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This is a new one for me, although I suspect others have already experienced something similar. I have an SD-45 from 2005 with 5v boards. The battery died, so every time I go to run it lately, I have to delete it out of the remote and then add it back in, where upon it works. This last time however, things went differently. I deleted the engine, but when I went to add it back, the remote says it is already added. I checked both the active and inactive lists, and it is nowhere to be found. So I can neither add or delete it. Is this the scenario where the "recover engine" function is used? Any suggestions beyond replacing the battery with either a good NiMH battery or a BCR? Is there a particular software version in the remote I need to be using? I have 4.10 loaded.






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I scared up a BCR and installed it. Put the engine on the track and applied power, 20v. Voltage is on the track, as the caboose lights up. Let the BCR charge, and did a READ to confirm the TIU is set to 1. (It is.) Followed Barry's instructions for the recovery function. No joy. The remote comes back with no engine recovered. Tried twice, same result. Just for curiosity's sake, I tried to add the engine anyway. I now get the message, no engine to add.

I also put the engine on a track with no DCS signal present. The engine does work in conventional mode, sounds and forward/reverse.






Originally Posted by lehighline:

I scared up a BCR and installed it. Put the engine on the track and applied power, 20v. Voltage is on the track, as the caboose lights up. Let the BCR charge, and did a READ to confirm the TIU is set to 1. (It is.) Followed Barry's instructions for the recovery function. No joy. The remote comes back with no engine recovered. Tried twice, same result. Just for curiosity's sake, I tried to add the engine anyway. I now get the message, no engine to add.

I also put the engine on a track with no DCS signal present. The engine does work in conventional mode, sounds and forward/reverse.






replace the BCR with a battery( Make sure the battery is fully charged). Then try it again.  I had an issue with a BCR and a 5V board, Put the battery back in after charging it and no issues . With a BCR you need to set the transformer at 11 until the BCR is charged( 10 sec). You might of blown the BCR by jumping to 20v which is too much power anyway.. Next time set the transformer at 15v.  




Last edited by suzukovich

Sorry for the disappearance. I ended up getting completely sidetracked and had to take this off the front burner.

First sidetrack: no 9v battery in the house. I figured as long as I was going to open the engine up again, I'd install a NiMH battery instead of a NiCd. It turns out 9v NiMH batteries are now as scarce as hen's teeth, and considerably more expensive! The only place I could find one locally was Radio Shack, and they wanted $25! No way!

So the engine sat while I took care of other items.

Tonight I set up a 3ft piece of track and connected a TIU through Fixed1. I left the BCR in from before, just to see what would happen. I let the engine sit at 18v for several minutes, and tried again to add it to the remote. It took! I have complete control: horn, bell, couplers, smoke, motion.

But all is not well. The engine now stutters and jerks every time I set it in the forward direction. In reverse it is as smooth as silk.

I checked both trucks for binding and foreign objects and found none.

I also set the track to be powered through Fixed2. W/o a jumper to Fixed1, the TIU is off. The engine responded perfectly in conventional mode. Forward and reverse are smooth as silk.  Which means the problem is not the motor or gearing, but rather the electronics. What should I check next?




What transformer are you using and how are you controlling voltage on Fixed 2?  Check the motor leads and connections.


In conventional your getting full voltage correct?  Does the engine smooth out in DCS at higher speeds?


Take shell off and watch the motors to see if one is dragging at low speed.  Could be a bad motor, that is assuming that in conventional the voltage applied was high, were as DCS at speed 1-6 you only applying low voltage pulsed to the motors.   G


For testing purposes my setup is a rebuilt 1960s era ZW and a single piece of GG track. The ZW is tied straight to Fixed 2 input. The Fixed 2 output side has color coded dual banana plugs leading to aligator clips, which connect at the track, no lock on. I verified the colorcode and wires are correct: Black to black to outside rail, red to red to center rail.


In conventional mode, I applied just enough voltage to get the engine moving. Probably 6-7 volts. For command mode,  I move connections over to Fixed 1 input/output and apply ~18v into Fixed 1. In either case, I should be getting what ever voltage I set the transformer to on the track.


I will try running it longer to see if it will smooth out. Maybe I will run the alligator leads right to the engine for this test.


BTW, I have a second SD45 of the same age that responds correctly in both command and conventional on this setup, so I don't think that is the issue. I noted that the sounds died immediately with this engine when I took it off the track, which means the battery in it is also low or dead. I will not run it again until I install a new battery or BCR.




I played a bit with both engines tonight. I'm running with the ZW set at 18v going through Fixed 1. I laid an engine on its side and connected the red alligator lead  to the pickup and the black alligator lead to screw on the frame. I also tried connecting to the other truck block. (No electrical difference.) Both engines respond pretty much the same way: The rear wheels start turning as soon as I scroll up the speed. The front wheels do not move until the speed setting is somewhere between 6 and 10 mph. The problematic unit's front truck starts turning ~6mph, while the "good" unit starts closer to 10mph. Go figure.  If I put a finger on a turning rear wheel, the front wheels pickup speed in proportion to how much slower the rear is turning. The more drag on the rear wheels, the faster the front ones go. The rear truck has a fair amount of torque available to the wheels. The front truck has virtually no torque. No stuttering or jerkiness was noted with any of the 4 trucks.

I put the track back into the picture. The problematic SD continues to jerk down the track in forward. I had it up to 12mph with no change. The other SD jerks a very little bit on starting, then smooths out, even at 3mph.


BTW, both units are RK, bought in 2005 with 5v boards.




Your rear motor has the tach so when it is slowed down by your finger it is sensed and the voltage is increased to both motors.  That is why the front speeds up.  You can unplug the 5 wire motor connector and measure resistance on the motors and try running individually on DC with an amp meter in line.


Or, swap the front motors of the bad engine to the good and vice versa to see if the symptom follows the front motor.


If not the motors, possibly some gear lash issues in the truck block causing the stuttering.  These problems are some of the hardest to trace down.  At least you have a duplicate engine to compare against.  G

I got to thinking that since the engine behaved differently when it was by itself on the track and when I had it on its side that perhaps it would behave differently on the layout. So I put it back on the layout and connected a train; maybe 10-12 cars. It loaded right into the remote without a hitch, and then proceeded to run perfectly! Go figure!


So next question: I suspect I have a fair number of PS2 engines w/ 5v boards. (Need to pull my inventory sheet and physically track each one down. Unfortunately I did not record that piece of info when I entered them.) With NiMH batteries are scarce as hen's teeth, is it going to be cost effective to pull the old NiCds out and replace them w/ BCRs? Or am I throwing good money after bad?




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