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I have an MTH caboose (77183) coming in the mail.  I plan to install Tomar marker lights on the caboose.  What I'm wondering is how to wire these.


I know the Tomar marker light bulbs are 1.5 volt.  I also know the caboose has track power pickups for interior lighting.  But I also know if I connect the marker lights to the caboose power they will likely need some voltage reduction.


I suppose I could use a resistor.  Not exactly sure what rating though.  I guess I'll have to wait and see what voltage reduction the MTH caboose has installed.


Anyone know about the wiring of an MTH offset steel caboose?

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Matt, I have done this same mod on a few cabeese. I use 4 diodes. Wire two pair in series. Then wire the pair in parallel back to back. These 4 get wired in series with the interior lighting. The Tomar lamps are wired across the diode pack. The diodes drop ~1.5 volts. The back to back pair is required for AC power or DC if wanted them lit forward and reverse. Common 1N400x diodes work where x=1-8. The last number is the max reverse voltage times 100.



Originally Posted by Norton:I have a observation car I'd like to install 3 red LEDs to. One for the rear and one on each side. Can I wire the LEDs in series and power them off the rear dome lamp?

Matt, Here is a circuit that uses a bridge rectifier. By shorting the positive to negative terminals you achieve the same circuit as using 4 discrete diodes.




Originally Posted by Dale H:

Pete"s Method is good if you want to leave the incandescent bulb in the caboose. Another way is to use a Cl2-N3 chip. Shown here for a head lamp, but you could wire 2,red LEDs in series instead.


You could also use LEDs for general caboose lighting,described here


Dale H




The one's I installed:

 Tomar lights, 807L (LED)  should come complete with a small bridge rectifier and (2) dropping resistors, one for each LED.  I installed a couple on a tail end of passenger car.
Brighten the end of your train by adding
these markers to your observation car
or caboose! Kit includes two brass
marker with lens and 3V LEDs installed,
bridge rectifier and dropping resistors.
Markers can be track or battery powered.

LED between the Red and Blue wire.  
Bridge rectifier to the right. There are two dropping resistors one for each LED.

Last edited by Mike CT
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