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I picked this Downtown Deco kit to help finish out the last block of Northbrook. This is basically the First Timer Bar with the alternate signage. I think this is the same alternate signage for the Mahoney's Pub kit too. I like theses smaller DD kit and it looks like I could fit another small building alongside it.







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Hi guys, thanks for the kind words!


C.sam, no plans for the sky other than to keep it looking hazy. Most of these quick photo shots sort of wash it out but it's a very light blue drybrushed over light gray.


Bill, this one was bombed with Rustoleum primer, sealed with Dullcote, then spackled a bit. I followed up with some acrylic washes. I have been sealing the base color with Dullcote to keep the spackled mortar from getting smeared up with the base color. This seems to work OK since I tend to rush the mortaring and weathering.


I am hoping to get this area 'done' this weekend depending on how ambitious I feel.

Last edited by Norm Charbonneau

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