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I found this on my door step yesterday, Always wanted a big Hudson. Picked the N&W up a month or so ago, It was a shelf Queen, though I found out why, after working over the e-unit and some motor work it runs great. Well I guess Ill just keep adding to my collection. I really like MPC engines , I now have quite a few and they work well for me.  Have a nice day.New York Central 783 4-6-4 Hudson Lionel 8406 pic 1783 NYC Hudson Tender pic 1N&W J-class 4-8-4 6-8100 p3


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  • N&W   J-class  4-8-4  6-8100  p3

Just picked up An MTH GE "Evolution" ES44 diesel with the charging lights. Also found the caboose and blinking boxcar with same scheme. Today ordered non-blinking boxcar and laboratory car. MTH also putting out flatcar with bulkheads this month. All same scheme. MTH doesn't need my help to sell these but WOW! are they awesome. I have been debating back and forth as to get or not, because they don't fit the theme of my railroad which is steam and early diesel; Pennsylvania RR and Chesapeake and Ohio. The opportunity came up and I caved in.

Last edited by bn614
bn614 posted:

Just picked up An MTH GE "Evolution" ES44 diesel with the charging lights. Also found the caboose and blinking boxcar with same scheme. Today ordered non-blinking boxcar and laboratory car. MTH also putting out flatcar with bulkheads this month. All same scheme. MTH doesn't need my help to sell these but WOW! are they awesome. I have been debating back and forth as to get or not, because they don't fit the theme of my railroad which is steam and early diesel; Pennsylvania RR and Chesapeake and Ohio. The opportunity came up and I caved in.

Nice grab Bob. Do you have a picture of the "blinking boxcar"? I wonder if the chasing lights could be put on the bulkhead flats as well - that would make for a nice show behind that engine.

The kids ( who am I kidding ) would love em.


I picked up these two Williams Amtrak items today. I think both come from the late pre-Bachmann Williams era. The E-60 is interesting because unlike most of the older versions it has both the 3 axel trucks and it has a different number than the long running  number 960. This one is numbered 964. I already have a modified and partly repainted #960 so I was happy to pick this one up as a new project. It will get a partial repaint to a black top like my 960 and some window screen rock guards.


I also got a Williams Metroliner. I've wanted one for awhile. Of course now that I have this one it pretty much guarantees that Lionel will make thier slightly smaller than  scale cab control car from the HHP-8 set into a Metroliner because that is my luck.


Here are is my old 960 with it's Lionel F3 trucks on my old, now defunct shelf layout. A flavor of the future of the 964.



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Nice find on those railroad passes, and slightly cheaper than the silver filigree ones Otto Mears used to hand out for his SW Colorado narrow gauge lines.  Today, in a train show, I found a book on Canadian grain elevators, published in 1998, and lamenting their passing and demolition.  Years ago I attended the Calgary Stampede rodeo, and drove out into the prairie to photograph a few of these...that was about 1980.  As a big fan of grain elevators and mining ghost towns, I was a little startled to learn that these were then being torn down at a rapid pace, and that their towns, with the track pulled up, and the elevators gone, were turning into ghost towns on the prairie.  Made me wish I had gone back or at least phtographed more of them.  The book is "Wheat Kings", by Greg McDonnell.  An interesting thing about Canadian prairie elevators, is that there were often rows of wooden ones beside the track, often painted  barn red.  While in Kansas, etc., you might find two or three in a town, but not lined up like tin soldiers.

Well yes, I purchased two 072 Fastrack switches, and an 072 Fastrack wye.  I am installing a siding(s) to park locomotives on the outside loop of my layout.  I am tired of having to pick up a locomotive and remove it from the layout so I can run a different locomotive.  Pics will follow when I finish.  I also purchased some 2 x 2 x 3/16 square tubing and some 2" pipe.  I am fabricating my own "Top side Creeper."  Ill have pics of it was well. 

way to much stuff !! I need to bring everything in the back door so the wife doesn't see it LOL no she knows she can hear the credit card crying. LOL
started off with 2 more k-line Santa Fe aluminum hoppers, then found a MTH chessie steam special ps 2.0 , then ordered a bunch of stuff from lionel to fix upgrade some engines , then bought a err cruise commander and cruise commander lite and 2 sound commanders, then 2 036 remote switches then 2 072 remote switches then  5 more signals from china and there control boards then saw 2 cantilever signals from them too so got that I think I am done for awhile since that doesn't include the 6 korber building I bought too. or the pink foam for scenery. so I should have enough to keep me busy for the rest of the year LOL this doesn't include the shingles I bought to finish off the station too. or led lights LOL man the credit card is crying  you don't realize it until you write it down.


Logic Delay Switches Circuit Board,Signal Controller,Lights on automatically x 5
2 x O scale 1:48 Cantilever Signal Bridge prewired LEDs 3 aspects single Track

5 pcs O Scale 3 aspects Railway LEDs made Signals Green/Yellow/Red

Lionel 6-12048 FasTrack 072 Left Hand Remote Switch


DescriptionUnit priceQtyAmount
Item# 391364814132
DescriptionUnit priceQtyAmount
Cruise Commander Lite Kit
Item# CRLITE-Kit
Cruise Commander Kit
Item# CRCMDR-Kit
RailSounds Large Steam Kit
RailSounds SD Series Kit
Item# RS-SD


QuantityPart NumberPart Name  
16308031200SMOKE UNIT / FAN / SQUARE / DIESEL / 8 OHM  
26104572200FAN DRIVEN SMK UNIT/ SQ / DSL / 8 OHM / SCALE PA-1  
16108351536SPEAKER / 8 OHM 2.0W / 40MM ROUND / BABY FAT BOY *  
16208540117SNOWPLOW W/ HOSE / SD-40T-2 / HARBOR MIST  

Steamer posted:

392....and just what might that be in? hope an old mopar! (pics?) 383 in my road runner.

Yes the 392 ci (originally) is out of my first auto.  A 1958 Chrysler New Yorker convertible.  Once on the Ohio Turnpike driving to Cleveland for a science fair race a new 409 Chevy.  My speedometer hashed up to 130 mph, with the peg about another 10 mph.  My speedometer was pegged and the 409 was not pulling away.



Hot rods and trains nothing nicer. well maybe there is but can't discuss that on the forums if you ask the wife I have too many of both hot rods and trains.

hot rods are

2013 Mustang gt premium              420hp
2001 Mustang Roush stage 2                    300hp
1991 Camaro z-28                    215hp
1986 Iroc z28 with a 1970 ls6 454           550hp
then a 1988 Sunsation Rocket Boat with a .30 over 454.     450hp
then comes all the trains my hopes are I come home and there all still here one day she just might sell them on me . she keeps asking if there's any trains to go on ebay. 

my driveway





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PRRronbh posted:
Steamer posted:

I take it the car is gone? Dad had a black '56 Imperial two door. wish he had kept that one.

Yes, gone!  Sure do wish I still had that "130 mph+ tank" now.


Can you imagine if a car like that hit one of our contemporary cars? I'm picturing total smithereens, but the Chrysler just dented, a bit. 

mtj54 posted:

DSC_1070I enjoy the fantasy gas globes...this one has just about everything a guy could love... Wish I could have showed a photo of them in a globe lit up but too cold around here to paint at the moment!

I want to see the representation of what happened 5 seconds later, where the car pulls into the path of the train and gets squashed, then the plane files over the pilots laughs at everyone...

mtj54 posted:

DSC_1070I enjoy the fantasy gas globes...this one has just about everything a guy could love... Wish I could have showed a photo of them in a globe lit up but too cold around here to paint at the moment!

That's a cool gas globe.  The car depicted in that is a 1906 Locomobile race car that is housed in the Henry Ford Museum.  Up until a few years ago it was still operated during their annual car show.



Thanks so much for that link, have the globe sitting right in front of me and I didn't know about the car, what a great story! I visited Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum probably 45 years ago now when I was about 9 years old, I'm going to take my son back there one of these days. Thanks so much for the link though and reminding me of the Henry Ford Museum...


    My 305 Tin Plate Hellgate Bridge finally arrived this morning, and she is in perfect shape although UPS was a might rough on packing the original box, no big deal.  It took me some time to find the exact Hellgate Bridge I wanted at a reasonable price.  I found out the original 305 Sand/Green Colored bridges with the Brass railings were going for some serious money.  Lou made me a real good deal on his and we settled on a more than fair price.  I will need to due some re-engineering to transition from my FasTrack to the Tubular Lou put down inside the 305.  I got to admit I like the spacing of the Tubular inside the original HG 305, it does look good.  Lou advised me that this particular HG Bridge was massive and I agree with him 100%.  It will be a great addition to my Christmas layout next year.  Some pictures follow below.   The Library Table you see in the last couple pictures is 5.6" long & 3' wide, it give you some perspective of the actual size of this particular old Hellgate Bridge.


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Dave, congratulations on your recent acquisition. I purchased that same bridge last November for Christmas layout, they are outstanding. I too live in a relatively small house, and it's then one can truly appreciate how big these things are. The box itself is almost the size of a sofa. The next problem is where to stuff that epic shipping crate. Speaking of storage, where does Christmas go when it goes? That's a lot of Christmas!

Last edited by Mill City
Steamer posted:

that bridge looks great Dave.

I agree. Nice bridge.

A pal of mine used one of those once many years ago, heavily-weathered, on a 2-rail layout. The body of water it crossed was called, "Heck Gate Creek".

I always think of that whenever I see one of these or references to the real bridge...

Today a little kit for a 1923 Hart-Parr saw mill tractor floated in, for my sawmills in my logging operation.  I hope all the parts are there.  It is part styrene and part cast metal, all sealed in little bags.  From following my grandfather around the tractor exhibits at the State Fair, as a kid, and then attending some collectors' tractor events, I have seen steam and old gas tractors, and, like vintage cars, I prefer the little known makes.   This is a gas tractor, but my grandfather had worked around steam traction engines. The instructions say Hart-Parr last made tractors in 1928.  I would have thought I had seen some newer than that in shows, but I guess not.

Lot of cool stuff.   here's my latest. Ok cool for me.

Atlas Alco RSD 7/15 Bought for a my CBQ U28C Ph 1 project off the DASH site.. To my surprise it had TMCC and actually worked once I manage to unfreeze the gears and removed the harden grease.



Weaver trucks. (7pr)


Atlas GN reefer that be on my want list for the last couple of years.


Three Albert Hall passenger cars


Added to my 1/43 European truck collection.







1998 Mercedes Benz Atego Truck "Stiebel Eltron"




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Finally, Finally, Finally!  I snagged a prototypically correct N&W scale late steam era cabin car.  In this case a CH.  Unfortunately it is brass Brass, which I will have to figure how/what paint to paint it.  But fortunately I recently did get a couple of set of correct decals.

Once this is painted and lettered will get to run pulling up the end of a Jawn Henry consist with MTH 2-bay hopers that are relatively close to H9s.

Just a little concerned how well it will track through switches and backing up?!


Funny, I posted this last night twice and it never got into the thread for some reason. So, here's take three!

I found these book at a very good railroad collectible show in Portland on Saturday. It took a lot of discipline to not buy a great deal of stuff as there was a lot of good stuff there.

The MILW book has shots of the Lines West and the GA book has a lot of photos from the area where I grew up, all taken a year before I was born.

Somewhere in my early teens, I built a Hudson Miniatures model of Old 16, pictured above, and a lot of their other vintage car kits...Mercer Raceabout, Stutz Bearcat, and Regal Underslung with a stage-coach like body.  (I've seen the real Mercers and Stutzes, but not that Regal, not even in the old Harrah collection) Kits were wood, paper, and plastic parts, and good training for model railroading.  Today in an Indy show I bought a Marx 3/16 worktrain set, and one of those Lionel civil war RPO shells.  I think I will conjure up some kind of caboose for my "pickle" train out of this shell.


   Picked up this great Tin Plate Lionel, I remember Isaly's Box Car, from Ryan one of our OGR members.  I tried to add this Lionel Isaly's Box Car to my 263E Work Train when it first came out, but was to late to acquire it.  Ryan was nice enough to sell it to me for a real decent price.  Colors on this Lionel Tin Plate are just fantastic, pictures do not do it justice.



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This past weekend I bought a 7-11151 B&O Capital Freight set, available only at Target Stores. It was available in 2009 or approximately that time range. I've been wanting this set since I first saw it. Very clean set. Engine needed some work to get running smoothly. Classic owner comment, "it ran fine when I ran it last." It couldn't have as there was a preformed piece of plastic, the piece of plastic some manufacturers place over the two prong electrical plug for safety, wedged in the engine internals. Runs and smokes great now.

Last edited by RideTheRails

Today was the Medina show. I was only going to look for another  farm tractor to round out the loads for three flat cars. No luck on that but I managed to find a very nice Marx light tower, almost like brand new. There was another one for sale but when I got done buying this one and went back to grab that one someone else grab it. A lot more shows to go to maybe I will find some more. Pics....................PaulDSCN2271DSCN2272


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El Classico posted:

What is it? I don't think I have ever seen an engine with a pilot like that!

Union Pacific 2-10-2 (TTT).  Older 2 rail model imported by US Hobbies.  This one heavily modified by a modeler on the West coast.

There are more pics on the Ogaugerr Photo album forum.."O Gauge Union Pacific".

A mainline freight workhorse for the UP Twenties into the Fifties.  Many have commented that they would like to see a newer released TTT in 3 rail but the UP had a lot of unique locomotives that don't lend themselves to releasing in other road names like so many of the USRA engines.

This is the contents of an old Plastruct truss bridge project pack.  There are enough H columns, I beams, channels, tees and flat material to build 5 (five) 30" O gauge bridges.   I might make 1 or 2 truss bridges and the rest will go towards other projects.   I bet buying each piece individually ( close to 200 ) would break the bank, whereas $72 for the kit seemed like a deal.



I got in a brass Precision Scale water tank tender filler spout, which I ordered for my pepper water tank.   Tank was finished some days ago, so the spout is late to the party and will go into the Lionel water tank kit I stole the pepper spout from.  (I have no shortage of various round, octangular, and double, kitbashed water tanks from those Lionel kits, so, unless I need to make something odd like the pepper tank, I won't build this last kit)

Last night was the Tuesday night train get together. It was at the hobby shop of one guys in the group. While there I browsed through the shelves of items and came across this little gem. An Atlas covered hopper car for Kimberly-Clark. Did not know Atlas did this but I had to have it because I worked for Kimberly-Clark back in the late sixties in Niagara Falls, NY and knew I had to have it for the memories. A couple of pics.............Paul




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Sorry Matt I haven't run any smoke in any of them yet.  I don't run smoke in any engine actually but I was going to try it in that one for you. I will try and get to it and e-mail you the results.

I did find out that you just can't fix stupid sometimes.  It was me with the problem on the Bush 4141. The engine is running like it is suppose to with no problems.

I failed to understand why you do NOT try to test a Legacy engine in conventional mode with the cab 2 base on.

Trust me.....instant problem.

I definitely understand why not  now.

Live and learn.



    I picked up a 1960's era Red & White Coke Train that the original Owner purchased at the Coke HQ long ago, K-Line made these Trains especially for Coca Cola long ago. Put a little Red & Tacky on the old girls give gears and the old Red & White K-Line Dual Motor 2224 Switcher Engine pulls all the different Coke rolling stock, without any problem what so ever.  The old girl is in perfect shape, and the colors are still just fantastic, took a couple pictures for the OGR.  I guess this is some kind of collector Coke Train, I am not a collector so I have no idea about such things.  It does run great however!  I will be looking for the Coke Santa Decals to run her as part of my Christmas layout, if some lucky Children of a GI family do not end up with her, as part of the PCRR Christmas GI Support Program, we wills see how this plays out farther on down the line.


   Your new Legacy NS 70ACe with the 3 matching cars is way cool!


    Your OE Reproduction Light is fantastic, where did you get it?



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Found this Weaver Mack trucks boxcar at the New Eagle train show 2 weeks ago and the Hot Wheels funny car & hauler back in the fall at the Castle Shannon train show.  Had to do a little cutting and filing and shorten the rear axle to get the car to fit on the hauler as the slicks originally  stuck out way to far to sit in the hauler ramps.











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   What a great offer, thanks much!  I try to do this almost every Christmas for an active duty or Veterans family.   Some of these kids have rough lives because their parents have to move around so much, from duty station to duty station, some of the Veterans families are now in bad shape because of the rotten politics surrounding our Wounded Vets.  A lot of the GI Benefits have been down graded by our wonderful politicians and lots of the Vets family money now goes to medial treatments.  I try to make sure the kids in these families have the same kind of Christmas I remember, the O Gauge Trains make this happen for a lot of these kids.  Many times the O Gauge Trains make the greatest memories of these kids lives, I am proud to help in some small way, the people's families that continue to provide our freedom and way of life.  Some times now because of the military computers, I am lucky and get thanked with some wonderful pictures during the Christmas season.  The latest pictures I will treasure for ever!  These boys are the family of a US Navy active Duty Sailor on deployment.  To say the family liked Santa's Christmas present, would be the understatement of the Christmas Season.  If you have ever been on active duty, you know Dad might not be home for Christmas, these young service wives are the heart beat of our nation, and few people even know of their contribution to our way of life, Family God and Country are these girls way of life.   I try to help around the edges, these girls are proud ladies, having them accept something form Santa, usually leaves them in tears.  Having been drafted, my young wife lived thru this way of life, I will never forget her accomplishments, and they way she raised our family when I was deployed, I try to make it a little easier for some of these Military families at Christmas time.

Matt, I will definitely let you know if I need help around Christmas time!

Thanks much I will always remember your kindness,



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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
Pine Creek Railroad posted:


   What a great offer, thanks much!  I try to do this almost every Christmas for an active duty or Veterans family.   Some of these kids have rough lives because their parents have to move around so much, from duty station to duty station, some of the Veterans families are now in bad shape because of the rotten politics surrounding our Wounded Vets.  A lot of the GI Benefits have been down graded by our wonderful politicians and lots of the Vets family money now goes to medial treatments.  I try to make sure the kids in these families have the same kind of Christmas I remember, the O Gauge Trains make this happen for a lot of these kids.  Many times the O Gauge Trains make the greatest memories of these kids lives, I am proud to help in some small way, the people's families that continue to provide our freedom and way of life.  Some times now because of the military computers, I am lucky and get thanked with some wonderful pictures during the Christmas season.  The latest pictures I will treasure for ever!  These boys are the family of a US Navy active Duty Sailor on deployment.  To say the family liked Santa's Christmas present, would be the understatement of the Christmas Season.  If you have ever been on active duty, you know Dad might not be home for Christmas, these young service wives are the heart beat of our nation, and few people even know of their contribution to our way of life, Family God and Country are these girls way of life.   I try to help around the edges, these girls are proud ladies, having them accept something form Santa, usually leaves them in tears.  Having been drafted, my young wife lived thru this way of life, I will never forget her accomplishments, and they way she raised our family when I was deployed, I try to make it a little easier for some of these Military families at Christmas time.

Matt, I will definitely let you know if I need help around Christmas time!

Thanks much I will always remember your kindness,



That is great helping kids with trains!!  I donated some to an organization in Oklahoma City this past year.  I learned of it from a friend on a Facebook Train group.  While I am happy to help kids in the Midwest, I would rather help kids closer to home.  That is our first calling as Christians, I think.  I wouldn't have much, but I would like to participate this coming year.  Thank you for posting.


Yes, thank you for your generosity! 

Mark Boyce posted:

That is cool, Keith!!  Jim is right, it makes a good door stop, but a good conversation piece as well.  Even better than old spikes or tie plates.

Are you going to the Greenberg show in a couple weeks?  I plan to go Saturday.  Maybe I will see you again!

Thanks! I'll probably put it in my train room. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. I don't know what railroad it was from, but I'll try to find out.

Yah, I'll be going to the Greenberg show, probably on Saturday, but not sure...

At the recent Amherst Railway Society show in West Springfield, MA, I found a book for which I had been searching a long time. Titled "Where Rails Meet the Sea", the book is a coast to coast look at railroading's marine operations through the decades. The best part was I actually spotted it sitting in a box under the vendor's table. I'm not normally one who digs through the under the table bargain boxes but for some reason I just happened to look and there it was.  




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Big Jim posted:

Picked up this reproduction Orient Express lamp at an antique mall. It was tarnished pretty bad. Took a couple of hours to clean up. Looks good now, but, don't buy one thinking it will help light a room! 

OE 1OE 2

My wife bought me one like that about 30 years ago.  It's on my desk as I type this.  

A friend wanted one like it so we started a hunt and found one in an antique store for $30.00.  It didn't have a chimney and after a search we found True Value has them or can get one for you.

I almost wish I had another one because I have another place that needs a small lamp.

Last edited by Forty Rod
Keith6700 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

That is cool, Keith!!  Jim is right, it makes a good door stop, but a good conversation piece as well.  Even better than old spikes or tie plates.

Are you going to the Greenberg show in a couple weeks?  I plan to go Saturday.  Maybe I will see you again!

Thanks! I'll probably put it in my train room. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. I don't know what railroad it was from, but I'll try to find out.

Yah, I'll be going to the Greenberg show, probably on Saturday, but not sure...

So it was from NS in Pittsburgh, and I'll definately be going Saturday...

Mark Boyce posted;

I agree with Daylight!  I never heard of using that for ballast, but it looks mighty good!!  What are crushed walnut shells normally used for?  Do you find them in an agriculture or farm supply store?


 I learned it here on OGR.  Somewhere it was mentioned that Woodland Scenics ballast was nothing more than crushed and colored walnut shell.  That particular bag contains a sifted grade that's identical in size to WS medium grade, which I find just about perfect scale for O.  You'll find Walnut shell anywhere you might purchase sandblasting equipment.  It's a medium used to strip paint without building up heat that might warp steel panels.  A bag cost me about $30 CDN...roughly the cost of 2 bottles of the WS stuff up here.  A rough guestimate says one bag should be enough to cover the complete layout.


BTW, I notice at the supply store that they offer a crushed copper slag that is finer in texture, somewhat like scale cinders.  When I'm back there I'll test the stuff to see if it's magnetic.   A 20lb. bag was around $10.

Last edited by brwebster
paul 2 posted:

Today was the Medina show. I was only going to look for another  farm tractor to round out the loads for three flat cars. No luck on that but I managed to find a very nice Marx light tower, almost like brand new. There was another one for sale but when I got done buying this one and went back to grab that one someone else grab it. A lot more shows to go to maybe I will find some more. Pics....................Paul

paul, I was there with a box full of ertel 1/43 scale cars and tractors...$7 apiece, had the table by the n scale layout..... are those trains really that small?..jim

Last edited by Jim Berger
Mark Boyce posted:

SIRT's Mustang brought back memories.  I bought something cool, but it was in 1978!  A brand new '78 Mustang II.  I paid $3900 for it, brand new, loaded!  This is the color mine was, but I pulled the photo off the Internet.  Oh yes; I paid it off in less than a year.


Wish I had one of those older Stangs... At least my junker runs (for now)

brwebster posted:
Mark Boyce posted;

I agree with Daylight!  I never heard of using that for ballast, but it looks mighty good!!  What are crushed walnut shells normally used for?  Do you find them in an agriculture or farm supply store?


 I learned it here on OGR.  Somewhere it was mentioned that Woodland Scenics ballast was nothing more than crushed and colored walnut shell.  That particular bag contains a sifted grade that's identical in size to WS medium grade, which I find just about perfect scale for O.  You'll find Walnut shell anywhere you might purchase sandblasting equipment.  It's a medium used to strip paint without building up heat that might warp steel panels.  A bag cost me about $30 CDN...roughly the cost of 2 bottles of the WS stuff up here.  A rough guestimate says one bag should be enough to cover the complete layout.


BTW, I notice at the supply store that they offer a crushed copper slag that is finer in texture, somewhat like scale cinders.  When I'm back there I'll test the stuff to see if it's magnetic.   A 20lb. bag was around $10.

Thank you.  Now I remember hearing they use Crushed walnut shells for sandblasting.  If one keeps his eyes open and mind thinking 1:48, there are lots of things that can be used on a layout.

I picked up this Santa Fe special set for $50. Only run once, mint condition.


Then this Williams by Bachman 4-6-0 came from Mario' Trains. IMG_20160213_201505734

It was packed to ship by dogsled, but only had to travel by plane. Great business. I'll be ordering from him again.

I want to turn the 4-6-0 into this.


As well as do some electronic upgrades. (e.g. err board and super chuffer.)


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Wasn't a buy, but a gift from a club member -- three Weaver livestock cars. I replaced the existing hi-rails and couplers and donated those to the club parts bin, substituting Intermountain scale wheels and Kadee 740 couplers. Ran them Wednesday and quickly discovered that they were underweight so I added some weight to them (and three other Weaver stock cars I had) this evening after I got home from the club today. I'll do another operational test next Wednesday.

I have seen so many cool items that fellow forum members have posted, I had to get into the act.  I just got a great deal from another Forum member on a Western Maryland PS3 FA-2 set.  While I like steam far better than diesels, some may have noticed I do have a soft spot for first generation diesels too.  And the ALCo diesels sound so clunky cool, I couldn't pass up these in my favorite road name.

2016-02-22 19.49.352016-02-22 19.49.50

Yes, I know I still have the Christmas layout still up.  I have been working on the Ceiling Central that I have posted on the What did you do on your layout today topic.  There will be a big announcement on that one soon. 


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Jhainer posted: phone is so much easier LOL it does take good video's tho just wish I could keep it charged every time I go to use it, it is dead I think I keep leaving the wifi on.

If your car has one of those mini-cables in the console for charging-up phones, it is very helpful to do so on the way to destinations, even close ones. I use mine on long trips so the iPhone is ready along the way and when I arrive; plus, I just now charged the phone a bit on the way to the grocery store, which took me from the low 60's to the upper 70's.


Last edited by Moonson
jim pastorius posted:

I like the SW1500, the B&P mainline goes through my township.  I could go for one of those.

I really like the paint scheme! 

I was super excited to see the "York Rail" variant in the 2016 vol 1 catalog! However was disappointed to find out that the prototypes with the actual road numbers are GP16's not GP20's.

I think I'm going to hunt down all the "G&W" family engines that MTH has produced!

I was railfanning when the B&P was created from the B&O awhile back. It was a shoestring operation. They used a small Butler yard just off Rt422 and serviced their engine outdoors. You could park out of the way and walk down to the yard and engines. they were using Kyle leased engines, flat black with just "Kyle" on the side.  I think they were  SD9s. A local LHS has some engines with the G&W paint scheme but might be custom paints.

For some time I have marveled over the ad for the tubular track "T-tracker."  I thought about buying one and converting it to GarGraves.  I don't know if that was the designer in me, before getting into Quality Assurance I designed fire suppression systems and then automotive components both OEM and replacement.  But without access to drawings knew it would be chancy. 

Picking up the March 2016 issue of that other magazine, noticed in the "Product News"section a third page spotlight on the T-tracker II which is now made for GarGraves track and others.  Contacted Dick Dodd to confirm the GarGraves model would also work with Ross track.

Have only tested it on a couple of pieces of GarGraves laying around.  So far have found one little hiccup but have a quick temporary fix with a permanent fix in design.

But have to do more testing, evaluation and analysis with curve pieces before coming to a complete overall conclusion.

But really slick with testing so far!


Choo Choo kenny posted:

     PRRRONBH hope you don't mind me asking but that track tool does it grab the rails or the ties? Thanks and take care. Choo Choo Kenny


The tool clamps on to the vertical web of each outside rails.  By this I mean it clamps on to each side (vertical web) of each outside rail.  So it is not squeezing the outside rails toward each other.  But holding tight to each outside rail independently.



Last edited by PRRronbh

I bought a MTH Premier Montana Rail Link SD70ace from the buy sell board. I had been looking for one for a while and a forum member posted one for sale. Score!! Now to find the non powered. Of course I had to get a 3 pack of MRL wood chip hoppers to match from a forum sponsor. Hmmmm....and maybe a Atlas caboose to match also.  Very happy with the purchase.

Back home from the Pgh. Greenberg show. Number of dealers and crowd were a little thin but still lots to buy. Had a good time, bought 3 more engines I don't need. One was a Lionel 2020 since evryone has given it high marks although I have the other turbines. Runs good, nice tender.  Picked up ANOTHER 2065 because it was super clean and priced cheap. Runs good. Last and least was a 2016 that I didn't really know they made. was very low priced and bought it for the trucks possibly. Runs good but the paint is scuffed up.  Lots of layouts which I don't pay much attention to but no real parts dealers which disappointed me  and not too much Standard gauge. Did make a good contact with a guy to repair a Standard gauge motor I have. In  March we have the TCA show so more fun.

Here is my contribution, Ok cool for me.

Pick up two K Line ATSF Waycars( one wood and one steel) today at the train show in Bradenton Fl along with some books on Florida history for my daughter. 




These came a couple of days ago

Atlas/Roco PS1 NYC Systems


Atlas GN steel Reefer


Added to my German Truck collection.

1956 Henschel 3-180 TAS  and Old Timer truck Magazine from Germany





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My latest find from a auction last Wednesday, small auction there were a lot of flyer trains but I was able to pick up the Lionel 6440 Pullman cars and the 6441 Observation car. All were in great condition and with boxes.  


I need help identifying the parts in the next photo believe they are HO, both are made of brass and have lights.image

US Submarine Service, Retired


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suzukovich posted:

Here is my contribution, Ok cool for me.

Pick up two K Line ATSF Waycars( one wood and one steel) today at the train show in Bradenton Fl along with some books on Florida history for my daughter. 




These came a couple of days ago

Atlas/Roco PS1 NYC Systems


Atlas GN steel Reefer


Added to my German Truck collection.

1956 Henschel 3-180 TAS  and Old Timer truck Magazine from Germany




Everything is cool on your layout! ;-)

Mark Boyce posted:
suzukovich posted:

Here is my contribution, Ok cool for me.

Pick up two K Line ATSF Waycars( one wood and one steel) today at the train show in Bradenton Fl along with some books on Florida history for my daughter. 




These came a couple of days ago

Atlas/Roco PS1 NYC Systems


Atlas GN steel Reefer


Added to my German Truck collection.

1956 Henschel 3-180 TAS  and Old Timer truck Magazine from Germany




Everything is cool on your layout! ;-)

Thanks Mark. I guess you right with all that snow.  Of course by next month the wood ATSF waycar will be reconfigured and reflagged as an CB&Q waycar. I guess the ATSF purests out there will be screaming now. 

Lione89: That definitely will make a nice looking tunnel portal. Anyway some more stuff arrived the other day. OK cool for me.

Atlas GN Steel reefer and a NP Waycar.



From  the rebuild shop Atlas ATSF Reefer. The Bolsters had zinc rote and  when I bought it awhile back. Finally got around to repairing it with new bolsters 


Two more truck for my collection

Scania LB 140 Super Road with Curtain side trailer and a Scania L110S FINA Tanker






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My want list has become a list of hard to find items I want. So I figured after getting the email Aarons is now offering 40% off I took a ride there today. I had not been in there for quite some time and there is not much left considering what was in there to begin with. But I was able to get two Rail King water columns and for almost the price of one. In fact I got the last two. A pic of my buy...................PaulDSCN2305


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  • DSCN2305

I just bought 3 of these. More to follow...(9)

I found out 2 things as these are my first 89' 4" intermodal flat cars from Atlas. 1.) You cannot use the bridge plates with 2 45' trailers. There isn't enough clearance for the trailers since the plates are not hinged. And, 2.) The caboose derails going into an O-72 curve. I haven't tried it yet but I might be able to correct this if I put another car, like a Front Runner, ahead of the caboose. I'm just not sure if the Front Runner will derail. It's not a big deal either way as a unit train of flat cars probably looks better without a caboose.

TTX flat car


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  • TTX flat car
suzukovich posted:

Lione89: That definitely will make a nice looking tunnel portal. Anyway some more stuff arrived the other day. OK cool for me.

Atlas GN Steel reefer and a NP Waycar.



From  the rebuild shop Atlas ATSF Reefer. The Bolsters had zinc rote and  when I bought it awhile back. Finally got around to repairing it with new bolsters 


Two more truck for my collection

Scania LB 140 Super Road with Curtain side trailer and a Scania L110S FINA Tanker





Very nice Scanias there,do you have any more road haulage trucks?


 #1 son >ZackHowdy! I say Howdy, from down here in Chickenstick Arkansas ! How about this I know its not trains; but I just wanted to share it any way. Instead of laying train tracks; we go lay some rubber tracks. My sons first car, He bought and paid for this him self, but dad is the care taker of it until he turns 16 in about a year and a half. She's lean, mean and red. Price was right, it has less than 75,000 on it, sat for a lot of its life, Yes we had to throw a few extra bucks at it, some of the exhaust had  rusted away, it needed a tune up, and a brake master cylinder, other than that it is vey solid. She's 30 years old, but don't look a day over 20. Yummy! Oh yeah, Its numbers matching alsoWP_20160304_002


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  • 1986 Corvette: #1 Son's car
  • Zack
Last edited by Frisco Brakeman
gbarnewall posted:
suzukovich posted:

Lione89: That definitely will make a nice looking tunnel portal. Anyway some more stuff arrived the other day. OK cool for me.

Atlas GN Steel reefer and a NP Waycar.

From  the rebuild shop Atlas ATSF Reefer. The Bolsters had zinc rote and  when I bought it awhile back. Finally got around to repairing it with new bolsters 

Two more truck for my collection

Scania LB 140 Super Road with Curtain side trailer and a Scania L110S FINA Tanker





Very nice Scanias there,do you have any more road haulage trucks?


Quite a few. Other bad habit 1/43/1/50 European trucks. I have three( 1970s DAF and 2 x 1950s Mercedes) more that I bought from a Dealer in Portugal, that should be here in three weeks. 

Last edited by suzukovich

I just received this beautiful station from Crescent Locomotive Works. It fits an O-72 curve. My original plan was to place it in the rear of the layout, but due to changes I have made to the layout plan since I ordered the station, it would no longer fit in it's intended spot. I've moved it up to the front of the layout (much better visibility), but I can't use it in the intended manner (the three pieces should be end to end), but it still works for me.


And I went to Grzyboski's to pick up my 2015 National Train Day boxcar and, in a moment of weakness (and since Joe still had some in stock), I could no longer resist...


I passed on the 21 in. passenger cars - they are really too long for my space (and, frankly, I already have enough passenger cars!!!). And, since I am not a rivet counter, I have no problem using this beauty to pull my 20th Century Limited heavyweights.


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Added this scale set of Lionel F3's ( 6-14536 & 6-14539 ) to the fleet.  Some modifications to cab lighting are in order, before the bulbs burn through the roof.  If it's not too destructive, I'll also try closing the gap between units.

From what I gather, these were the first scale F3 offerings by Lionel and they haven't been offered with Legacy yet?


Another 1/43rd Nash Ambassador has arrived, a 1939 sedan (they are now offering a coupe, but towns with all coupes are not based on reality, just my fantasy), to go with the 1935 one I had...this is a lot of top of the line Ambassadors for the boonies I model, but I like "orphan" makes.  I hope it dawns on them to make a low-priced Lafayette, as they have a Terraplane for a low priced Hudson prewar example.  The model car makers lately seem better at putting out interesting models than do the train makers, and are getting my money.

suzukovich posted:
p51 posted:


Still can't believe I managed to find a train order sheet from the ET&WNC, but better still, it has locomotive # 12 listed on it, and is from the year and time of year my layout takes place!


That's a great find.  How did you come across it?

EBay has been very good to me lately for rare stuff. The funny thing with a RR that not-so-well-known, hardly anyone else wants the stuff, but among who do, well, money is sometimes no object.

I saw an employee pass from that RR from 1938, and it ended at just shy of $900! My Mom has always referred to that as having more money than sense.

Oh, I belong to that RR's historical association, and they just issued membership cards for the first time ever. I love mine that I got the other day in the mail!

Last edited by p51

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