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In another attempt I mounted the unit directly underneath so now it’s a 10” run with a similar result. I do believe the sound I’m hearing is the money flushing into the septic system. Perhaps some triple distilled spirits will help my contemplation process.

If you bought the system from Trainz, reach out to their service folks. They will make it right.

Thanks Bob, and after sipping some thinking medication it dawned on me to search YouTube. Sure enough the proprietor had suggestions for just this situation. It is caused by the fiber optic line being curved and not being straight for the light to travel more efficiently. He suggested using a piece of stirring straw until there are enough lines to keep them straight. We’ll see what happens.

I recently aquired four more postwar F3's.  The 2383 Santa Fe ABA, 2354 NYC ABA and 2245 Texas Special AB was one purchase,  the 2367 Wabash AB was a seperate purchase.

This Texas Special is the 2nd set I have, it had the flying shoe missing, I put a new one on and wired it to the coil coupler.

The Wabash has some battery damage on the frame, dual motors, good runner, it has the correct B-unit for the 2367.   

Overall I did the basic maintence to each one and as always, they run as they should.

1) 2383 [1)

1) 2383 [2)

2) NYC 2354 [1)

2) NYC 2354 [2) 3) Texas Special 2245 [1)

3) Texas Special 2245 [2) 3) Wabash 2367 [1)

3) Wabash 2367 [2)


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  • 1) 2383 (1)
  • 1) 2383 (2)
  • 2) NYC 2354 (1)
  • 2) NYC 2354 (2)
  • 3) Texas Special 2245 (1)
  • 3) Texas Special 2245 (2)
  • 3) Wabash 2367 (1)
  • 3) Wabash 2367 (2)
@Big Jim posted:

IF (that's F1 spelled backwards) there any Formula One fans out there, here is a very nice find.
I was checking out the diecast car aisle at Walmart a few weeks ago and came across a 1/43 Red Bull RB18 on the shelf. I am not a big "Red Bull" fan, but as I got to looking at these models, I saw that Burago not only had done the Verstappen version, but, the Perez version as well. In that case and with the price under $10 each, I had to pick them up.
Then yesterday, I was in the local Target store and walked through the diecast car aisle. Much to my surprise, there on the shelf I saw the Burago Mercedes-AMG and Ferrari SF21. There were only two of each left on the shelf. Looking closely, to my amazement there were both teammates cars, Hamilton & Russell for Mercedes-AMG and Leclerc & Sainz for Ferrari. Come with me fellows, we're going home!

I had picked some up at Target, a little cheaper than Walmart.  I wanted to put them on a tri-level open car carrier but they were a tad too wide.

@D&H 65 posted:

This is in reply to Scott Clarks comment on Lionel offering a bloody nose H-24-66 Train Master in Legacy a few days ago; Lionel has already issued that Train Master a few years back. Pix attached.....IMG_2626IMG_2625IMG_2624IMG_2623

D&H 65, I've looked for them online with no luck, mostly because I can't find the Lionel product number. My searches on Lionel's archive have not been successful either! Would you happen to have the PN? Thanks! I might be able to find one somewhere out there. LoL otherwise I'll have to wait until Lionel releases it again!

Hah, found it in the Lionel archive while I was posting this! 2014 Catalog Volume 2. I have have the product number now. 6-81214 Maybe I can find one.

Last edited by WesternPacific2217

Good Evening Everyone,

Found a fellow selling these nice 84 Lumber loads on the bay.   Purchased a group and mounted them on a Lionel PS-4 flatcar I had sitting around.   I scribe the planking lines deeper with an Olfa utility knife(the blades are unbelievably sharp!) then stain the wood deck with Minwax.   I let the stain soak in a bit before wiping off the excess.



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  • DSC01505
@leapinlarry posted:

I just received another BTO item that I forgot I ordered, but being a grandpa, even now a great grandpa, I’m glad I received this unique sounding accessory. Happy Railroading Everyone      (Now I need to find a neat place to add it to my layout)IMG_0402IMG_0401

It's 3:30 a.m. took a break from arraigning music for the city band I'm in and saw this, they needed smile came Thank you

Just got around to opening these that I’ve had for a couple weeks. Excellent build quality! I noticed they even had a brass bushing in the truck frame where the axle goes in. I hadn’t seen that before. My only minor dislike is the color of the Strasburg is a tad lighter than the original. The pickup roller assembly seems to be a bit better quality than the MTH premier caboose I purchased a couple months ago.



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  • dji_mimo_20231218_114924_20231218114923_1702923212903_photo
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  • dji_mimo_20231218_125432_20231218125432_1702923212737_photo
Last edited by Genemed
@Guttersnipe posted:

Need, but How the heck do you just get around to open stuff I have a twenty five yard walk to my mail box and by the time I'm Back to the door I've got my new toys already open

I guess it’s my weird way of delayed anticipation and enjoying another new purchase. I also preordered these in February knowing they may be a quick seller, it’s not like I really needed them.


@Genemed posted:

I guess it’s my weird way of delayed anticipation and enjoying another new purchase. I also preordered these in February knowing they may be a quick seller, it’s not like I really needed them.


Careful there brother man, Most of our spouses think we don't need any of this stuff.  I received another piece today and the UPS man, knowing it was coming, skipped lunch helped me open it

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