Several years ago I created a 12' by 9' layout utilizing Lionel Tubular track that I had for years. The track plan included a single rail around the perimeter (42" curved tracks), a smaller oval inside the larger one and many sidings to store trains and cars including a passenger area and a freight area. RMT had a good sale on their snap track with a hidden third (middle) rail that looked quite good to me so I began the process of swapping out the tubular track for the snap track, much of it purchased on EBay.
My mistake and my problem was keeping the old 0 gauge switch tracks (022) which utilize the 31" curves which are now causing me problems with some newer engines I had bought. New Snap track switches are $120 a pair and would cost me over $1,000 to replace all my switches and they are still 031 curves. I have been looking for 042 switches but just can imagine what they will cost and I am trying to see what changes I will have to make to accommodate the wider curves. Has anyone know of the availability of 042 switch tracks?