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The OP's (Lionelrookie1992) question is not about wiring - it is about function - to transform that layout feature into FasTrack for 3 -rail use. The discussion of polarity just isn't relevant to 3 rail.

The beauty of the crossover reverse loop  is that it provides options for a single line layout to look like much more as the train moves around the line.

The open ends of the loops can be connected together somewhere or go to different areas, each with its own reverse loop, to provide multiple destinations.


I like the easement effect.   Just a small mod to add a bit of O48 (or better) leading every curve.


Trains rated for O36 minimum should roll smoothly through these loops with the O48 turnouts and easements.   This is just 3" wider than Moonman's good 4'6" version at the top of the thread, a small price to pay IMO for O48 turnouts rather than O36.  


Images (1)
  • Return_LoopV1g
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Jan,  I am changing my layout again and I liked the crossover and thought I might implement in to new design.  The 'crossover" was the key part. 

Thanks Ken for the easment plans too.  I will put an O-60 on the outside, so I can have two trains running.    I have 18' to work with, I think that will be just enough length


Bryan - aka LionelRookie and Fastrack Guy

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