulting my collection records, it would seem that I have about 36 chrome-plated tankers so far. That would include the 18 I have in my electronic records, a Lionel (6-26132), the two Williams prototypes from York, three starter-set cars I got from a MTH warehouse auction, two more I found on Ebay around the same time, seven I got from a dealer, and the three pictured here, also from Ebay.

That's gonna make some train when I put them all together. I think I'll use the two chrome-plated boxcars I have (K-Line TTOS 25th anniversary and MTH 25th anniversary) to divide the consist into railroad, petroleum and beverage roadnames

(Edit 09/26) Oh, and photographing chrome tankers is still difficult. I presume you'd need to shoot into a fully-lit enclosed white box (or outside on a sunny day) to eliminate dark reflections obscuring the markings.



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  • ebay-trainz-30-73221
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  • ebay-buchananandepot-30-73239
Last edited by RailRide

I have quite a few 6415 and 6425 dome cars.  I bought 3 new dome cars, all with a nod to my father.  The first (and with only a slight connection) is a Timken car.  His company must have dealt with Timken because he kept bringing home Timken bearings (you can use only so many paperweights).  Another reason for buying the Timken car was because it was made in the USA.  The second car is a MobilGas.  He worked for a division of Mobil Chemical that produced paints and industrial coatings throughout my childhood.  The third car is Valspar.  They bought the plant from Mobil a few years after I left.



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  • Timken
  • MobilGas
  • Valspar

You guys kill me. Nothing wrong with a bulk load of real M & Ms in a hopper or gondola. I've had this on my layout for years, with a regular turnover of the M & Ms, thanks to grandkids and neighborhood kids (and adults) visiting the layout. A load of the real thing has been running around on my layout for years, with never a critter, thanks to a clean basement.


YES! Loads of real candy is best. A false bottom can be installed so you don't have to have THAT much candy in a gon or hopper. Then when the running session is over put any leftovers in a bowl to eat later. OR just toss in some of the small Fun Size bags

Purchased these cars a few months ago from a forum member. I lean more towards the 3 rail scale side of the hobby but I do have a bit of tinplate. Having said that these cars are a bit of a blend of both and truly stunning in action, in my humble opinion. The K-Line Hudson matches up well handily pulling the set along.
Just wanted to share..


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My next shipment of Menards cars have arrived. There’s 8 total Menards and 1 Lionel PRR boxcar.

I grabbed a second M&Ms brown hopper and my first M&Ms yellow hopper along with the Life Savers tanker.08670CC2-F1F4-4E37-A29D-9630231077DD66F81E1F-8E90-4B35-B113-9FED02533E9531458FA9-48FA-4233-8CD3-110094E406BE

Following the candy rush, is a Tide tanker, my second CSX hopper, Norfolk Southern flat with Pepsi Bottle truck, US Navy gondola, and a PRR gondola.C1295817-9986-471C-A4ED-1ABFD4CAF32C02057DBF-BAE4-4049-976C-E8513112500241DE5DFB-7588-4DCE-831B-7FF0FC681F0F8E7598E3-B4C5-4E1F-A2A3-E569F49A5222EB10BEF4-A7F3-4F1C-8D91-D07D03700F79

And here’s the Lionel PRR boxcar along with a photo of this entire package.6DCD3C48-8D2E-4F9E-B37E-FC8CA26CAF14227B594D-CF2B-4B0A-B193-E6D19170A4F8

More packages are still on the way! Stay Tuned!


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Ok this made my day - unexpectedly won this at auction after not winning.  Weaver Brass Hiawatha 4-6-4 steamer. Will pair well with the Weaver beaver tail Passenger set I bought from a forum member. Seller says he is the second owner - first owner had her on a shelf - he had her on a shelf and then boxed for the last 20 years or so. She has never been run! He does not have a layout. Surprised this has an old PS1 board in her.

What do you think of the chances the white battery is still good after all this time?  I have an extra PS3 upgrade kit which will go into this beauty.

And yes I am moving and this is shipping to Michigan while I am still here in Illinois. I so so want to run this on TPRR but not to be. 

Picture 1 of 12

@ScoutingDad posted:

Ok this made my day - unexpectedly won this at auction after not winning.  Weaver Brass Hiawatha 4-6-4 steamer. Will pair well with the Weaver beaver tail Passenger set I bought from a forum member. Seller says he is the second owner - first owner had her on a shelf - he had her on a shelf and then boxed for the last 20 years or so. She has never been run! He does not have a layout. Surprised this has an old PS1 board in her.

What do you think of the chances the white battery is still good after all this time?  I have an extra PS3 upgrade kit which will go into this beauty.

And yes I am moving and this is shipping to Michigan while I am still here in Illinois. I so so want to run this on TPRR but not to be.

Very nice.  I like both that engine and the beaver tail set especially.  And your ability to add a PS3 board will make it a really cool complete set.

I was fortunate to buy a used Premier PS3 MTH Hiawatha engine like this earlier this year with a matching passenger set and then completed the passenger set separately with 7 cars total.  So I appreciate what you have here. Enjoy because these are beautiful. 

@ScoutingDad posted:

Ok this made my day - unexpectedly won this at auction after not winning.  Weaver Brass Hiawatha 4-6-4 steamer. Will pair well with the Weaver beaver tail Passenger set I bought from a forum member. Seller says he is the second owner - first owner had her on a shelf - he had her on a shelf and then boxed for the last 20 years or so. She has never been run! He does not have a layout. Surprised this has an old PS1 board in her.

What do you think of the chances the white battery is still good after all this time?  I have an extra PS3 upgrade kit which will go into this beauty.

And yes I am moving and this is shipping to Michigan while I am still here in Illinois. I so so want to run this on TPRR but not to be.

Picture 1 of 12

If it is Weaver, why does it have an MTH board in it?

@ScoutingDad posted:

Ok this made my day - unexpectedly won this at auction after not winning.  Weaver Brass Hiawatha 4-6-4 steamer. Will pair well with the Weaver beaver tail Passenger set I bought from a forum member. Seller says he is the second owner - first owner had her on a shelf - he had her on a shelf and then boxed for the last 20 years or so. She has never been run! He does not have a layout. Surprised this has an old PS1 board in her.

What do you think of the chances the white battery is still good after all this time?  I have an extra PS3 upgrade kit which will go into this beauty.

And yes I am moving and this is shipping to Michigan while I am still here in Illinois. I so so want to run this on TPRR but not to be.

Picture 1 of 12

@ScoutingDad posted:

Ok this made my day - unexpectedly won this at auction after not winning.  Weaver Brass Hiawatha 4-6-4 steamer. Will pair well with the Weaver beaver tail Passenger set I bought from a forum member. Seller says he is the second owner - first owner had her on a shelf - he had her on a shelf and then boxed for the last 20 years or so. She has never been run! He does not have a layout. Surprised this has an old PS1 board in her.

What do you think of the chances the white battery is still good after all this time?  I have an extra PS3 upgrade kit which will go into this beauty.

And yes I am moving and this is shipping to Michigan while I am still here in Illinois. I so so want to run this on TPRR but not to be.

Picture 1 of 12

Never take a chance with a white battery. The possible outcome is not worth it. I would purchase a BCR but that's just my preference.

Can't resist responding to the posts. Thanks for the interest in a really great looking engine.

The question regarding the dreaded white battery was meant tongue in cheek - batteries are the first thing to go (get removed and replaced with a BCR) on an "new" used engine.

Turns out the seller has tables at York in the Silver Hall. I've never been there so I have no reference point. From his message I think he knows what he is talking about and I hope I am not sharing anything I shouldn't. Following is an excerpt from a message to me:

Yes this Weaver Brass Loco was made in Korea at what would become the MTH factory. During the early 90's Mike helped Engineer these locos and some for Lionel as well (Lionel's' scale PA's, PRR scale Turbine) These Weaver Models incorporate MTH/QSI Protosound and the instructions even say MTH's Protosound ..

I've only seen TMCC in Weaver's so this was a total surprise there was a PS1 in here. Of course I was not in the hobby at the time and all the really great innovative stuff going on then I was oblivious to. I feel fortunate to be able to pick up these Brass Weavers and K-Line stock on the used market - many in like new condition. BTW I have dealt with some really pleasant sellers on the bay - this was one.

I just received an engine I have been hunting for a long time.

Lionel produced the Union Pacific SD70ACe Heritage series in the 2007-time frame.  They represent Railroads UP had acquired.  They produced 6 different road names. Missouri Pacific, Southern Pacific, Chicago Northwester, Western Pacific, Rio Grande and the Kady M-K-T. Each SD70ACe was detailed in the traditional paint scheme of their former RR.   In my opinion the most attractive of the set was the Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR "The Kady".

2007 was my first year of building a permanent layout.  I was on eBay every day.  My wife got suspicious of all the packages arriving daily, but I discovered engines that I liked.  The UP Heritage units popped right up. Unfortunately, the Kady was sold out and nobody was selling the unit used.  I purchased the Missouri Pacific which is also beautiful and the Chicago Northwestern.  They became my lashed-up freight haulers.  I continued to look for The Kady.

In the 2022 Lionel Catalog The Kady is being offered again. I placed an order with my Hobby Shop and decided to wait for its arrival.  Wouldn't you know, eBay sent a notification about a Kady that was being offered.  I could not resist. Guess what my lash-up will be in the future.

Below is what I received yesterday, a Lionel 6-28263 UP Heritage Katy SD70ACe brand new in it's original shipping box.


Last edited by Wood
@Wood posted:

I just received an engine I have been hunting for a long time.

Lionel produced the Union Pacific SD70ACe Heritage series in the 2007-time frame.  They represent Railroad's UP had acquired.  They produced 6 different road names. Missouri Pacific, Southern Pacific, Chicago Northwester, Western Pacific, Rio Grande and the Kady M-K-T. Each SD70ACe was detailed in the traditional paint scheme of their former RR.   In my opinion the most attractive of the set was the Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR "The Kady".

2007 was my first year of building a permanent layout.  I was on eBay every day.  My wife got suspicious of all the packages arriving daily, but I discovered engines that I liked.  The UP Heritage units popped right up. Unfortunately, the Kady was sold out and nobody was selling the unit used.  I purchased the Missouri Pacific which is also beautiful and the Chicago Northwestern.  They became my lashed-up freight haulers.  I continued to look for The Kady.

In the 2022 Lionel Catalog The Kady is being offered again. I placed an order with my Hobby Shop and decided to wait for its arrival.  Wouldn't you know, eBay sent a notification about a Kady that was being offered.  I could not resist. Guess what my lash-up will be in the future.

Below is what I received yesterday, a Lionel 6-28263 UP Heritage Katy SD70ACe brand new in it's original shipping box.


Awesome locomotive, layout, and video, Wood. Just had to get TWO of the OGF cars, didn't cha? 😂 😂 😂

Another shipment of Menards have arrived!! This package contained 7 cars and 1 buildings.

First up is a PRR boxcar and a PRR(Norfolk Southern) hopper followed by an Erie Lackawanna hopper, US Army gondola, a Morton Salt boxcar, a J.P. Shepherd and Sons boxcar, and a Menards boxcar.1728B091-A069-4C95-8769-B017143164CCC46A0FDE-B5B8-45E9-A7DD-B7AB4EC704B7E29F5CA0-7DF1-44E5-A19C-22737B68DDD0E1A1168C-5C89-413C-A9EF-CDAD876662BCF2A9D5FB-7599-48B2-B4A6-ED9E95D4D038EEFB8F90-EF92-478A-B7D7-762C913A56B4FD7133D6-7997-48D9-A1A7-7DA777C382DB

The one building I received is Dave’s Garage. 41321D02-FB5F-44C8-91FC-408340DD293D

A photo of this shipment.489A3D55-645C-4CEE-9855-FCB44F10F8CF

I’m sure excited with this continuous haul! There’s still more packages in route so continue to stay tuned!


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  • 489A3D55-645C-4CEE-9855-FCB44F10F8CF

Richizzle07-you must have bought out the store!  I have several Menards cars and love then all. I also have the gas station (Sinclair not Dave’s) which is sort of a facade although with lots of foreground detail. It’s a great building although I had to change the vehicle to something more age appropriate. Great stuff Menards.

best wishes


Thanks Don! It’s actually someone’s personal collection that I’m picking through. I had the Sinclair garage on my list but this one became available so I grabbed it. I still might get the Sinclair building and put it on a different level since I have three levels. I’m thinking there’s 2 more shipments of rolling stock and then the buildings should start rolling in. I’m meeting the gentleman in person the week after York to get some buildings in person. Then a couple more rolling stock shipments will continue after that. I’m definitely pleased with all these purchases!

Just received this purchase from eBay (Hobbyspeed).  Legacy F7B Denver & Rio Grande Western #5652 NIB from the 2020 catalog part number 2033278.

Exchanging bodies to WP F7B so I can have a powered B unit in my California Zephyr consist.

Go to What did you do on your layout today? Follow this link:


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Not a new engine but rather some recent acquisitions of "what little & big boys dreams" are made out of. I have been collecting postwar since 1972 and never run across any of these - a 1941 just as we entered WWII (little did we know what was ahead), a 1950 Anniversary celebrating the success of Lionel trains, and a 1954 Advance.  Trains made in America by Americans at reasonable prices that still work!. All were picked up in Salt Lake City where I reside. To me- they represent the ultimate in total "coolness"..


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  • Scan: Lionel 1941 Catalogue
  • Scan-001: Lionel 1950 Anniversary Catalogue
  • Scan-002: Lionel 1954ADvance Catalogue

These 86’ boxcars are too big for nearly anyone’s layout, let alone mine, but golly they’re irresistible to the inner kid in me.82272290-D4F4-4D0D-8B74-C14183A9F1A6

Have to agree, Woody. I purchased 2 of the 86’ car carriers and 1 of the 86’ box cars when they they first came out (I was supposed to get 2 of the box cars, but when I saw the size, I passed on the second!!!). Really don’t run them

Here is a comparison of one of the 86’ footers to a Lionel 60’ footer - really cool, but impractical!!! (That’s a Lionel 21’ Alaska passenger car in the background)



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Stopped by a train show today with the expectation of not finding anything special.  But did find a new addition to my PUP collection.  A little disappointing that I found some small pieces broken that needed glued back in place but the car was only $28 so I'm still of the opinion that I got a good deal.IMG_0729


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I picked up a K Line K 742-8032 Wilson Car Lines wood-sided reefer at the North Texas Council of Train Clubs' Fall 2022 train show.  This may not sound like much to some people, but if you're trying to represent freight trains from the late steam to early transition era (circa 1936 to 1951), this is a darn good choice.  Historically accurate or not, it sure looks good!


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  • K Line K 742-8032 Wilson Reefer

Here is a mint, never used MTH RailKing Steamer I picked up at a recent Auction.  The engine, UP 4-6-2 Forty Niner has QSI electronics so the first thing I did was to change the 9 volt battery for a BCR.  MTH issued a ton of RK engines that can be had for very low prices compared to today's offerings.UP Steamer 2

UP Steamer


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  • UP Steamer 2
  • UP Steamer

@Mister_Lee- Hey I was at the same train show on Saturday up in Plano...liked your refer.  I got an MPC  Southern box car (posted today on Box Car Sunday), an Animal Car with an elephant sticking out, and two new cabooses (PRR and SRR )both scale extended vision models).  It was an interesting show I thought.  Sorry I didn't see you to say hello.


The next order of Menards items arrived over the weekend. This shipment had 10 cars total, 8 tankers and 2 flats.

First up are the tankers. There’s a weathered Valvoline, Pepsi, Burlington Northern, Texaco, Norfolk Southern, Sunoco, UTLX, and an US Air Force tanker.C312E8F0-828E-461D-997D-0A8BB6618094EBA68C6F-D022-4C1C-B264-C846C776F23EDB3F2418-124B-4344-BA40-C4AB5885D5F9673FA9A7-2F21-4855-872C-6F8991A8F42F159784DA-66A0-4A01-A900-E33E2E3B67F8531B1E68-81CB-4854-9EFF-89411A9E560B00EBB3B1-6987-4496-A78D-F38C87D59DB6E1E353F9-91ED-4B0D-9B5D-E87C8D557961

Following that massive influx of tankers are these two PRR flats.2BB41E19-C652-4F37-86D0-0A444DCF19926494088C-01B1-4D56-BF88-936E6AAF3685

Here’s the photo of this shipment of 10.B06079AD-7EBF-4739-9639-9CA03A64F876

And there’s still more to come!!!


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@pennsyfan posted:

I just unpacked my  Made In The USA FREEDOM ISN'T FREE boxcar. While doing so, it occurred to me that a Patriotic/ Veterans/ Military train could make a nice display for the Veterans breakfast at my community clubhouse. I sent a message to the  Lifestyles Director. We’ll see how that goes.

That is a super cool car and would make  great addition to a set of holiday cars to celebrate both Memorial Day and Veteran's day.  Is that Lionel or MTH?

@pennsyfan - well first let me say I am pleased to see that your community "HAS" a "Veterans Breakfast".  Next I think that a patriotic train display would be really a solid thing to present during such an event and the car you illustrated is perfect for such a use.  Another solid use would be at a Model Train show that has operating layouts and is open to the public.  The train would then be seen by a large segment of adults and their children.  Here in Waco, pre COVID we had a Veterans Day Parade and the company I worked for would provide time off for any Vet who participated in the parade.  Folks wore their old uniforms (yes I will admit sometime "alterations" had to be made ) but it was a nice recognition by the community.

Don McErlean, USAF retired.

@pennsyfan posted:

I just unpacked my  Made In The USA FREEDOM ISN'T FREE boxcar. While doing so, it occurred to me that a Patriotic/ Veterans/ Military train could make a nice display for the Veterans breakfast at my community clubhouse. I sent a message to the  Lifestyles Director. We’ll see how that goes.

@pensyfan - That car was manufactured by METCA. I see it is still listed on their website store.

They also produced one a few years backs. Still trying to find it.

@Richizzle07- Hey Man, I admit I call myself a "Tank - a - holic" I just love tank cars.  Those guys from Menards are really neat.  Never saw them you know can you still get them from the store?  Thanks  Doin

Hello Don and Thanks! I’ve really come to like the products made by Menards. All these cars are no longer in production and aren’t available at the stores. Secondary market is the only place now.

@pennsyfan - well first let me say I am pleased to see that your community "HAS" a "Veterans Breakfast".  Next I think that a patriotic train display would be really a solid thing to present during such an event and the car you illustrated is perfect for such a use.  Another solid use would be at a Model Train show that has operating layouts and is open to the public.  The train would then be seen by a large segment of adults and their children.  Here in Waco, pre COVID we had a Veterans Day Parade and the company I worked for would provide time off for any Vet who participated in the parade.  Folks wore their old uniforms (yes I will admit sometime "alterations" had to be made ) but it was a nice recognition by the community.

Don McErlean, USAF retired.


The Equestra Train Club puts up a layout in the clubhouse every Christmas since 2014. We kick off the season the first Sunday of December with a pancake breakfast and Santa Clause. It is the best attended activity of the year. Since I’m the engineer for the event I can certainly assign one of the 3 0 Gauge tracks to the Veterans train. Here’s a look at the layout.


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No chrome tankers this time, but a pair of Menards doublestacks from their September re-stock (part of their order was held up due to port congestion):

doublestacks Q3 2022

I'm holding off on containers...I'll probably look for some MSC and a couple of others at a later date. I already have Atlas O 3-unit and MTH 5-unit sets that I haven't sought containers for.

(Nav links redacted...Forum rule disallows crosslinking one's posts within a thread)



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  • doublestacks Q3 2022
Last edited by RailRide
@leapinlarry posted:

@p51, Lee, that’s a good find, real wood from a real freight car, ET&WNC, congratulations on getting this unique piece of wood. It will be interesting to see how you display this piece of history. Today I received a couple of REA cars from LegacyStation, Happy Railroading Everyone A91A82F5-4E07-4ED3-B60C-CFCC0D7D3822075A0488-8033-41DA-AAA3-307BDB224C804A489032-3498-49EB-A601-A32496CA8CFE

Boy, those express reefers look terrific, Larry. 😉

@naresar posted:

Stopped by a train show today with the expectation of not finding anything special.  But did find a new addition to my PUP collection.  A little disappointing that I found some small pieces broken that needed glued back in place but the car was only $28 so I'm still of the opinion that I got a good deal.IMG_0729

At the price those usually go for if you could glue the pieces back together you did get a deal.

@Apples55 posted:

Have to agree, Woody. I purchased 2 of the 86’ car carriers and 1 of the 86’ box cars when they they first came out (I was supposed to get 2 of the box cars, but when I saw the size, I passed on the second!!!). Really don’t run them

Here is a comparison of one of the 86’ footers to a Lionel 60’ footer - really cool, but impractical!!! (That’s a Lionel 21’ Alaska passenger car in the background)


It's those darn voices again!

@Mister_Lee posted:

I picked up a K Line K 742-8032 Wilson Car Lines wood-sided reefer at the North Texas Council of Train Clubs' Fall 2022 train show.  This may not sound like much to some people, but if you're trying to represent freight trains from the late steam to early transition era (circa 1936 to 1951), this is a darn good choice.  Historically accurate or not, it sure looks good!

That whole series was very cool.  Does it have the swinging hams?

@leapinlarry posted:

@p51, Lee, that’s a good find, real wood from a real freight car, ET&WNC, congratulations on getting this unique piece of wood. It will be interesting to see how you display this piece of history. Today I received a couple of REA cars from LegacyStation, Happy Railroading Everyone A91A82F5-4E07-4ED3-B60C-CFCC0D7D3822075A0488-8033-41DA-AAA3-307BDB224C804A489032-3498-49EB-A601-A32496CA8CFE

Larry that Santa Fe express reefer sure is shiny.  Is that the one that needed the knuckle repair?  How'd that work out?

@coach joe- OK I went to the same train show as Mister Lee and came away with a fairly good haul.  I have posted some of these, like the cabooses on Tail End Tuesday, but here is a showing of my latest acquisitions.

A PRR extended vision caboose, Lionel Std O, with lights and smoke, from 1988

Lionel 19807 PRR caboose side

A SRR wood sided , Lionel  Std O, caboose with lights also from 1988

Lionel 17601 SRR caboose coupla end

A fun car for my layout Elephant Circus Car (with Elephant) from Lionel 1990

Lionel 16629 Circus Elephant Car, elephant head end

Finally for my pre war collection.  A Karl Bub , Gatekeepers House, made from 1928-1934

KBN station signal end

Well that's my haul last weekend, thanks for asking coach joe!

Best Wishes



Images (4)
  • Lionel 19807 PRR caboose side
  • Lionel 17601 SRR caboose coupla end
  • Lionel 16629 Circus Elephant Car, elephant head end
  • KBN station signal end

Eventually I plan on having a space center scene on my layout.  Planning on a Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) out of foam core, launch pads, rockets, and a shuttle from LEGO, a LEM from Hallmark.  I was looking for part of a larger rocket to be in the VAB in some stage of assembly and won a bid on EBay for an incomplete set.  The picture showed 1/2 a rocket so it would do just fine.  When it came the rocket was missing just 3 pieces, all on the back side.  I haven't assembled any of the rest of the playset so I don't know what else may be missing beyond the figures.  I was never wild about the capsule on this set so it may wind up under construction in the VAB as originally planned. 



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@pennsyfan - the layout you pictured is really neat, what a great opportunity to run a "Veterans Train" and your audience is just right.  Kids and parents for this new generation who are not as familiar with Vet's as perhaps they were 10-20 years ago.

@coachjoe - Well I really like your project, but it will be tough to make the VAB scale height, unless you want to cut a hole in your rooms ceiling.  The VAB is 526 ft high , which would be about 11 Ft high in O scale.   I worked for NASA in support of the manned space program and have been privileged to go into the VAB and that sucker is enormous!! Next, your right, those windows in the capsule are not likely to make it.   To reach orbit, a spacecraft leaving the Earth has to achieve about 7 miles / second or about 25,000 mph to enter orbit so those big front windows would be a tough design to come up with as you pass through the atmosphere.  I do like the rocket that you have however, it has the solid rocket boosters (SRB's in NASA parlance) on the sides as do most of our space launch systems.

Good luck with your rocket launch facility, it sounds like a fun project.

Best Wishes


Thanks Don.  There's nothing scale about my trains.  027 track, 42" diameter outer loop, 27"inner, I hope so my VAB doesn't need to be that massive.  I have two of these LEGO rockets, again equipped with SRBs,


one of these, not from LEGO, although I'll be using a LEGO construction elevator as a launch pad,


One of these

IMG_0774 a shuttle and a couple of crawlers to move rockets around.  I'll get some pictures of those and add them later.


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I was really excited to find two new Geeps to represent the lines that will feed the freight yard.
I love the short lines.
I bought an East Penn Railroad engine (will serve practically all the freight customers) and a New York Container Terminal model for the intermodal yard. Eventually, I'll buy a "lease" unit for them to share.
The East Penn loco really is pretty! It's shame she'll be pulling chemicals and trash containers.


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  • East Penn RR
Last edited by CharmCityAirLine

@coachjoe- Glad you decided not to make the VAB scale height, that would have been a project.  Nice rockets by the way.  The first two look more like our current band of launch vehicles including both Artemis and Space X.  The #3 reminds me more of the Saturn V of the original Apollo fame, even the black blocks in the paint scheme.  OBTW if you like "big" and "powerful" each Saturn V was powered by 5 F-1 rocket engines, each one of which produced 1.52  MILLION lbs of thrust !  Still all of these seem more realistic than the one you showed with the fancy capsule on top.

By the way, in case you want to go "multi modal" most of the rocket segments for the large launch vehicles like Artemis or the Shuttle program arrived at the launch site by BARGE!  Yup! by water.  They were too large to be easily shipped by rail so they went as far as was economical and then were loaded on a custom made barge and floated to Cape Kennedy.

This is a great idea Joe, best of luck with it.  Keep posting pictures.


I picked up a bunch at an auction, around 60 pieces. I keep telling myself to stop buying engines, but I always find a few that won't leave me alone. I do have a budget, so I don't want to blow it all on 1 or 2 pieces, are you listening BIG BOY! Apparently not:

It's an older MTH, but a real good price, well within my budget. I'm not going to have anything left to buy at York if I keep this up...


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Picked up a small piece with some sentimental significance. My father worked for Sperry Gyroscope (Sperry- Rand) as an electrical engineer, for 45 years. Sperry Rail Service was founded prior to Sperry Gyro, and built by Elmer Sperry. After SRS was formed he invented the gyroscope guidance system, and Sperry Gyroscope several years later.

This Sperry Speeder is a Lionel model with TMCC.

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@Wood posted:


OMG. That's a gotta have unit for you! Nice story about you Dad. Glad you were able to obtain it.

I did not know Lionel put TMCC in those units. My GrandKids love the speedy little units. I'll have to look for them.

Yea- pretty cool. Can't wait to get it on the rails.

growing up on Long Island in the 60's-70's everyone's dad worked either on Wall Street or at one of the big three defense contractors, Grumman, Sperry, or Fairchild Republic. Lot's of great history in the region.


A few things actually

The new cannon car which I will now refer to as "The Biggest Iron" at every opportunity I have.
To quote the announcer from Battlefield 1: "We are being reinforced with an armored train!"

Next up I found this old N scale "briefcase trainset" that folds up for storage, the hobby store got it with track and a train but I ended up only buying the unfortunately now non-functional locomotive and the case, for now, wasn't too much for the engine and set so I'm not stressed about it. I'm tempted to go back and grab the track that they got it with, even if it's old it can still be cleaned up.

It's not in the greatest condition, but hey, it's technically a pre-detailed layout and looks pretty cool. I also have a singular N scale (Kato Super Chief) train set, so hey, might as well give it a home to run on.


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Here's another auction win.  I have the original Lionel-issued 1957 Picatinny Arsenal switcher but it's getting a little tired and it runs a little erratic.  I saw this celebration copy, mint, never out of the box going for peanuts.  I was the only bidder so weclome home, you'll find work here at the Razz house.20221004_161941 [1)


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I've been on the lookout for a 2012 Lionel Legacy GP9 to have as a back-up for my 2007 Legacy GP7, since the 7 is early Legacy and no electronic boards are available for it anymore. Anyway, the 9 arrived today and I put it through its paces. It's definitely an improvement over the 7, with removable trucks sides to change out traction tires and the trucks also swivel for quick access to the motors.

The only minus is that the diesel horn is different from the 7s, which was the way I remember hearing it as a kid growing up in the fifties. When the UP replaced its GP7 with GP9s, the horns sounded the same. But not on mine. Anyway, I am glad to have found one very reasonably priced, as these GP9s only come along for sale about once a year or so.



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I've been on the lookout for a 2012 Lionel Legacy GP9 to have as a back-up for my 2007 Legacy GP7, since the 7 is early Legacy and no electronic boards are available for it anymore. Anyway, the 9 arrived today and I put it through its paces. It's definitely an improvement over the 7, with removable trucks sides to change out traction tires and the trucks also swivel for quick access to the motors.

The only minus is that the diesel horn is different from the 7s, which was the way I remember hearing it as a kid growing up in the fifties. When the UP replaced its GP7 with GP9s, the horns sounded the same. But not on mine. Anyway, I am glad to have found one very reasonably priced, as these GP9s only come along for sale about once a year or so.


That's a perfect find for you GP 7. Nice engine Vern. Nice video. Good luck with her.

@RSJB18 posted:

Picked up a small piece with some sentimental significance. My father worked for Sperry Gyroscope (Sperry- Rand) as an electrical engineer, for 45 years. Sperry Rail Service was founded prior to Sperry Gyro, and built by Elmer Sperry. After SRS was formed he invented the gyroscope guidance system, and Sperry Gyroscope several years later.

This Sperry Speeder is a Lionel model with TMCC.

2022-10-06 13.06.002022-10-06 13.07.292022-10-06 13.07.53


What a great connection Bob! Making memories that’s what it’s all about.

@RSJB18 posted:

Vern- FWIW, you could always retro fit ERR boards in the 7 if the need should arise. It's too nice a model to sit on the shelf.

Planned obsolescence sucks........


Thanks, Bob. I agree and will probably do just that if the GP7 fails. And you're right, planned obsolescence does suck. 😳

Last edited by Yellowstone Special

I just got this in the mail today, a piece of siding off ET&WNC caboose # 505. It was removed as part of the restoration effort at the Avery County museum in Newland, NC and sent to me by the gentleman who restored the caboose:

I swear I was cackling to myself with joy from the mailbox once I realized what was inside the envelope!

And here's my own model of this caboose, made from a Deerfield River Laser kit, sitting atop part of the real thing:

I've been on the lookout for a 2012 Lionel Legacy GP9 to have as a back-up for my 2007 Legacy GP7, since the 7 is early Legacy and no electronic boards are available for it anymore. Anyway, the 9 arrived today and I put it through its paces. It's definitely an improvement over the 7, with removable trucks sides to change out traction tires and the trucks also swivel for quick access to the motors.

The only minus is that the diesel horn is different from the 7s, which was the way I remember hearing it as a kid growing up in the fifties. When the UP replaced its GP7 with GP9s, the horns sounded the same. But not on mine. Anyway, I am glad to have found one very reasonably priced, as these GP9s only come along for sale about once a year or so.


Vern, awesome find! Before you put the GP 9 away, lash it up with your GP 7 and do lap! ;-)

Took a chance on a mpc gp9  NYC 8477. It's built like a postwar with magentraction and Pullmor type 1 motor. Got it for a reasonable price. Runs really well and quiet. For an MPC era engine I'm pretty impressed. PXL_20220924_195608483PXL_20220924_195603981

MPC made 2 others like that around the same time. The Milwaukee Road GP9 from the Fallen Flags Set, and the JC Penney Exclusive Wabash GP9 with the display case.

MPC made 2 others like that around the same time. The Milwaukee Road GP9 from the Fallen Flags Set, and the JC Penney Exclusive Wabash GP9 with the display case.

I like the Wabash gp9. It may be a future purchase! I'm thinking about getting an MPC B&O F3 8364 and change the truck to magnatraction. I think when you really look there were a lot of nice quality mpc products out there. The steam engines are also really nice.

@Wood posted:

Unfortunately that's what happens to modern era engines.. They get tired and have no replacement parts. My childhood Praire engine still runs clickety clack..

Hey Wood, I had meant to ask you earlier. Is your childhood "Prairie" Lionel's 2-6-4 #2037? It was also referred to as a Prairie steamer. If so, I also have that one. It pulls my first Lionel train set, the Cleartrack Special, which Santa brought me for Christmas in 1955. I still have it (with the engine refurbished a few years ago) and it runs very well.

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The citrus model railroad club had a train show today and I was able to pick up some punk rock “Homies” for my CBGBs building, some HO sized water towers, which will go nicely on the tops of a few buildings, pre painted metal propane tanks and assorted roof details, and terminal strips for a rewiring project.  Sadly, I had my heart set on a post war Lionel maintenance car that had a broken step and missing brake wheel, but the seller wouldn’t work with me on price, holding firm at a ridiculous $35.  Another guy had a heavily used post war US army 4 wheel switcher, but he wouldn’t move off of his price of $100.  I don’t get these types of sellers at train shows.  I guess they’d rather take the stuff home than move it a a fair price.

@RixTrack posted:

Just got his alternative car number 501 for my Super Chief Set.  It’s the LionChief set. I already found the long-discontinued B and A dummy units.  Now with two domes it really will be super!766BD97D-4001-4C7D-8116-F14CF32A483183B3EDB5-D75C-4115-959D-32790FC20571

RixTrack, nice find and great Santa Fe passenger set you have plus the FT ABA set, very nice! Cool display case too! I know you'll enjoy your set!!!

I have a set of those semi scale Sante Fe Chief passenger cars myself, and I found a standalone dome car too, so I have two dome cars in my set. I added a bunch of passengers to the set including in the domes. The passenger figures I bought from eBay, mostly Chinese cheapies from a Chinese seller and shipped from China. I also added some Lionel 21" passengers mixed in. I even have a guy on the crapper (first photo in in the left window). LoL

I pull my set with a Lionel Santa Fe F3 ABA TMCC set from 2004. It's showing its age compared to how my newer Lionel locomotives run.

Here's 3 cars in my set to show the passengers. The cars come alive with passengers.

You may notice in the photo of the observation car that I run the rear truck 180 out so the knuckle is sticking out the back. It looks better, IMO.

Have a great weekend and enjoy those trains!


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This purchase is a bit unusual, but this is the second LIONEL General Motors Demonstrator TMCC F-3 running chassis purchased in the past two weeks from an eBay seller.

Both are new.  The first one checked out perfectly this morning on my club's layout.  This one will get tested later next week.

One of these will be stripped and the parts reinstalled on an identical frame already painted for my NP NCL train.

The other will be stripped and reassembled for my Texas Special train project.

I bought some more needed equipment from this seller, but I'll post about those next week after they arrive.


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Picked up the following, a Lionel Sarage SD-4r0-2, powered and nonpowered, at Nassau Hobbies in Freeport, LI.  Both have very colorful graphics.  I plan to run both with another engine that was shipped to me, the Lionel Katy SD=40, from METCA.  This is another colorful Tezas Special engine.  Savage 1Savage 2Texas Special 1Texas Special 2 in Texas Special graphics. 


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  • Savage 1
  • Savage 2
  • Texas Special 1
  • Texas Special 2

Hey Wood, I had meant to ask you earlier. Is your childhood "Prairie" Lionel's 2-6-4 #2037?  It is referred to as a Prairie steamer. If so, I also have that one. It pulls my first Lionel train set, the Cleartrack Special, which Santa brought me for Christmas in 1955. I still have it (with the engine refurbished a few years ago) and it runs very well.

@Yellowstone Special

Yes, Vern it is the Prairie 2-6-4 with the road number 2026. It shares the Boiler casting with the 2016, 2018, 2029 and 2037.  Same story in that it was a Christmas present around 1955. This train pulled our loads around the Christmas layout for many years.  My brothers and I loved the train wrecks, so we banged it up a little and had lots of fun. It still runs...

Last edited by Wood

Great buys everyone! Some beautiful engines I’m seeing! Thanks for sharing!

Last week I had another shipment of cars arrive. This order consisted of 9 Menards cars and a Lionel Old Glory series of 3 boxcars.

First up are the nine Menards cars. Here they are: a Erie Lackawanna boxcar, Lehigh Valley boxcar, Lehigh Valley covered hopper, Union Pacific modern tanker, UTLX modern tanker, Quaker State Oil tanker, US Army tanker in camouflage, US Army modern tanker, and an US Army flat with Army Truck and HIMARS.7A0B6F2E-DA09-4130-9163-66CC85FF9CDF78216A90-4145-484C-AD80-EB3F1409D917FEEF815F-CFCE-421C-8080-AF74D71C976A63D62AE3-99BF-44B5-A029-954296AF7573902B5877-3AE3-4E84-B032-51F788DEB6DB162E8370-60C5-4013-8BDF-87AB963CAEE3A65513DA-6A83-4839-8A60-C0F28F6AB1F6CC2FE2A1-1458-421B-81CD-9F4FD778EBBA9BB1F0F1-68B6-45D8-9D4B-1448E4D21A0C

And here’s the Lionel Old Glory Series set of three boxcars that was included in this order.4BC9482A-66A4-425B-92FB-7F4C94780950

An overall photo of this shipment. D9F327CC-DF6A-4BBF-AA68-42AAB5C15818

There’s still more to come from this seller but we are taking a pause for York so more to follow afterwards!


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Over the weekend I went to The Great Northeast Model Train Show hosted by Bernie’s Model Railroad in Dunmore, PA. Great show and it’s the closest show to my house so that’s a big bonus. I grabbed 7 cars total. Would have been more but I’m holding out for York.

Here’s the cars I picked up. A Lionel Wonder Bread Bicentennial hopper, Lionel Planters Peanuts covered hopper, a Lionel PBR reefer (which was my grandfather’s favorite beer), along with 4 more MTH Christmas boxcars.76B6BEFB-BFA3-4FF6-8BDA-B9C5794B3C1CBB19A3FB-FAB7-4A9B-AFD3-457CF0C34741D02DC897-567E-4541-823E-48CEEFE2404396C4A266-02E9-4ED6-93BA-16CF177AFCC255512A23-6718-409C-9552-21EDDCBCEFB17B7F7EEC-AB42-4B8C-B2E8-0B4175F76C795B0B57B0-76DF-4733-961A-2B79B2088877

This was my second time attending this show and it’s always great! Here’s an overall photo of my haul.13143F3A-2BC6-4F5A-BC91-B14C711EA488


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@Richizzle07- Wow those are neat cars.  You are going to need (or do you have?) one big layout to handle all these cars.  They all look super however I especially like the tank cars.  Menards only offering 3 new at the moment so you scored a great haul!


Thanks Don! The layout is actually currently under a remodel so none have actually been used yet 😂. It’s a fairly small layout but I’ll have (as of now) three levels planned so it’ll add more space for running. My rebuild is in my signature if you’d like to check it out. I really like the Menards tankers though. A few more tankers will be arriving after York.

@Wood posted:

@Yellowstone Special

Yes, Vern it is the Prairie 2-6-4 with the road number 2026. It shares the Boiler casting with the 2016, 2018, 2029 and 2037.  Same story in that it was a Christmas present around 1955. This train pulled our loads around the Christmas layout for many years.  My brothers and I loved the train wrecks, so we banged it up a little and had lots of fun. It still runs...

Well, now that's pretty awesome! My 2037 was a little banged up too, but nothing serious. After coming back from the "refurbisher," it looks and runs like it did back in 1955.

Last edited by Yellowstone Special

Atlas Trainman D&H RS3 with Railsounds/TMCC. I have been picking up D&H rolling stock here and there with nothing to pull it with, so I'm happy to be adding the Atlas engine. This will be my 4th Atlas TMCC engine and I really like the quality and build. Others I picked up over the last 2 years as I have been swapping out what was all Christmas themed trains for real-world lines are a Rutland RS1, Green Mountain RS1, and Vermont Railway GP60.Altas D&H RS3


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@Mooner posted:

Atlas Trainman D&H RS3 with Railsounds/TMCC. I have been picking up D&H rolling stock here and there with nothing to pull it with, so I'm happy to be adding the Atlas engine. This will be my 4th Atlas TMCC engine and I really like the quality and build. Others I picked up over the last 2 years as I have been swapping out what was all Christmas themed trains for real-world lines are a Rutland RS1, Green Mountain RS1, and Vermont Railway GP60.Altas D&H RS3

Atlas makes a nice product, and I bought the Vermont GP60 a few years ago.  The problem now is the Legacy system adds so many nice features, so I stopped buying Atlas engines.  Atlas started using the MTH DCC/DCS system so maybe I'll look at them again.

@Wood posted:

@Yellowstone Special

Yes, Vern it is the Prairie 2-6-4 with the road number 2026. It shares the Boiler casting with the 2016, 2018, 2029 and 2037.  Same story in that it was a Christmas present around 1955. This train pulled our loads around the Christmas layout for many years.  My brothers and I loved the train wrecks, so we banged it up a little and had lots of fun. It still runs...

Guys I am getting confused.  I thought a "Prairie" was a 2-6-2  configuration.


@PRRronbh posted:

Guys I am getting confused.  I thought a "Prairie" was a 2-6-2  configuration.



Ron, you are correct about the 2-6-2 Prairie.  Lionel's initial offering in1948-49 was a 2-6-2.  However, beginning in 1951 the offering became a 2-6-4.  In the real world the Prairie Steamer was 2-6-2.  They were made by Baldwin.

Last edited by Wood
@Mooner posted:

Atlas Trainman D&H RS3 with Railsounds/TMCC. I have been picking up D&H rolling stock here and there with nothing to pull it with, so I'm happy to be adding the Atlas engine. This will be my 4th Atlas TMCC engine and I really like the quality and build. Others I picked up over the last 2 years as I have been swapping out what was all Christmas themed trains for real-world lines are a Rutland RS1, Green Mountain RS1, and Vermont Railway GP60.Altas D&H RS3

Great looking loco. Love the road name too!

Mine's a Williams. Interesting differences in the colors.

2019-01-19 07.48.42


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I received two separate orders of Menards cars I won on eBay so these are separate from the Menards collection I’ve been receiving over the past few weeks.

Six Menards cars total. There’s a CSX flat with Pepsi truck, Norfolk Southern boxcar, Reading hopper, Susquehanna boxcar, PRR Merchandise Service boxcar, and a Penn Central boxcar. (The last 3 have some fading to the plastic clamshells.)CDECF5FB-B525-4228-8285-BC6EF7031508F2959B82-0067-4667-BDCC-9E8F7B1A0B0FA75016FB-5AF9-4A8C-B9D2-20E9161E7C14D3E89EC5-BED0-49E5-8425-7AFE16ADE2371148DA86-B5F3-4EBF-8CF3-AAC767382E62836C7505-5FC6-4B11-8A96-BFE81565E0FD

Here’s an overall photo of the two orders. This SHOULD be the last purchases prior to York but then again there’s a Renningers Flash Train Meet on Saturday.CBAE319B-51FF-4E65-896B-04AF3E4B7538


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@Richizzle07 posted:

First up are the nine Menards cars. Here they are: a Erie Lackawanna boxcar, Lehigh Valley boxcar, Lehigh Valley covered hopper, Union Pacific modern tanker, UTLX modern tanker, Quaker State Oil tanker, US Army tanker in camouflage, US Army modern tanker, and an US Army flat with Army Truck and HIMARS.And here’s the Lionel Old Glory Series set of three boxcars that was included in this order.

A really cool haul on these items Rich.

As I went down through each photo , it would have been hard for me to pass up any one of these beauties.

Got these mpc f3 Baltimore and Ohio units from a fellow forum member at a great price.

Old Peeling decals,missing number board, and dry rotted trac tires (not a fan)


Installed new nose decals (not perfect),new number boards on the 8363,and changed motor truck to postwar magnatraction. Gave her a little tlc and she's running nice. Just waiting for some B&O cars to arrive.



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@Genemed- neat tool car with sound.  Looks like you made expert repairs @Donnie Kennedy- Great looking MPC B&O F units!  Your work rescued a great train and put it back in action @Surefire - Now THAT is a graffiti car, what a design, neat! @Tom M - Our Canadian friends now how to deal with snow, that's a great looking plow @Dave Ripp.- Good looking TOFC Dave, the Burlington trailers really show up the car.  

Great trains everyone

Best wishes on this fine Saturday


Pleased to report the second LIONEL GM Demonstrator TMCC F-3 running chassis tested perfectly this morning at the club.


Also, the matching B unit with Railsounds tested fine, as well.

The four F-3A shells are just what I hoped they would be for my paint projects.


Between these unexpected/unplanned purchases and the recent Lionel parts sale, my trip to York will be helping my club members carry their purchases and sharing the driving.


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Today I went to the Renningers Flash Train Meet in Kutztown, PA. This is one of my favorite shows because it’s outside and there’s also a farmer’s market that’s separate. There were a few things that caught my eye (both Halloween tables) but I’m thinking of York next week so I was actually able to contain myself LoL.

I only purchased one boxcar and of course it is a Menards military nose art boxcar.11863093-F8B0-4027-8457-FF55B9F67C94

Now for a week of scanning the “For Sale” section with free York Delivery. Already picking up 15 cars as of now LoL! So more to come next week!


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October is becoming a very expensive month for releases by all three manufacturers.  This time my Trainland order for two Exclusive Army ES44ACs came in.  I hope to be able to run both at our club, TMB, on Veteran's Day with a whole string of flat cars with military loads.  PS, one engine is number with the year I was born, 1943

US Army ES44AC _1US Army ES44AC_2USArmy ES44AC_1943_2USArny ES44AC_1943_3


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Picked up a couple UP offset vista domes in the past week for paint projects for ~$45 delivered each off eBay.  The first arrived today as I was experimenting with seating positions on an earlier, similar purchase.


The interior seating is for my NP NCL vista domes which ran short roof end forward with six rows of seats/2X2 seating.

These particular cars typically sell for ~$100 per car.  Too much to spend for a donor.


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A TMCC Lionel B&O EM-1 2-8-8-4.  My first scale Lionel engine.   I normally collect MTH engines but they don't make m(any) large B&O prototypical engines.   I figured out I could add TMCC to my DCS Wifi controlled layout for just over $100 so I could run the EM-1 command control.   Its been cool discovering the different features between Lionel TMCC and MTH PS-2.   Really glad to be able to now pull my long B&O freight consists with appropriate power.  Looking forward to adding other Lionel B&O and C&O steamers to my roster.


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Last edited by Obsidian
@Darrell posted:

I almost put a bid on that! Glad you got it!

I have one of those sets . I bought it lightly used back in the 90s and never ran it . I’ll be selling it up at the Hamburg train show on December 4th . ( Hamburg PA )  I’m slowly selling off most of my O gauge trains and this is one of the things that has to go . Too bad , it’s a nice looking train . imageimageimageimage


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Took a chance on a mpc gp9  NYC 8477. It's built like a postwar with magentraction and Pullmor type 1 motor. Got it for a reasonable price. Runs really well and quiet. For an MPC era engine I'm pretty impressed. PXL_20220924_195608483

MPC made 2 others like that around the same time. The Milwaukee Road GP9 from the Fallen Flags Set, and the JC Penney Exclusive Wabash GP9 with the display case.

Interesting - I knew about the NYC, but didn't know that the MR and Wabash had the same construction/motor. These were for all intents and purposes Postwar engines.

I've been on the lookout for a 2012 Lionel Legacy GP9 to have as a back-up for my 2007 Legacy GP7, since the 7 is early Legacy and no electronic boards are available for it anymore. Anyway, the 9 arrived today and I put it through its paces. It's definitely an improvement over the 7, with removable trucks sides to change out traction tires and the trucks also swivel for quick access to the motors.

The only minus is that the diesel horn is different from the 7s, which was the way I remember hearing it as a kid growing up in the fifties. When the UP replaced its GP7 with GP9s, the horns sounded the same. But not on mine. Anyway, I am glad to have found one very reasonably priced, as these GP9s only come along for sale about once a year or so.


Glad you found the engine. Those GP7s are pretty cool though, with their dual headlight clusters (one cluster with two headlights and the other cluster with a MARS light and a red emergency flashing light) and yellow roof strobe. It's a real light show. If a light board goes out, though, show's over; they've been unavailable for quite a while now, as you say. Not to mention the old Legacy boards now being gone.

@breezinup posted:

Interesting - I knew about the NYC, but didn't know that the MR and Wabash had the same construction/motor. These were for all intents and purposes Postwar engines.

It is as close to postwar as you can get in my opinion.  The only reminder I have that it's an mpc era is the electric horn that works when it wants too. I prefer the ol postwar battery operated bicycle horn that sound like a lame duck. But it really is a smooth running engine.


I got ANOTHER piece of ET&WNC boxcar 434 today!

A guy who visited the layout last month told me about the pieces that got sold and that he had a piece he wanted to send to me because the layout is that theme. I didn’t really think he’d go through with it and here comes a box today. It’s a cut rectangle almost exactly like the piece of the caboose (ET&WNC 505) fascia I also recently got. Maybe I’ll put both in one large frame. I’m not sure yet exactly how I’ll display them but they’re going on the wall for sure!


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