Troubleshooting hard to reach turnouts with the non derailing feature tries my patience. I almost got trapped under the train table threading my way through table legs and storage pallets to check the terminal strip connections. Next try is making sure there are no metal "hairs" causing a short at the insulated track joints. It's possible I skipped fixing this turnout while running trains since it was little used and out of the way. That's a no no. The train fairy doesn't fix glitches while I'm not looking.
Track glitches and accessory repairs overwhelm if allowed to multiply. I had set aside Dad's Gantry Crane while looking for a replacement coil assembly. The coil assembly arrived and now I have both repairs before I run my long trains and big engines. (my reward for keeping up maintenance)
Update: After a "Duh" moment I realized one controller switches two turnouts and I had been concentrating on the bottom switch. All I had to do was run an old fashioned fuzzy pipe cleaner under the top insulated control track joints. I couldn't even see the what was spanning that space.
See the distance between top and bottom turnouts connected to one Z-Stuff controller.
The insulated pins below are above whatever conductive particles were wiped out with a pipe cleaner.