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It’s nice to see that you guys the other side of the pond still respect ‘fathers day’  when we we have some Australian nutter that wants to change it to a ‘special person’ day in the UK and other nations.

A father is a very special person and as a grandfather myself it is down to me to give our 16 month grandson the opening to the world of toy trains. At this moment I am debating do I put up a simple pre war O gauge tinplate layout or go straight into an S gauge set up, which is more my area of knowledge. Time is still on my side at the moment, just.

Last edited by Ukaflyer
@Bart1 posted:

Curious why 3 posts on same subject from ??

I'll hazard a guess. One on the O scale forum, one on the G scale forum and one on the S scale forum. This coincides with the scale specific sales.

Much more logical than "another vendor" that posted  a " big Memorial  Day sale" on every single forum topic whether it was relevant or not. At least Ro respected the  meaning behind Memorial day, and posted no sales.

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