Tonight I started the next build, Downtown Deco Palace Hotel / Card Room. Nice size building to place just about anywhere on the layout. I sanded all the edges that needed to be glued and the bottom to keep everything nice and square. I also add corner bracing to help strengthen the corner joints. I use 5 min epoxy when I glue up hydrocal kits. I learned the hard way on my very first kit some years ago and was told I could use white glue or CA glue. I attempted to use CA glue. I had glued three walls together and went to move what I had only to have glue let go and the front wall do a face plant onto my 1/4" sheet of plate glass and break into about 5 or 6 pieces. From then on I only use 5 min. epoxy. Anyway, here is what I have so far. The one side wall had a slight bow to it, so I will have to put a drain pipe or some ivy over that corner to hide the seam.