Dale, you have to remember that for most electronics that are properly designed, they're not running the components over their ratings.
I designed electronic equipment for a long time, and a major consideration in component selection was the specifications of the component and the characteristics of the circuit. I spent 20 years in aerospace, primarily in fuel systems and cockpit instrumentation. When you build stuff that has to function properly at and ambient of 85C and down to -40C, you select the components very carefully.
Running stuff outside it's rated specifications just isn't a real good idea.
Take your DC relay as an example.
Let's say you have a coil resistance of 100 ohms and 12V supply, that is 1.44 watts into the coil.
Now, let's increase the voltage to 18 volts, and now you're dissipating 3.24 watts, over twice the power. That heat has to go somewhere, and if the ventilation isn't good for the relay, you may end up with toast.