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 They were my fathers from the late 40’s early 50’s. He can’t remember. He would have been 5-12 years old when he got them. I don’t see any markings on them.BA19171B-630D-4A1B-9993-5484294E26E687730F4A-98DE-4F2A-A532-74F62834189D I have asked at LHS and a couple of train shows. Some thought they a Colber. 

When I have looked on eBay for them. The Cobler looks correct to be but I have never seen them in black. I have only seen green, grey  and what looks like yellow or gold.

I did find one about two years ago at a show. The person selling it wasn’t sure since it didn’t come with a box.

Any information would be appreciated.


Images (2)
  • BA19171B-630D-4A1B-9993-5484294E26E6
  • 87730F4A-98DE-4F2A-A532-74F62834189D
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PINGMAN- They are plastic. I used to assume they were Marx since my father had 2 sets that were both Marx and all the other accessories (not many) were Marx. I compared them at a show and the bases and lenses are silightly different. Also, if my memory is correct there is also a small height difference.

BMORAN4- Ill just keep a look out for them. Now that I have confirmation that Colber made them in black.

Thanks for your replies.


Mark W.


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