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mwb: or someone....I had a source YEARS ago for decal paper, but then got a number of freelance private roadname decals printed (by a source now probably gone, too).

Will you or someone elaborate on sources and techniques to aid the poster, and

educate the rest of us?  ( when I was doing this..I think I got the paper printed by a print shop long before computers, so am guessing this is a do-it-yourself project


Originally Posted by coloradohirailer:

mwb: or someone....I had a source YEARS ago for decal paper, but then got a number of freelance private roadname decals printed (by a source now probably gone, too).

Will you or someone elaborate on sources and techniques to aid the poster, and

educate the rest of us?  ( when I was doing this..I think I got the paper printed by a print shop long before computers, so am guessing this is a do-it-yourself project


Start by looking in the Scenery Sourcelist at the top of the page in this section.


The subject of making your own decals comes up frequently, no exaggeration - try searching the forum.


MicroMark and other sell decal paper for both laser printers and inkjet printers - both clear and white background paper. 


If you have a computer and decent printer, and are willing to follow vendor instructions and thereafter play around experimenting with the whole thing, you can make decent decals.  Printing white is the obstacle.....


There are far more talented folks here than I when it comes to doing this and I'd think that some would be willing to chine in - I'm merely passingly adequate, at best...

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