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In another attempt I mounted the unit directly underneath so now it’s a 10” run with a similar result. I do believe the sound I’m hearing is the money flushing into the septic system. Perhaps some triple distilled spirits will help my contemplation process.

If you bought the system from Trainz, reach out to their service folks. They will make it right.

Thanks Bob, and after sipping some thinking medication it dawned on me to search YouTube. Sure enough the proprietor had suggestions for just this situation. It is caused by the fiber optic line being curved and not being straight for the light to travel more efficiently. He suggested using a piece of stirring straw until there are enough lines to keep them straight. We’ll see what happens.

I recently aquired four more postwar F3's.  The 2383 Santa Fe ABA, 2354 NYC ABA and 2245 Texas Special AB was one purchase,  the 2367 Wabash AB was a seperate purchase.

This Texas Special is the 2nd set I have, it had the flying shoe missing, I put a new one on and wired it to the coil coupler.

The Wabash has some battery damage on the frame, dual motors, good runner, it has the correct B-unit for the 2367.   

Overall I did the basic maintence to each one and as always, they run as they should.

1) 2383 [1)

1) 2383 [2)

2) NYC 2354 [1)

2) NYC 2354 [2) 3) Texas Special 2245 [1)

3) Texas Special 2245 [2) 3) Wabash 2367 [1)

3) Wabash 2367 [2)


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  • 1) 2383 (1)
  • 1) 2383 (2)
  • 2) NYC 2354 (1)
  • 2) NYC 2354 (2)
  • 3) Texas Special 2245 (1)
  • 3) Texas Special 2245 (2)
  • 3) Wabash 2367 (1)
  • 3) Wabash 2367 (2)
@Big Jim posted:

IF (that's F1 spelled backwards) there any Formula One fans out there, here is a very nice find.
I was checking out the diecast car aisle at Walmart a few weeks ago and came across a 1/43 Red Bull RB18 on the shelf. I am not a big "Red Bull" fan, but as I got to looking at these models, I saw that Burago not only had done the Verstappen version, but, the Perez version as well. In that case and with the price under $10 each, I had to pick them up.
Then yesterday, I was in the local Target store and walked through the diecast car aisle. Much to my surprise, there on the shelf I saw the Burago Mercedes-AMG and Ferrari SF21. There were only two of each left on the shelf. Looking closely, to my amazement there were both teammates cars, Hamilton & Russell for Mercedes-AMG and Leclerc & Sainz for Ferrari. Come with me fellows, we're going home!

I had picked some up at Target, a little cheaper than Walmart.  I wanted to put them on a tri-level open car carrier but they were a tad too wide.

@D&H 65 posted:

This is in reply to Scott Clarks comment on Lionel offering a bloody nose H-24-66 Train Master in Legacy a few days ago; Lionel has already issued that Train Master a few years back. Pix attached.....IMG_2626IMG_2625IMG_2624IMG_2623

D&H 65, I've looked for them online with no luck, mostly because I can't find the Lionel product number. My searches on Lionel's archive have not been successful either! Would you happen to have the PN? Thanks! I might be able to find one somewhere out there. LoL otherwise I'll have to wait until Lionel releases it again!

Hah, found it in the Lionel archive while I was posting this! 2014 Catalog Volume 2. I have have the product number now. 6-81214 Maybe I can find one.

Last edited by WesternPacific2217

Good Evening Everyone,

Found a fellow selling these nice 84 Lumber loads on the bay.   Purchased a group and mounted them on a Lionel PS-4 flatcar I had sitting around.   I scribe the planking lines deeper with an Olfa utility knife(the blades are unbelievably sharp!) then stain the wood deck with Minwax.   I let the stain soak in a bit before wiping off the excess.



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@leapinlarry posted:

I just received another BTO item that I forgot I ordered, but being a grandpa, even now a great grandpa, I’m glad I received this unique sounding accessory. Happy Railroading Everyone      (Now I need to find a neat place to add it to my layout)IMG_0402IMG_0401

It's 3:30 a.m. took a break from arraigning music for the city band I'm in and saw this, they needed smile came Thank you

Just got around to opening these that I’ve had for a couple weeks. Excellent build quality! I noticed they even had a brass bushing in the truck frame where the axle goes in. I hadn’t seen that before. My only minor dislike is the color of the Strasburg is a tad lighter than the original. The pickup roller assembly seems to be a bit better quality than the MTH premier caboose I purchased a couple months ago.



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Last edited by Genemed
@Guttersnipe posted:

Need, but How the heck do you just get around to open stuff I have a twenty five yard walk to my mail box and by the time I'm Back to the door I've got my new toys already open

I guess it’s my weird way of delayed anticipation and enjoying another new purchase. I also preordered these in February knowing they may be a quick seller, it’s not like I really needed them.


@Genemed posted:

I guess it’s my weird way of delayed anticipation and enjoying another new purchase. I also preordered these in February knowing they may be a quick seller, it’s not like I really needed them.


Careful there brother man, Most of our spouses think we don't need any of this stuff.  I received another piece today and the UPS man, knowing it was coming, skipped lunch helped me open it

Maybe the question should be "what didn't you buy recently".  We are just over a year into our move from Illinois to Michigan.  For about 18 months anything I bought may have gone onto a test track, but they certainly went back into the box until such time as my layout was rebuilt or they could go on display. I finished a few more display shelfs in the train room and populated one shelf set with engines.

Nearly all engines shown are MTH with the exception of the Weaver GG1s and Hiawatha Atlantics and the front of a K-Line E7 Milwaukee Road.

wall shelf small

The layout is almost ready to run.  I keep tweaking track sections for smooth running.


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  • wall shelf small

Yes I did!  Well, not so recently, maybe.

I purchased this old calendar more than a year ago, but it had about 75 years of ‘curl’ that had to be removed before I could get a decent picture of it! The original mailing tube in which it was sent to its owner is seen among the attachments.


As seen in the photo, it’s an original 1945 New York Central System calendar. Now, the NYC, I will admit, is not my favorite flag. But the Dreyfuss Hudson is one of those iconic designs of its era that I can’t help but looking at more than twice when seeing as artwork or as a model in any scale, an old travel brochure, etc.. And that very popular winter’s night scene is simply and seasonally AWESOME! Wouldn’t you agree??

The calendar is complete, having not only all 12 monthly pages for 1945, but also the December 1944 page to lead into the following year. It also has a letter attached to the upper left corner entitled “Night on the Water Level Route” and signed by Gustav Metzman, then president of the NYC System. A copy of the letter is attached. The artwork was signed by Leslie Kagan.

Calendar cover
This one popped up on a Forum FS posting more than a year ago. I jumped on it for all the above reasons…but for one other VERY special reason: My birthday! Yep, December 22, 1944. So, the calendar reminds me that I arrived on a Friday that year...just like this year!!!

Pretty obvious that my arrival on that date caused quite a disruption to the holiday schedule! Our expanded family Christmas dinner was typically held on December 24, Christmas Eve each year. So, Mom would’ve typically been a house-cleaning, meal-preparation bundle of nerves. Dad would typically be preparing the balsam tree for decorating…and setting up his Lionel 366W beneath it!

Anyhow, it’s a very special find, and I’m happy to have it.

Oh, yes!...I later came to learn that another significant event occurred on that date, my birthday, in 1944, the last full year of World War II. The event was made famous by one word: “NUTS!”…
“In mid-December 1944, Allied forces were surprised by a massive German offensive through the Ardennes Forrest that created a “bulge” in the Allied lines. Caught in what would become known as the “Battle of the Bulge,” the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Armed Forces was holed up in Bastogne while German armored divisions encircled the town. Outnumbered, outgunned, and running out of food, ammunition, and medical supplies, the embattled assistant division commander, Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe, faced bleak prospects.

On December 22, the American troops were sent an ultimatum from the German forces outside of the town, demanding “the honorable surrender” of the town within two hours. General McAuliffe reply was brief and succinct:

“To the German Commander:

N U T S !

The American Commander”

Having made their position clear, the Americans dug in and waited for the attack. Contrary to German expectations, the 101st held out and reinforcements arrived in the form of the US Army’s 4th Armored Division. The Battle of the Bulge continued for several more weeks, with thousands of casualties on both sides, but by the end of January 1945, the Allies had retaken all the territory lost to the Germans and were headed toward Berlin.

This record was on display in the “Featured Documents” exhibit in the East Rotunda Gallery of the National Archives in Washington, DC, November 4, 2014, through January 5, 2015 in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.”

Next Monday we will join my oldest sister, Connie, and her husband, Brendan O'Brien for Christmas dinner.  John O'Brien, Brendan's oldest brother among several siblings, was killed in the Battle of the Bulge.  He was but 19 years old.  He's buried at Liege.

As was the wish at this season 79 years ago…and still appropriate today...

May God grant us peace, good will towards men!

And have a very merry, safe holiday season!


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  • Calendar cover
Last edited by dkdkrd
@ScoutingDad posted:

Maybe the question should be "what didn't you buy recently".  We are just over a year into our move from Illinois to Michigan.  For about 18 months anything I bought may have gone onto a test track, but they certainly went back into the box until such time as my layout was rebuilt or they could go on display. I finished a few more display shelfs in the train room and populated one shelf set with engines.

Nearly all engines shown are MTH with the exception of the Weaver GG1s and Hiawatha Atlantics and the front of a K-Line E7 Milwaukee Road.

wall shelf small

The layout is almost ready to run.  I keep tweaking track sections for smooth running.

While I do love displays, the problem is going to be, once you have a layout, and want pictures of it you'll want a sky between the display shelves and the layout

Woohoo, can’t wait to see a video of it running! Happy days! 😁

For sure! Thanks Scott.

I asked Trainz to provide me a report on what they found. It was a lot more than I would have wanted to do.

A big shout out to @Scott@Trainz and the team. Their customer service is second to none.

Disassemble; verify electrical and mechanical terminations are correct for proper operation. Load motor driver and cards on a Lionel test fixture, bench test is good. Repair Molex terminations on driver board, service smoke unit and replace batting.

Bench test the locomotive using conventional AC and CAB1 control on the test track, the loco runs strong, directional lighting and smoke with railsounds is good.


@dkdkrd posted:

Yes I did!  Well, not so recently, maybe.

I purchased this old calendar more than a year ago, but it had about 75 years of ‘curl’ that had to be removed before I could get a decent picture of it! The original mailing tube in which it was sent to its owner is seen among the attachments.


Oh, yes!...I later came to learn that another significant event occurred on that date, my birthday, in 1944, the last full year of World War II. The event was made famous by one word: “NUTS!”…

May God grant us peace, good will towards men!

And have a very merry, safe holiday season!

The calendar looks great.

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.


@Guttersnipe posted:

While I do love displays, the problem is going to be, once you have a layout, and want pictures of it you'll want a sky between the display shelves and the layout

Well there is a solution here. Both walls of display shelves are aisle ways used for access to other parts of the area. For photos it would be easy enough to roll in a temporary backdrop. Realistically I do not see shooting any images / video in those directions anyway. I personally do not like to run my trains without a backdrop in place, anything else is too distracting for my railroading fantasy. The more immersive the better.

@Big Jim posted:

IF (that's F1 spelled backwards) there any Formula One fans out there, here is a very nice find.
I was checking out the diecast car aisle at Walmart a few weeks ago and came across a 1/43 Red Bull RB18 on the shelf. I am not a big "Red Bull" fan, but as I got to looking at these models, I saw that Burago not only had done the Verstappen version, but, the Perez version as well. In that case and with the price under $10 each, I had to pick them up.
Then yesterday, I was in the local Target store and walked through the diecast car aisle. Much to my surprise, there on the shelf I saw the Burago Mercedes-AMG and Ferrari SF21. There were only two of each left on the shelf. Looking closely, to my amazement there were both teammates cars, Hamilton & Russell for Mercedes-AMG and Leclerc & Sainz for Ferrari. Come with me fellows, we're going home!

I grabbed Chuck Leclerc.  I couldn't bring myself to grab anything not Ferrari.  Plus, Max is probably two towns over by now.


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@Guttersnipe posted:

good idea.  Personally I Have been trying to set up two vertical spindle's five feet apart that can be rolled around and have strip of material two and half feet wide that can be rolled from one to the other so that I can change the sky for each photo position, My problem is how to keep the material from sagging.

Let me know when you figure it out! I’ll make one in a minute.

Two pages back I mentioned that I acquired some Lima freight cars off Ebay, with photos to follow later. Well, it was a bit later-er because all the intervening Sunday/Mondays I had off were all rainy, and I still did not have suitable light in the living room to take photos (also I kinda got used to taking pics out in the driveway . This Tuesday, the day after Christmas saw the sun finally come out in the afternoon, right after some weekly errand-running, and I judged the light to be enough to fire off five quick photos. And quick they had to be, as my camera's batteries (this is an "old" Canon PowerShot SX100 point-and-shoot digital I use for my 'inventory' photos) went into the red as soon as I started shooting. As has been the pattern in my last few entries here in the BaCL thread, captions reference the photos above them:

Lima 6701 UIC reefer [Kronenbourg SNCF]

First up is this 6701 'Kronenbourg' UIC 2-axle reefer of the SNCF or French national railways

Lima 6704 UIC reefer [Spatenbrau DB]
Next is this 6704 Deutsche Bahn UIC 2-axle reefer decorated for Spatenbrau Munchen. I guess you could call these two the Euro version of the beer reefers we see so much of here

The Ebay seller I got these four cars from had another lot of six cars, two gondolas, two each of these Spatenbrau and two (white) Interfrigo reefers, all under the Rivarossi brand, but otherwise identical to Lima's. I was interested in the two-axle gondolas (retrofit each with one knuckle coupler) to use as adapter wagons, but I was less enthused at the prospect of having three identical Spatenbrau reefers tagging along. (June 2024:  and found out that the Rivarossi reefers may actually have been different (more detailed) models than the Lima shown above.)

Lima 6708 UIC reefer [Interfrigo RENFE]
Next up is this 6708 UIC 2-axle reefer in the scheme of Transfesa Interfrigo of the Spanish national railway RENFE

Lima 6747 UIC van [Ovomaltine SBB+CFF]
We finish up the UIC freight cars with this UIC van of the Swiss Federal Railways, decorated for Ovomaltine, the original Swiss name for the chocolate milk flavoring we know as Ovaltine.

Lima UIC vans together [2]

All four of the UIC two-axle cars together. The Ovomaltine car is actually shorter than the other three, it's position at the far end of the shot notwithstanding. It's also the only car in the lot with its original box, the others were without. Fortunately they fit nicely in a BCW-550 box, so I'll be getting a few more of those after New Year's.

Lima UIC vans together [1]
[June 2024:] For the re-shoot to get these cars in better lighting, I added another shot from the other end of the consist.
Lima 6770 bogie tanker [Texaco]

Last up is this "British" tanker decorated for Texaco, the markings on the right end denoting Milford Haven, a Texaco-owned refinery in the UK. I do have to wonder about this car's claim to UK-ness. As mentioned before, UK clearances are smaller than those of the Continent, but this car is considerably chunkier than the reefers. In fact, next to a medium-size K-Line aluminum tanker with a 60mm diameter tank, it comes out on top as the fatter tanker. I wondered if the UIC boxcars are 1:45 scale (they are) . I'm now thinking this may be a UIC tanker decorated in a UK livery.

Lima 6770 closeup

[June 2024:] As part of the re-shoot to get these in better lighting I added a closeup of the tanker. By these molded-in markings, I believe this is actually a German prototype that Lima painted in a UK scheme.

A footnote: the 2-axle vans absolutely did not like a particular 027 straight section on my test track (which is comprised entirely of 027 size tubular track, with K-Line 027-height 072 curves). These cars' long wheelbase with no suspension led them to derail passing over that one piece of straight track between my 'yard' switch and the first 072 curve. Every time these cars would tilt to one side and abruptly drop off the railheads on that one section. The Lima cars with four-axles weren't as bothered by the irregularity -- they at least only derailed backing out of the curve toward the switch, leading me to believe that particular piece of straight track has a dip on one side and a possible gauge distortion that I'll have to look into. I can easily replace this one section, though this has caused me to revisit thoughts of replacing the test trackwork with AtlasO, which I also have on-hand from the days I'd tag along for the First Night train display formerly held in Westport, CT, where I'd lay and operate a loop with some of my own trains along with 'Dennis the Train Man' (RIP).

As a side note, the Texaco tanker encountered a wee mixup in shipping...initially this was the car that arrived on my doorstep:

ebay oopsie

Yeaaaah...definitely not O scale . I messaged the seller and we straightened things out amicably with him immediately shipping out the correct car as I sent this one back to him. This Marklin large-scale car and my Texaco tanker passed each other in the USPS system like the proverbial ships in the night, and I was suitably reimbursed for my return shipment. I'm sure he was more stressed than I was (though it took him a few days to pick up this piece at his local PO after they left him a "we'll hold this for you at the PO" note as it was too big to leave in his mailbox)

Now that I have three short consists of non-US rolling stock (five eight UK Mark-1 coaches, five UIC passenger cars, and seven ten Euro freight cars), this probably concludes my European adventure. As it stands, I only really intend to hitch these short consists onto the back of regular freight (or passenger) trains for giggles once I get back to making YouTube videos, so I don't see myself amassing a large collection of these, though it'd be nice to get one of their French diesels or UK Class 33's [I now have a class 33] and retrofit it for 3-rail while preserving as much of the original drivetrain as possible. (the aforementioned Ebay seller also had a lot of three or four of these for $120, but again, I only "needed" one of 'em)

2024 Edit: For 2024 I've added comic-style [Previous]-[Next] links allowing sequential access to my past acquisition posts both on and off this thread (also helps me locate them for checking past purchases). Links should open in the same window, and if any go to posts inconsistent with their descriptions, let me know.

(Nav links redacted...Forum rule disallows crosslinking one's posts within a thread)



Images (9)
  • ebay oopsie: Marklin "museum" 85830 sent in error
  • Lima 6701 UIC reefer [Kronenbourg SNCF]
  • Lima 6704 UIC reefer [Spatenbrau DB]
  • Lima 6708 UIC reefer [Interfrigo RENFE]
  • Lima 6747 UIC van [Ovomaltine SBB+CFF]
  • Lima UIC vans together [2]
  • Lima UIC vans together [1]
  • Lima 6770 bogie tanker [Texaco]
  • Lima 6770 closeup
Last edited by RailRide

We visited the Greenburg show at the Dulles Expo in Chantilly, VA two weeks ago and I spotted this:

Talk about "COOL" how cool is a set of reefers with cold Coors Light!


This year was the first time I purchased a train at a Greenburg show.  It was billed as "new" but wasn't.  Although it showed no real wear on the rollers, the smoke generators in the reefers produced 'smoke' the first time I fired them up...but, it all works and looks like new and I'm actually grateful the seller had prepped the reefers and knew they worked!  This is just such a hoot of a train set!


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Last edited by ToledoEd

I wanted something different from what I have. This little bugger caught my eye. Did some research on the K-line switcher,not realizing it was diecast, comes with a fan driven smoke unit (or would it be considered an exhaust unit 🤔),and pretty nice detail. Along with the ore cars, I couldn't pass up the deal. Took her all apart, inspected , and serviced. Nice little running switcher! Again, now I know why so many miss K-line.



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Last edited by Donnie Kennedy

I wanted something different from what I have. This little bugger caught my eye. Did some research on the K-line switcher,not realizing it was diecast, comes with a fan driven smoke unit (or would it be considered an exhaust unit 🤔),and pretty nice detail. Along with the ore cars, I couldn't pass up the deal. Took her all apart, inspected , and serviced. Nice little running switcher! Again, now I know why so many miss K-line.


That are cute. and the train is perfect, unless you want to add a bobbler boose.  Personally I'd be running the engine back ward with the boose  tween it and the cars and either way it goes It looks like a mine train on a tourist train pretending to be a mine train,  Gret catch

I wanted something different from what I have. This little bugger caught my eye. Did some research on the K-line switcher,not realizing it was diecast, comes with a fan driven smoke unit (or would it be considered an exhaust unit 🤔),and pretty nice detail. Along with the ore cars, I couldn't pass up the deal. Took her all apart, inspected , and serviced. Nice little running switcher! Again, now I know why so many miss K-line.


Careful can't eat just one....

2023-06-11 09.13.03


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  • 2023-06-11 09.13.03

I just bought an MTH Union Pacific #80 Coal Turbine.  I have been fascinated with these UP Turbines lately.  This engine is Proto-Sound 2.0 with a 3 volt board.  I acquired it from  when I received it yesterday,  I replaced the battery with a BCR.  It was described as "like new" and indeed it looks brand new.  I fired it up, checked the scale miles with my DCS remote and was shocked to see it had barly been run! 7.3 miles on the odometer and about 1 hour on the chronometer.  Posted a few pictures and a video.  This thing is a monster!20231231_11381920231231_11383820231231_11384520231231_11402120231231_114056


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I had to lookup the Billups Crossing Gate you just got, as it was unfamiliar to me.  What an interesting history.  I can’t believe the lone prototype lasted 30 years!

Wow.  Wishing you good luck with your planned conversion project. Sounds cool.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR


I had to lookup the Billups Crossing Gate you just got, as it was unfamiliar to me.  What an interesting history.  I can’t believe the lone prototype lasted 30 years!

Wow.  Wishing you good luck with your planned conversion project. Sounds cool.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

@TomlinsonRunRR - Wikipedia says there's no page with that name/

Here are the pics of the new Lionel Weather Balloon Defense two-car pack that just came in via pre-order.

The Weather Balloon car has a motor running off track power that blows air up through a nozzle and keeps the balloon continuously "floating" about a 1/4" above the red basket, even while the train is moving (slowly). In reality, the balloon bounces more than floats, but the grandkids liked it. The red "antler" button on top is the on-off switch. Unfortunately, it is too high to fit under my telephone wires, bridges and tunnels and I can only run it a few feet at a time in operational mode, so I'm not sure if I should keep it or sell it.

The Missile Launch car has a rotating launch arm that the missile sits atop and slips over a spring-loaded metal lever and you pull back on the lever to the desired tension and it locks in place. You then rotate and aim the missile at its intended target and push a button. The arm lifts up into firing position and the missile fires.

I also purchased the Exploding Ammo Dump, which is a small, spring loaded, four-sided building that flies apart when an object strikes it in just the right place on the roof. I set it up on the floor (the brown base is just a piece of rigid foam I had laying around and painted brown that makes it easier to assemble the ammo dump rather than being directly on carpet) and we fired the missile car at it to make it "explode". Works well.



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@coach joe posted:

Richie C try a ping-pong ball instead of the balloon.

I thought of that and tried a ping pong ball last night and it wasn't any better - feels like it actually may weigh more than the balloon. I tried using a smaller balloon and that helped a little, but not much.

I may try adding a little helium to the balloon, before reaching out to Bob, pennsyfan.

If the balloon is supposed to float as high as Bob's, then the car may be defective as the motor doesn't seem to be pushing out anywhere near enough air to keep it suspended like that.

Yep! Scored this little transformer on “the bay”, for $1.25 ( +$ 13.25shipping Priority ).  Got (2) bonus things , a nice set of test leads & a new in plastic tubular lockon )😁🚂🚂. I have one of these 1043 transformers for fixed voltage switches & this one will go on a little “ take anywhere “ layout .

Gonna be a whole lot of new work going on.  congrats


All my layouts are functioning beautifully . Love finding “ deals”, but you are right, work never ends🚂🚂😁😁

that is what it is all about, the addition to our collections or layouts the continue to perfect them.  It's like back in the day when my wife stated and intervention when I finished my 200th booze car in HO scale

When I was 12 I had the 1991 Lionel Catalog Book 2.

I was obsessed with pages 28 & 29 - the scale PRR S-2.  I had never seen a locomotive that big.  Four smoke stacks!  So many wheels!  My locomotive knowledge was lacking, but it sparked me to pick up a book.

Well, 32 years later I was able to get an upgraded version of that locomotive - the TMCC PRR S-2.  It came from the same seller of my recently acquired T1 (if you are on here - thank you!).

Once I had that, of course I had to get the brass caboose from the same catalog.


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@Deuce5150 posted:

When I was 12 I had the 1991 Lionel Catalog Book 2.

I was obsessed with pages 28 & 29 - the scale PRR S-2.  I had never seen a locomotive that big.  Four smoke stacks!  So many wheels!  My locomotive knowledge was lacking, but it sparked me to pick up a book.

Well, 32 years later I was able to get an upgraded version of that locomotive - the TMCC PRR S-2.  It came from the same seller of my recently acquired T1 (if you are on here - thank you!).

Once I had that, of course I had to get the brass caboose from the same catalog.

The one pictured in catalog was the one made by Mike Wolf under contract from Lionel.  The one you have maybe one Lionel made from parts that were transferred to Lionel from Mike's production but these parts by contract were limited to/for repairs only.  If this is one made from these parts it was in fact part of the lawsuit.

What is the Lionel product number for your S2 ?


I received my latest purchase from Jr Junction yesterday. The NYC caboose is a custom run. I was hesitant on the final checkout because the shipping charge was outrageously high, $50.00+ to MA! I ended up calling to place the order and he was surprised it was that high also. He ended up using a different shipper with a reasonable rate. Excellent customer service and the gentleman was a pleasure to work with! The caboose will be used as a public display scene on my layout like the original is at the state fairgrounds in NY.



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@Deuce5150 posted:

When I was 12 I had the 1991 Lionel Catalog Book 2.

I was obsessed...................Well, 32 years later I was able to get an upgraded version of that locomotive - the TMCC PRR S-2.  It came from the same seller of my recently acquired T1 (if you are on here - thank you!).

Once I had that, of course I had to get the brass caboose from the same catalog.

Sometimes these models reach out and grab you Deuce .

Nice purchases sir.  God speed .

@PRRronbh posted:

The one pictured in catalog was the one made by Mike Wolf under contract from Lionel.  The one you have maybe one Lionel made from parts that were transferred to Lionel from Mike's production but these parts by contract were limited to/for repairs only.  If this is one made from these parts it was in fact part of the lawsuit.

What is the Lionel product number for your S2 ?


Mine is Lionel 6-38028. It looks like it came out in 2001.  I've heard of the lawsuit, but haven't read much on it.

@Deuce5150 posted:

Mine is Lionel 6-38028. It looks like it came out in 2001.  I've heard of the lawsuit, but haven't read much on it.

Yes that is the one Lionel made from Mike's parts and by contract were not to be used to assemble new locos but used only for replacement parts.

Oh, where did you find the brass 8n cabin car?   Is it from the S2/8n sets the mike originally made?


@PRRronbh posted:

Yes that is the one Lionel made from Mike's parts and by contract were not to be used to assemble new locos but used only for replacement parts.

Oh, where did you find the brass 8n cabin car?   Is it from the S2/8n sets the mike originally made?


The caboose is the very same from the 1991 catalog.  Lionel 6-51702.  The brass is satisfying.  Good old ebay.

Won several cars at auction recently. I'll post photos when they arrive.

Curious to hear what the shipping costs will be, as different auction houses use Shipping Saint but costs are all over the board.  I was surprised Shipping Saint on their website suggests "auction houses" can use their shipping services as an additional revenue stream.  I am already paying a buyers fee and now they want to make more from shipping?   So far, one basically charges a minimum $50 saying this is not a profit area for them, another is roughly $20 over others plus packing material charges also saying its only covering their costs, others are more reasonable IMO. 

@Genemed nice to know JR Junction got a reasonable shipping rate for you. Cudos to them. 

I bought a NIB Lionel 17735 PRR Round Roof Boxcar on eBay for a very good price, around half of Greenberg mint. I wanted a round roof PRR boxcar, and it appears Lionel did 2 with around the same model number. At that point I did some research and there were some threads here about them, and they weren’t very positive.  The one with a lower model number (the one I passed on) was slightly more positive, but it was twice the price on eBay. The blurb for them on the Lionel store said the one I bought was made with new tooling which to me seems like an improvement, but who knows.  Otherwise the descriptions were pretty similar.

Anyway, it’s my railroad and I like it a lot!



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Yes, I bought something very cool to me. Here's the story behind the purchase:

I posted a reply in the, "Wish list for the next Lionel catalog", asking for a re-release of SOUTHERN PACIFIC LEGACY SCALE H-24-66 FAIRBANKS-MORSE TRAINMASTER in the bloody nose paint scheme. I have been looking for one of these from the 2014 catalog online for over a year, and nothing.

Here's the link to the post.

Well, the next day I received an email from a OGR forum member that he had one slightly used he wanted to sell and sent me some photos and an offer. I accepted the very fair offer and we began the process or payment and shipment. I'm was so jazzed, and the forum member was a pleasure to deal with!!! I've said this before, the OGR forum members are awesome!

So why do I want a Southern Pacific FM TrainMaster H24-66 so bad, I grew up ('56-'74) with them going through Palo Alto, CA pulling commuter trains from San Francisco to San Jose. SP had 14 FM H24-66 TrainMasters just for the SF Peninsula commuter trains, Before that they were used for freight, and then renumbered and used for passenger service. Why, they were fast at 2400 horsepower. Almost twice what the GP-9's had that were also used for Peninsula commuter service. TrainMasters were known for very quick acceleration, great for passenger service. Also, SP figured out how to service them properly, where other railroads did not. Unfortunately, service and some cooling issues were the demise of the Fairbanks-Morse locomotives.

Woohoo, I received the SOUTHERN PACIFIC LEGACY SCALE H-24-66 FAIRBANKS-MORSE TRAINMASTER 6-81214 this last Tuesday, even with all the bad weather which slowed the delivery from East Coast to West Coast.  I received it double boxed and in perfect condition, it looks brand new,  here's some photos.

I put together a video today with this beautiful Lionel Legacy FM TrainMaster H-24-66 #4809 and my other recent purchase of a Southern Pacific Legacy 2-6-0 Mogul #1760 doing some switching and mainline action. I hope you all enjoy the video. The FM TrainMaster H24-66 brings back so many memories for me!


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IMG_1350This arrived from Rails of Sheffield. I saw it on sale and couldn't resist it! It's a 2-rail, British O scale (i.e., 1:43.5) Terrier A1 from Dapol. Haven't run it yet as I don't have any 2R track, but will be fixing that shortly. It's tiny - about 7" long from buffer to buffer. It's much smaller than my 1:48 Atlas SW9!

I have lots of British stuff in OO and N, but this is my first O scale acquisition.




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Just got back from the TCA show in Parma,Oh. A lot of nice vendors there that gave my son some really nice cars and a ertl  semi truck So,I picked up some HO for his  layout he started back in the fall. While I was there, found another little Beep and some Alaska cars for my layout. It was his first show at 7 years old. He had a blast. So did I!

It was nice way to beat the winter blues.







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Just got back from the TCA show in Parma,Oh. A lot of nice vendors there that gave my son some really nice cars and a ertl  semi truck So,I picked up some HO for his  layout he started back in the fall. While I was there, found another little Beep and some Alaska cars for my layout. It was his first show at 7 years old. He had a blast. So did I!

It was nice way to beat the winter blues.






Great catch. and a father and son partnership

Oooppps - I did it again   Just had to check out @MrMuffin'sTrains January monthly auction… managed to win a very nice pair of Atlas New Haven head end cars (unfortunately, the set of K-line NH passenger cars got a little rich for me). Now, in my own defense, these cars will fill two… count ‘em TWO of my needs - they will add to my mail train consist, AND will augment my MTH New Haven passenger cars, so these were a real bargain I couldn’t pass up!!! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks Steve.



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@Apples55 posted:

Oooppps - I did it again   Just had to check out @MrMuffin'sTrains January monthly auction… managed to win a very nice pair of Atlas New Haven head end cars (unfortunately, the set of K-line NH passenger cars got a little rich for me). Now, in my own defense, these cars will fill two… count ‘em TWO of my needs - they will add to my mail train consist, AND will augment my MTH New Haven passenger cars, so these were a real bargain I couldn’t pass up!!! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks Steve.


Thought you fell off the planet Paul.....🤣🤣

Thank God Mr. Muffin's brought you back down to earth.....


Found another Doorstop.  Carey doesn't have all of em!

Parmele & Sturges O scale NYC R2 electric, little brother to the longer NH EP-3 Both made by Baldwin Locomotive works after WWII maybe till the late fifties early 60's. The little Brass steamer is a B&O 17/64ths scale Atlantic that was built to the old Mel Thornborough plans published in 1939.



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I went for the Lionel Wabash wood passenger cars.
They were offered as coach and observation, coach and combine, coach and baggage. Dealers couldn’t provide the combine  coach. I really wasn’t happy taking the baggage coach. Imagine my surprise when I unpacked it, and found that the baggage car  was really a US Railway Post Office car. Obviously this was miscataloged, and mislabeled. I’m  very happy with the US Railway Post Office car.
Howevet I’m unhappy with the very cheap awning on the observation. IMG_0592IMG_0591IMG_0593


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@Apples55 posted:

Oooppps - I did it again   Just had to check out @MrMuffin'sTrains January monthly auction… managed to win a very nice pair of Atlas New Haven head end cars (unfortunately, the set of K-line NH passenger cars got a little rich for me). Now, in my own defense, these cars will fill two… count ‘em TWO of my needs - they will add to my mail train consist, AND will augment my MTH New Haven passenger cars, so these were a real bargain I couldn’t pass up!!! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks Steve.

This reminds me of something else that arrived from the New York office a few months back:


Lights, smoke and whistle all work fine.  If you're interested, Paul, drop me a note.   



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Ordered this K-Line extruded aluminum 15" RPO/Baggage car from Trainz last week and it arrived today. It didn't come with an original box, but after inspection this car has never seen the rails.

Although it is Empire State Express and named Alonzo B. Cornell, it will be converted to California Zephyr and named Silver Coyote. Also, I'll replace the original incandescent lighting with LED's. In a few days I'll post how I do all that in another thread. It will be a great addition to my Western Pacific CZ consist.

Note: In reality, CZ never had an RPO but it's my railroad, so what the heck! Happy Friday everyone!


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My friend at work had to divest himself of his trains, so I bought his Lionel 6-30195 Grand Central Express set with a conventional FT and 3 streamlined cars. This is my first Railsounds-equipped conventional train. The passenger car bodies look longer than the obviously very short LionChief Super Chief set I have, even though they and the loco look like the same tooling. I had to measure them to confirm they're the same. The horizontal white stripes must make them appear longer to my eyes. The set includes a CW-80 which is good because I didn't have a transformer or sound switch where I could activate the whistle, bell, and crew talk like this FT has. Beautiful set and I've wanted to add New York Central to my roster.

Lionel 6-30195-FT 1913

Lionel 6-30195-Observation Park Avenue

As part of the bundle, I also got a Lionel 4-4-2 #8644 and Chesapeake & Ohio tender. According to what I've found online it seems like the #8644 engine was often paired with a Santa Fe whistle tender also numbered #8644, so I don't know if somebody swapped that for the non-whistle tender I got, or it was sold this way. This is perfect for me because I've wanted a C&O train for my roster, and I've developed an interest in getting one of these little Atlantic engines. The headlight and smoke unit don't work, but I'm going to open it up and see if maybe a wire is loose for both of them. This engine is a beautiful runner even without the light, smoke and sound. Came with a SP-type "Lionel" lettered caboose that I might attempt to re-letter for C&O.

Lionel 4-4-2 8644 and tender-a

Lionel 4-4-2 8644 and tender-b

Also in the box was a 1955 Lionel #60 bump-and-go Trolley, with a shell broken on both ends and a missing trolley pole. I started to glue together the broken pieces of the shell and employed a short zip tie as a makeshift trolley pole. This is one of those things that I never thought I'd want, but now that I have it, I enjoy running it, as loud and grindy-sounding as it is, even after lubing it as best I could. Sometimes I run it on a loop of O-27 track I got from my friend, and tubular track is another thing I thought I've never get and now like.

Lionel Trolley Car 60


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  • Lionel 6-30195-Observation Park Avenue
  • Lionel 4-4-2 8644 and tender-a
  • Lionel 4-4-2 8644 and tender-b
  • Lionel Trolley Car 60
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I'm a sucker for a sale. Whether the item(s) needed or not; if it's one of my favorite consumer products and it's a really good sale, I'm buying.

The Lionel 6-19121 is the Union Pacific vista dome car from the '90s with silhouette window strips. They're the only smooth-sided offset dome cars Lionel has made in 15" length, so they make excellent donor cars for repaint projects.

Picked up one cheap on eBay without trucks or couplers. The seller lives nearby and had THREE more, so they came home as well.

6-19121 Ebay

Interesting factoid about this otherwise excellent car for its era: they are plagued with a paint defect that shows as thin, spider-web cracks in the yellow paint. All four have the cracks.


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@Bill Park posted:

At the Amherst railroad show last weekend, I purchased this New Haven tank car. I am not sure if the New Haven even had their own tank cars but it was nifty model. Perhaps the New Haven Professor Mr. Garelick could weigh in and let me know. I got it from an old Weaver dealer who was from Manchester Connecticut.


Found this old chat board Bill. Mentions the same car from Weaver.

I'd say the answer to your question is yes. Funny you asked the question because I was thinking about getting a couple of the new Menards NH tanks. I wasn't sure if the orange/ white NH scheme was done on them.

Yes- Mel would have the detailed answer. I'm only as smart a Google let's me be.......

Enjoy the new car.

Hi Bob, I really could not pass up the car and since I have few tank cars. It was going home with me. As a young boy watching New Haven freights roll through Meriden, Connecticut, the tank cars were all single dome and painted drab black. So this guy was a perfect match for what I had seen on so many freights. The New Haven Professor will have the answer on its authenticity.

@Henryjint posted:

Just arrived this week MTH C&O flat with 48' AMC trailer # 20-95644.  This was a got to have item for me as my first car was my dad's 63 Rambler wagon.

He then purchased a 70 AMC Ambassador wagon,C&OAMC and I eventually bought a 71 AMC Javelin.

@Henryjint The image didn't show up, unless it's just a problem with my phone.

The AMC Javelin was a nice car. A friend I haven't seen in many years was storing his beautiful old Javelin in the garage until his son was old enough to drive.


Yesterday, I went to the monthly DuPage show.  One vendor that I really like is Merlyn from Caboose Stop Hobbies.  He is always pleasant and has some nicer newer items that he brings from Cedar Falls Iowa.  I bought 2 Atlas 40' rebuilt well cars and 4 40 foot trailers.  I didn't see a lot of other items that caught my eye.  Overall nice day!!


Ordered this K-Line extruded aluminum 15" RPO/Baggage car from Trainz last week and it arrived today. It didn't come with an original box, but after inspection this car has never seen the rails.

Although it is Empire State Express and named Alonzo B. Cornell, it will be converted to California Zephyr and named Silver Coyote. Also, I'll replace the original incandescent lighting with LED's. In a few days I'll post how I do all that in another thread. It will be a great addition to my Western Pacific CZ consist.

Note: In reality, CZ never had an RPO but it's my railroad, so what the heck! Happy Friday everyone!

Update on this purchase. Funny, I only shot a photo of the side in the original post above, and then after I posted I turned the car around and found a missing part. I checked the packaging completely for the part, but nada. This particular model has plastic skirts at each end that are spring loaded so they can fold outward. I am assuming this was done to allow a tighter turn then O36". On all of my other CZ 15" cars there is no movable skirt, it's part of the extrusion. In any case, I contacted and informed Trainz with photos, and they replied immediately! Trainz is looking for a replacement part and I've got my fingers crossed because this car is cool! Trainz is great, they'll figure out something. I'll let ya know what happens.

Here's some photos that should help in understanding the issue.


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@jbmccormick posted:

Yesterday, I went to the monthly DuPage show.  One vendor that I really like is Merlyn from Caboose Stop Hobbies.  He is always pleasant and has some nicer newer items that he brings from Cedar Falls Iowa.  I bought 2 Atlas 40' rebuilt well cars and 4 40 foot trailers.  I didn't see a lot of other items that caught my eye.  Overall nice day!!


Wish we had a monthly show, any gauge

Scott, I believe Trainz obtained Brasseur's stock of K-line parts which the company inventory when K-line went out of business so Trainz is probably the best bet for finding that part.  Those spring loaded skirts were a great innovation for smaller operators.  It's a shame no other importer followed suit.

Don't post in this thread very often, but so excited about the purchase that arrived today, just had to.  I was able to buy 2 (yes 2 from the same seller on that auction site) coaches for my K-Line 18" El Capitan Consist of Std Height cars.  This set has been my holy grail.  I was able to purchase the base 4 car set (K-4630T) from an OGR member a few months back.  It is not the rarest, or most valuable K-Line aluminum set, but it checks all the boxes for me.  I prefer 18" cars, I like the shiny finish, and this is as shiny as they get.  Don't get me wrong the ESE and CZ sets are wonderful, but these ATSF cars have the smooth (mirror finish) roof and skirting to mimic PS cars instead of Budd cars.

2 CoachesBox 4

ATSF Obs Comp1


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  • ATSF Obs Comp1
Last edited by MainLine Steam

Update on this purchase. Funny, I only shot a photo of the side in the original post above, and then after I posted I turned the car around and found a missing part. I checked the packaging completely for the part, but nada. This particular model has plastic skirts at each end that are spring loaded so they can fold outward. I am assuming this was done to allow a tighter turn then O36". On all of my other CZ 15" cars there is no movable skirt, it's part of the extrusion. In any case, I contacted and informed Trainz with photos, and they replied immediately! Trainz is looking for a replacement part and I've got my fingers crossed because this car is cool! Trainz is great, they'll figure out something. I'll let ya know what happens.

Here's some photos that should help in understanding the issue.

The car you have with the spring loaded skirts was the last run of K-Line 15" ESE cars.  The earlier cars, as you mentioned, did not have them.  One thing to note is these later 15" ESE cars included some car names which were not available previously.  Also some of these cars like the one you show, have gray doors instead of shiny ones.

Maybe you are aware of this but K-Line actually did make a 15" CZ baggage car.  The one I found is Silver Bear.  They are hard to find and so comand a high price for a 15" car.

Please let me know if Trainz has these replacement parts.  I also need a few.  Thank you.

Last edited by MainLine Steam

Don't post in this thread very often, but so excited about the purchase that arrived today, just had to.  I was able to buy 2 (yes 2 from the same seller on that auction site) coaches for my K-Line 18" El Capitan Consist of Std Height cars.  This set has been my holy grail.  I was able to purchase the base 4 car set (K-4630T) from an OGR member a few months back.  It is not the rarest, or most valuable K-Line aluminum set, but it checks all the boxes for me.  I prefer 18" cars, I like the shiny finish, and this is as shiny as they get.  Don't get me wrong the ESE and CZ sets are wonderful, but these ATSF cars have the smooth (mirror finish) roof and skirting to mimic PS cars instead of Budd cars.

2 CoachesBox 4

ATSF Obs Comp1

Jim, Oh oh, you got the extruded aluminum K-Line bug!!! LoL They are beautiful, and nothing wrong with ATSF, I have my fair share, too. Bummer that K-Line made some bad business decisions and got swallowed by Lionel.

The car you have with the spring loaded skirts was the last run of K-Line 15" ESE cars.  The earlier cars, as you mentioned, did not have them.  One thing to note is these later 15" ESE cars included some car names which were not available previously.  Also some of these cars like the one you show, have gray doors instead of shiny ones.

Maybe you are aware of this but K-Line actually did make a 15" CZ baggage car.  The one I found is Silver Bear.  They are hard to find and so comand a high price for a 15" car.

Please let me know if Trainz has these replacement parts.  I also need a few.  Thank you.

HI Jim, Trainz does not have any of the skirt replacement parts. I want to keep the K-Line RPO/Baggage car so I will find a solution and let you know what I find.

This might be the biggest loco I own now.... It is a Scale Craft Kit built 4-8-4 produced right around 1950 with an unknown quantity sold and then later marketed by CLW also in the 50's. Think I've seen adds at late as 1961.

This one needs a lot of work but seems mostly complete.  Wheels are free but have a few pinch spots int eh side rods I can clean up.  It is sprung with shim springs.  It's about 28 inches long and will weigh a ton once all back together and running.  This beast is already making my new track loops inadequate!



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Jim, Oh oh, you got the extruded aluminum K-Line bug!!! LoL They are beautiful, and nothing wrong with ATSF, I have my fair share, too. Bummer that K-Line made some bad business decisions and got swallowed by Lionel.

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.  I DO BIG TIME.

Here are 2 pictures of the corner shelf in my Living Room (never would have gotten away with this when I was married).  Note the earlier manufactured ESE RPO and the CZ Baggage.  And yes the Skytop Lounge was never hauled by SP, but they are my favorite EMD F-unit paint scheme and my favorite Observation Car.

BTW I am also a car guy.  If you wondering why I would have a diecast Corvair, my first car was the coupe version, the same color as the convertible.

Shelf CloseShelf Far


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Last edited by MainLine Steam

This might be the biggest loco I own now.... It is a Scale Craft Kit built 4-8-4 produced right around 1950 with an unknown quantity sold and then later marketed by CLW also in the 50's. Think I've seen adds at late as 1961.

This one needs a lot of work but seems mostly complete.  Wheels are free but have a few pinch spots int eh side rods I can clean up.  It is sprung with shim springs.  It's about 28 inches long and will weigh a ton once all back together and running.  This beast is already making my new track loops inadequate!


In its current condition it reminds my of what a lot of the Northerns sitting in "Midwestern Town Parks" looked like by the late 70's.  Including the rod just hanging there. It was kinda heartbreaking if you were a railfan.

@Guttersnipe posted:

I also refuse to outgrow toy trains. and dogs.  but what is keeping you from restoring it  I'm sorry to pick on you but that beauty needs some love.

I just received it, I can’t post a picture of something cool I just got until itis restored or fixed completely? I do have a habit of picking them up quicker than I work on them you know!!! Plus pretty much no one else posts any old scale stuff like this either lol. Funny thing is this one is more complete and in better condition than a lot of old ones I pick up!! If I can focus on it at some point it will get some love.

The first time I saw one of these MTH RK fire cars in a LHS I thought it was cool but I the price kept it on the shelf.  The appearance of some K-Line FDNY fire cars on ebay renewed interest in this type of car but talk about prohibitive prices.  The FDNY cars were going for near a hundred dollars. i intended to turn my old Lionel Track Maintenance Car into a fire fighting car.  I was going to switch out the workman on the upper level with one of those fire fighting seats with nozzle and use Pat's spring "water hose" to connect it to a water tanker and run them together.  Well I found this one on the Bay for $25 and won the auction.  The price tag on it is $49.99 not so high, I don't remember the livery of the first one I saw in that hobby shop but maybe the livery was carrying a premium thus putting it in th$70 range that I thought was too high.


I don't run much Pennsy but the yellow car could definitely work on my Alaska Railroad or even a general MOW fire car. Now I just have to figure out how to strip the lettering and logos without harming the paint.


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I bought this Marshall Fields car. It's another custom run from Berwyn's Hobby. The Fields store on State Street is a national landmark. Marshall Field and his one time partner John Shedd have left a legacy in the city of Chicago by sponsoring the creation of the Art Institute, Field Museum of Natural History, and John G Shedd Aquarium.

I used to buy my Mom Christmas and birthday presents from Fields. So a lot of memories for me associated with the brand.



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  • MarshallFields2
@coach joe posted:

The first time I saw one of these MTH RK fire cars in a LHS I thought it was cool but I the price kept it on the shelf.  The appearance of some K-Line FDNY fire cars on ebay renewed interest in this type of car but talk about prohibitive prices.  The FDNY cars were going for near a hundred dollars. i intended to turn my old Lionel Track Maintenance Car into a fire fighting car.  I was going to switch out the workman on the upper level with one of those fire fighting seats with nozzle and use Pat's spring "water hose" to connect it to a water tanker and run them together.  Well I found this one on the Bay for $25 and won the auction.  The price tag on it is $49.99 not so high, I don't remember the livery of the first one I saw in that hobby shop but maybe the livery was carrying a premium thus putting it in th$70 range that I thought was too high.


I don't run much Pennsy but the yellow car could definitely work on my Alaska Railroad or even a general MOW fire car. Now I just have to figure out how to strip the lettering and logos without harming the paint.

I looked back. In 4/23 I paid $65 for the PRR FIRE CAR. I couldn’t find my purchase of the NYFD one.

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