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This  topic could apply to pretty much any thread on this forum, but I'm posting it here because I'm looking for structure's right now.


I'm seeing some great prices on Christmas discounted products, but I find myself wondering if the sellers (authorized sellers, most whom advertise here on OGR, *with* eBay stores), may reduce the price is due to overstock situations after Christmas.


I just made a purchase on eBay from a company whose name begins with the letter "O" (but not explicitly mentioned here). Their prices were dang good especially with free shipping.


So what is the general consensus? Buy now when discounts are good, or wait 'till after Christmas, where overstocking produces reduced prices (over stock inventory)?

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Originally Posted by Moonman:

There is no overstocking in today's business model. If it's a holiday structure that you want to purchase get it now.

Thank you!


I've taken your advice and hit [SUBMIT] for an order exceeding $100 for structures (only). Sheepishly they are Plasticville, but I honestly can't complain about previous Plasticville purchases.


I look at Plasticville is a very good starting point in building a set up and learning how to paint your structures or learning weathering techniques. I guess this is part of the process, right?

Last edited by JeffK

I agree with Moonman, especially if it's a holiday theme related item. The days of merchants, wholesalers, and distributors carrying huge inventories is history. Stay lean and is their credo today. Whether your taste is mainstream or more off beat, the prevailing sentiment remains constant, you snooze you loose, the best time to buy a "must have" train item is when you see it as there's no guarantee it'll ever come around again!

Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:

" snooze you loose..."

Hah, that's the rule for the "For Sale or Trade" portion of this forum!


I get up in the morning to see what is new and available, and 400 posts have already made offers on something I'm interested in.


It's too problematic for people like me, who don't have the computer on 24 hours a day, to compete with!


{A joke, no disrespect intended}

Last edited by JeffK

I have a list of Items I need, and ones I want. I also put next to sought items what they have sold or bought for. I try to stay within these boundaries as far as buying. Willing to go reasonable upward, but not ridiculously skyward in purchases. I'm finding out the hard way on some items I bought less then 6 months ago getting into "O" more seriously, that many that won't fit into my layout, instead of reclaiming some dollars, I'm seeing penny's. So I'm more cautious now in buying and can wait, its easier to wait now and run what I have, and if items I seek come up reasonable priced, I won't hesitate to "buy now".

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